2015-06-25 00:26:53

Hi all,

The other day someone talked me about muds. then I asked him: What are muds? And he answered me that a mud is like an online platform where the characters do what you write. However, this explanation wasn't clear enough and it only made me to have more curiosity.

Then, please could you give me an answer? What is a Mud? What is the best Mud client? Is still there anyone who uses it? How does it work? I'm totally new at it and I'd like to know about the subject.

Thank you very much!

2015-06-25 03:31:18 (edited by TBlaze 2015-06-25 03:39:49)

I'm sure others will give you a better description than I will, but I'll get you started with some info.   A mud is a text based game.   There are websites that have information about them, and you need a mud client to play.   One that may be good for beginners is  VIP Mud.  A lot of the games are fantasy games. Medieval, magic, or space base.   But there are many different ones out there.   Some have sound packs which allow them to have sounds to them.  I'm a little short on time now, but  in the meantime check out this link.  http://www.aardwolf.com/about-muds.html And feel free to send me a private message, or use my Skype/Twitter.  Take care

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
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2015-06-25 04:05:08

A little extended information, muds are servers that run on either someone's local machine, or on a dedicated server, or even a VPS does quite nicely. MUD stands for Multi-user dungeon and was back when D&D was in its prime. Although muds can have nothing to do with fantasy and or magic, a lot of them do, however, there are plenty of sci fi muds. On windowsI would recommend MUSHClient, although you do need a plugin for it to read automatically. What you need to connect to a mud is its server IP and port. You plug these into your client so it knows where to connect. A MOO is like a mud but more extensive in the features it offers. A MUSH is another form, and instead of hack 'n slash, MUSHs focus on roleplay, although, of course you can have a roleplay enforced mud. What you want to do is to find a site that has a database of muds that you can look through to find the type of mud you want to play, www.mudconnect.com and www.topmudsites.com are two. Sorry, I was too lazy to create the links.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2015-06-25 09:52:12

Hi and welcome to the forum.

A description of muds (along with other types of games), can be found Here however To texplain in a bit more detail, a mud as people have said is primarily a text game. You play a little as you would in an interactive fiction game, ie you will see a description like:
"You are in a forest, there is a sword lying on the ground, paths lead north south east and west and there is an ogre near you"

Here you could do things like go in any direction, cast a spell, pick up the sword and attack the ogre.
The difference with muds however is firstly that they're played in real time, so the ogre would attack you every second, and also sinse muds are (as Ironcross said), multi user there are lots of other players online at the same time as you.

This means letting you keep up with the text speech and also play the mud efficiently can be interesting, although lots of the better classes of mud are ones with some assistance for screen readers like low spam modes where there is less text to listen to in combat so you can react faster.

As indicated,  many muds are fantasy themeed, with an rpg feel to them where you wander around in a fantasy kingdom, play classes like warrior and clerric, battle lots of monsters and complete quests. Other muds are scifi based and can have you flying around in spaceships, mining asteroids and blowing up aliens or space pirates, however others can be utterly different, you could build an empire or just be in a region full of puzzles. Some muds even despense with the gaming rpg like aspects and have everything by roleplay, so you type as your character does, pick up objects, move around and talk to others and don't fight anything in a predone quest.

To play a mud you will need a client, and then to connect your client to the mud in question, you usually do this by going to connect and typing in the mud's connection info which can be something like "nameofmud.whatever, port some numbers"

The Client I personally use is  Vipmud index page here  from www.gmagames.com. It has the advantage of being designed to work with screen readers or sapi and will work out of the box.
People also recommend Mushclient find out more here which as has been said needs some plugins working to run correctly.

As to what mud to start with, Well a good place to start might be Alter aeon This is a typical fantasy game with six different classes of character to play, a huge world to explore, lots of quests and things to do as well as regular events. It's had a lot of very Vi specific additions to to make it as friendly as possible to screen readers, including a unique client of it's own called mushZ which adds a huge number of sounds to the game and transforms it into an audio rpg.

Other very vi friendly muds include The huge, complex and very detailed Materiamagica the intensively realistic western themed Clok mud the battle heavy Aardowlf,

And turning to scifi there is the combative Miriani, The ever expanding Prometheus and the gentle, mysterious puzzle driven Flux world, their own site is here

Lots of others exist of course, and you'll here about several on this forum, or can find more by looking on www.whitestick.co.uk's games to play online page, but there are some ideas.

I'd highly recommend starting with Alteraeon sinse with it's own sound client and very newbie friendly atmosphere it's a good place to learn about muds even if fantasy rpg style combat fests aren't your thing over all. Aardwolff also might be a good one to begin with sinse again though it's heavily hack n slash it's got a lot of features to make life easier and a very good and decent new player tutorial, plus where Alteraeon has it's own sound client, aardwolf works in a more standard way with text, but it's really up to you.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-25 15:03:06

For anyone who has used MUSHZ, it's essentially MUSHClient with a bunch of triggers and aliases, and plugins, it still needs the MUSHReader plugin to work, so anyone who has used that, can jump into muchclient. I'd recommend downloading the latest portable of mushclient and installing the plugins you want, its easy to use and you can make MUSHReader a global plugin, so it gets used for all worlds you have stored, or create.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2015-06-26 01:23:33

Hi guys, thanks a lot for all your replies. I think that the muds are very interesting and I want to try one now! Now the problem is to choose one from the clients... lol

Speaking about clients, do you know something about a mud client called "Balzhur"? Some people also have me asked me what is it, and it was the first client that I knew which is for a Muds.

Hmm, I'm thinking in use the client that has a tutorial, maybe it could make the things easier.

Regards, and again thanks!

2015-06-26 11:59:25

@HummingBirdGuy, I've never heard of that client.

I heard of one called Monkey term, and another known as Z mud, although the two most people recommend are Vipmud and Mushclient. 

Vipmud I personally find  far easier to pick up and use. Mushclient I think is better if you want to do really complex stuff, like make your own soundpacks and what not, but if you just want to pick up and play with some default easy to use functions I'd personally recommend Vipmud, it's a choice thing though.

As to where to start, Alteraeon is a very good beginner choice. Even though I usually prefer Vipmud, the  MushZ client for it is an amazing thing, just bare in mind that's not how most muds opperate.

If you want a more standard mud to start with, as I said I'd  suggest Aardwolf, sinse it has a very good newbie area, lots of quests and things to do and an extremely ood newbie academy that teaches you all about the game and a bit about muds in general.

While it doesn't have the awsome sounds and triggers of Alteraeon, it's a more standard mud experience if you want to play more muds, sinse many people play Alteraeon with it's great sounds and full trigger system then expect all muds to be like that without realizing just how much work has gone into  devising the MushZ client to work as it does.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)