2015-06-16 14:50:03

The server is still works

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-06-16 15:11:55

hey where is the game info?
what is this game about, and is it still active? just read the hacking posts and completely lost.

"He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes; he who asks no questions stays a fool forever." - Chinese proverb
"dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the messenger of death will not be able to touch you" - Guru Nanak
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. - 1 Corinthians 13; 4

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2015-06-16 17:32:29

This is why you use a password manager and use passwords upwards of 12 characters.
A password of mine will look something a bit like this:
I use a password manager to store my passwords, so at least this way, I can keep my accounts decently secured, and the passwords almost impossible to guess, unless you some how got a hold of the password database.
Just a suggestion.

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2015-06-16 17:44:06

i have no idea what is happening. again the  server is too lgaay i think that's not  ns studios that's  you have made something wrong in the coed and it's lagging again.

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2015-06-17 18:18:37 (edited by Brynify 2015-06-17 18:19:13)

Hello all,

UltraPower can now be downloaded from ultrocity.com. The sound-worx website had been hacked. Enjoy!

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2015-06-17 18:34:46

Ultrocity audio, you might have to prove to people that you are a safe source to download the game from.  We are all used to seeing the developer post using the forum name soundworx.  Seeing this posted by a brand new name that only has 1 post, should make most people a bit weary about downloading from this new source.  (Just my 2 cents)

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-06-17 19:07:31

Can do. one second.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2015-06-17 19:24:36

Unfortunately, I am unable to enter the sound_worx account anymore. I had some hacking problems recently and am guessing that it was taken along with everything else. That is something I could not help at the time, but I am going to fix this problems. Now, it is not possible to get the UP passwords anymore, so that part is fine. I'm very sure that a lot of people are bashing on me for whatever reason, which is fine, but I'm hoping to fix this.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2015-06-17 21:52:35 (edited by ambro86 2015-06-17 21:54:54)

Hello Aprone, I can confirm that the program is the Ultra Power, so is not a virus or other things. But for now tells me that server doesn't work because bandle exceeded or something similar. I hope I will not loose my account with my stats, because I was strong! smile

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2015-06-17 22:53:41

anbro, it means that the bandwitch excceeded or I

73 Wj3u

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2015-06-17 23:03:44

Hi Luis, I don't know. The error is:
Server lost. Reason:
<TITLE>509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded</TITLE>
<H1>Bandwidth Limit Exceeded</H1>

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2015-06-17 23:04:22

Mason: I feel the need to check up on something. Can you tell me what date this release of Ultra power is from? I've just found something, quite interesting.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-17 23:23:38

The current one? today. 6/17/2015.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2015-06-18 07:57:04

Awesome. thank you for confirming this. If you said an other date, then I really started to worry. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-18 08:02:19

I'm sorry about that. I will do everything in my power to make sure this breach does not happen again.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2015-06-18 09:17:35

Thanks for your hard work for the community mason.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-06-18 10:28:24

hi mason. the client has asingle bug. when i click  on the check for updates it says that i'm using a newer version than on the site. and the version on the site is 0.
please fix this. i think it's because it checks for updates on the old  site. on sound-worx.com

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2015-06-18 10:57:48

Just don't messed with it. smile

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-06-18 20:49:18

and i dont understand a thing. after  reaching at level150 why can't i switch between twoo maps available for me?

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2015-06-18 22:18:31


Vlad, you can only go the map that is assigned for your level. And UP has to be redownloaded from ultrocity_audio.com before the updater will work.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2015-06-19 08:51:40

i did this. and auto updater works but only when i check or updates manually i have that error.

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2015-06-19 09:05:41

I cannot Access that page.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-06-19 09:15:30

e hi. for my web based space invaders game and going to use audio clips. what should the main screen look like. did find a accessibility javascript library for the canvas.  Also found a space invaders game, code example. any ideas, or suggestions. thanks.

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2015-06-19 13:09:50

the correct page  is

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2015-06-19 16:08:31

@ultracity starting from now you will no longer use the sound worx website?
Greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.