2015-06-16 02:48:17

I would not just record their user name and computer name. Perhaps recording their IP address, operating system, location, hardware configuration (if possible), anda ll other information you can retrieve. Then, send it in to the NSA. They'll take it from there.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2015-06-16 03:34:53

It was supposed to do IP, but that got broken

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-16 04:40:40

Well well well, very intresting update. Yup, it was guillem. That sun of a mother... Well, remember how I got the IP logged into the masonasons skype account? Well intrestingly enough, the IP of the skype name guilevi2, which is guillems skype name, is the exact same. Nice shot there, guillem. Also, before I actually got his skype IP, he was sending me chats about how mason's security was shit. From Guillem, Although I'm sure it wouldn't have been hard to get Mason's password. I'm going to be very honest with you: His security is shit. I've confirmed it with another guy I know and it's easy as heck to get any info you really want if you're bored enough, sent on Monday, June 15, 2015 5:06:35 PM. Some of his other chats, I asked him what he had: From Guillem, I don't think I have anything else except for what he's given me himself. Apart from his password, that is. Although I haven't done anything with it that affects him apart from that script. I was pretty sure he wouldn't have put his source code in a server handled by a script like that, but I tried it anyway, don't ask., sent on Monday, June 15, 2015 5:16:50 PM. I don't believe it at all, the IP's match, no other explination needed. From Guillem, Lol well, I guess the one who did it was smart enough to figure out it was a bait before actually running it, sent on Monday, June 15, 2015 5:55:19 PM. Well guillem, apparently, you were the one, and were not smart enough. From Guillem, About the IP, I don't think that has anything to do with me. As far as I know my IP has nothing to do with that one except for the first field, and I am nowhere near Badalona anyways, sent on Monday, June 15, 2015 5:56:06 PM. Well I don't think that's true, Masonasons and guilevi2 matched 100 percent. I told him I wanted to be sure. He asked what I wanted, and I said this. From Sam Tupy, so i'm gonna send you a file, and when you run it it sends me your IP. It will show you as well, but it's just for me to be sure. Unless You know someone from that city who might be involved because someone from there was in mason's skype, sent on Monday, June 15, 2015 6:04:24 PM. And then, nothing sence. I geolocated his skype IP, and compared it to the other one, completely the same. Weather he pleeds guilty or not, can someone explain, if he does, how 2 IP's are the exact same and he wasn't the one who did it?

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-16 13:41:45

Gosh! 446 passwords that is ridiculous

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2015-06-16 17:02:54

I am the individual known as Guillem (btw, thanks for giving that out, I had no intention to) who Sam has been talking about for the last day. I don't know what this will exactly get me, but it surely will be nothing good from most of you. I believe all the information you need is in the following message I sent to Sam a minute ago:

Message start:
Sam, the fact that I didn't respond has nothing to do with any of this. I ended up going to bed, so I had no idea you even sent a message. yes, I did leave my computer on, I do that all the time. But if you really want to know what happened, then I will tell you. Yes, Mason's security is total and complete shit. Actually, I should say, it's nonexistant. I've had his password for half a god damn year, and have managed to get it from different systems about 3 times without him even noticing, thanks to the help of some other person whom I shall not mention. We never, ever used it for anything, and I am being 100% truthful here, believe it or not. I've told Mason himself a few times that he should implement security, and he didn't give a shit about it. Literally everything someone had to do to get a user's password was download a file from an http server and open it in notepad. All the passwords, including mine and even yours, were right there. Some of us were smart enough to use fake passwords because there was no way to trust Mason. I had absolutely no intention of using hihs password whatsoever, since I do not support this sort of stuff (yes, I have been hacked myself and it was my own fault, I know what it feels like). I had pretty much given up on Mason's security issue, though. I was never a fan of his games, but I never intended on causing them damage. But when I heard about the whole thing with Mason getting hacked for the first time, I admit, I found it a bit funny. I found it funny that someone had actually stumbled uppon Mason's security issue and used it to actually hack into Mason's account. Or so I thought. When after loads of yelling, public screams for help like the audiogames.net thread and two mass skype messages, he announced it had been nothing but a prank,  was the last straw. I ahd no intention of causing damage to him or anyone involved with his life, but he wasn't going to learn from people yelling at him about his security. Maybe I was a bit too hyper, maybe I thought that woudl be a way to make him learn, but the point is, me and the other person did get into his twitter and his skype. No matter how hyper or whatever the heck i was, I took extra care not to do anything that would endanger him or anyone who got involved in the process, but I did take care to do enough so he noticed that his security couldn't hold up to much, if anything. I didn't see it as a hostile move to cause him trouble, but as a nudge for him to actually get off his butt and code actual security into his projects, because he is not the only one being affected by this. He is putting absolutely all of you in risk. All of you who play his games, have your passwords stored as plain text. Yes, I did have people ask me what his password was when I casually told someone that Mason's security was bad. And I think you will agree with me on the fact that, no matter how much I make fun of his security, I don't want to give personal information like that out. I didn't think it was safe enough in my hands, let alone in the hands of someone who wants it to, quote, give himself an infinite level on ultrapower and ban all the admins, unquote. All of the stuff that me and my friend did was not meant to cause any damage, again. Hell, I thought Mason would have noticed when I literally started having conversations with himself on his own timeline. That's pretty much the whole story. I know this will get me yelled at, because no matter how I thought of what I did, I'm sure every one of you will just see it as a hack with no good intentions. But that's your choice. I know why I did what I did and that's enough for me. If Mason learns from this, I am happy, even if he hates my guts for the rest of his life. Oh, about your sourcecode going public, I have no idea how that happened. I gave absolutely nothing out, and I am 100% certain that other person didn't either. Right, that's all, I believe. Your move. Think what you will.
Message end.

For some of you this might be surprising, and for some of you who I have never met before, I know this is not a very good starting point. But like I said, think what you will. I did all that needed to be done and now it's not my business any more than it needs to be.

Thank you.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2015-06-16 18:28:39

It took guts to come forward like that.  At the very least, I think we can all appreciate that the mystery is solved and we have the story now.  Assuming this is the whole story of course.

I really can't tell how the rest of this conversation is going to go, so I'll just sit back and hopefully not have to moderate any type of flame war.  People might be mad, people might get rude, but it's just as possible that people will be understanding... heck, maybe even supportive.  No matter which side you end up on, keep it civil guys.

- Aprone
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2015-06-16 18:36:44

*insert lots of angry rant here so aprone can moderate and has something to do here*
That said, I guess you're like a grey hat hcker-you hack people's computer and then tell them how you hacked into their computers.
Anyway, I don't care. If you don't have security it's inevitable that you're going to be hacked. Then again, you might be lying and just did it for fun.
If you're not lying, I hope people can find who stole the sourcecode.

This is not a signature.

2015-06-16 18:43:33

last night, he was lying to me. But heres the thing. You don't use someones password to hack it, then say oh, I did it as a nudge. Truth is you don't hack it anyway. Thanks to that, the source went public, people were posting about you doing that, and I have no reason to believe it wasn't you. I still wonder who hacked the dropbox then if it wasn't you, but I think it was. You dang sure caused a lot of dammage though, like, a lot. First, who blocked half the contacts on mason's skype? Then oh, it's not dammage, setting mason's moodtext to his password and using it to lie to me? Sure guillem, I don't think those are the only reason's you did that.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-16 18:50:15

Guillem is not lying. He is an honest man. @guillem: While hacking technically leads to no good intention, I'm giving you credit here. You, unlike other hackers, had an intention other than unnecessary destruction. You did it to make a point, and if nothing else could tell him how at risk these games are without effective security measures, this did, or should've done it. So you might be, by some people's definition, a hacker, but I say you're an honest one. You did it with a valid intention. Usually most other hackers have a head with no brain and just do it for fun knowing it will get under peoples' skin. Yes, this caused some confusion and frustration, but everyone was right to get pissed off over it. Every hacker has a cover story, and usually the only way to fully disclose it is for the person doing it to tell everyone what they really mean to do. Really no other hacker does that, which is why I think you don't fall under the category of just being a plain and simple hacker. We know you did it only to drive the point home that he, plain and simple, *needs* to implement full security. That said, until the security is implemented, I advise everyone to use hotspot shield until the issue is resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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2015-06-16 19:54:25

A freaking maising.
And not in a good way either.
You're just like one of these phone freaks that hacked the bell system because they could. This isn't even a good idea to prove a point to somebody. From what you've posted here, you can actually be put in jail for a long time, no kidding. Having had experience with hackers myself, I know that its not funny and people are likely to report them.
So good luck. In my opinion, this is morraly wrong on so many levels. What started as a prank has turned into something that is totally rediculous and you, guilevi, are the perpertrater. While you had mildly good intentions, the fact remains this is still wrong. the correct thing to do would have been to tell mason what, precisely, you would have done, how it would have been done and why you would do it. I have to admit, though, it took real guts to come forward and out yourself to an entire community. But there are better ways of going about this. I don't think what you've done is actually very fair to mason. Ok, his security is rubbish. So tell him and explain rather than say hahahahahhaahaha lets hack mason and show him how crap he is!

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2015-06-16 20:19:43

@Kyle12, hacking Masons systems was the only way to get him to listen. we told him that has security was complete shit gave no result, so we had to take it to extra measures. Guillem cannot go to Jail because he had a complete, valid point he was trying to point out but could not.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

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2015-06-16 20:28:15

@ethin. That doesn't stop the way in which he did it being illegal. I understand proving a point was the only way to get him to listen, but I also understand that two wrongs do not make a right what so ever and that this is against a few laws, not just in the US, but in the UK and europe.

Underworld Tech.
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2015-06-16 20:40:20

Coming forward about this was the only way to clear all the mess that this whole sequence of events created. I just thought it was right to do it because, even if it brought my reputation right down to hell, no-one would need to lie about anything anymore and everyone would know the true story from an irrefutable point of view.
@kyle12 are you saying this just because you can? Honestly, reporting something like this, all between minors and with no intention of harm, would make no sense to me. I understand I may have been a bit too harsh. But going that far? I just don't know.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2015-06-16 21:06:43

Ok. if I were a moderator, I would have given the moderation message. Let me say this, though. Ethin and Kyle are both right and wrong in their own way. I know about the law. I am not sure how this would be handled in Spain or England, but, if Mason, ever desired to, he could press charges and lie. He could say that Guillem hacked into his pc and gave him a virus, or caused some sort of damage that really never occured, just because. He could turn this story inside out and mess it up. There are people who hack their own companies, only to test the securety. Guillem, from that standpoint was just proving the point that securety is vital, especially, if mason wants to make his game shareware. A true hacker, with no good intention, could easily get my credit card info, and everything else, if the game was shareware at the time of the hack. Now, think about this. I know Mason wouldn't lie and get guillem into trouble like that, but if that had have been someone else? In the late 80's and early to mid 90's, there was a hacker named  Kevin Micknick. He was the most wanted hacker in the United States. You know why? He hacked people for fun. He didn't do it out of mean spirits, he didn't put anything on the devices he hacked. He took code and other files he needed from the computers he hacked. He was arrested twice. Now, he works as a securety consultant, hacking computers, just to test their securety. He gets paid for hacking. It all  started from, guess what? A prank! Guillem, you did the right thing and said why you did the hack. You may say you're completely off the hook. That is now in the hands of Mason, sam, and everyone else who's passwords you reaped. If you were so desperate to have him get better securety, you could have put securety in, while you were involved with the hack. Now, everyone, I beg of you that what I said doesn't turn into a flame war like everything else I say does. I am only setting some facts. This is the end of my rant.

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

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2015-06-16 22:06:41

Wow guillem and ethin. Because of your hack, my source code is leaked, everyone knows mason's password, and I wonder now if ethin, was the other guy. I could say so many bad things right now about the both of you and it's taking all I have to hold back. Yeh, like hackings gonna make mason change his security. Well, it made him never use dropbox again for crap, you scared the hell out of him, took his shit, went into his skype, set his mood text, lied to me, made everyone think mason betraid them. Sure I didn't even know his passes were in plain text and that sort of pisses me off, mine were never in plain text and I always encrypted them, but still. That is about the only thing I can blaim mason for, that's it. And maybe having the same password so his security could have improvements, but going in and screwing him over like that was no help to him. If anything, it got him pissed off more than anything, and the fact that 2 game devs are immature enough to go hacking into another game devs account is just stupid as hell. I know i'm being very harsh but that just ain't how it works, how immature do you gotta be to see that. It's to bad this situation wasn't completely turned completely around on both of you guys, it would suck to be you. You have envaded privicy, stollen source code which you will not admit too, and btw if ethin isn't that other guy, I'd have to guess brian smart has something to do with this because he showed the source code. I don't know what got into your brains. Ok, credit for admitting, But this situation has gotten me more angry than most. I thought you 2 at least had common sence. Deleting everyone from mason's skype and threatoning to publisize sourcecode, more proof that you probably had it, and my source code, I didn't wanna be in this mess, but when mason blocks me and when people are scrolling threw my crap, and when sam and mason is cleared, yeh I am gonna get into these things. Ok I know I ranted very very harshly so I will stop now, but yeh, in short, not cool.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-16 22:27:33

Ok, now. We don't want the mods to go putting down a moderation message. Sam, you have every tight to be angry about this, but, seriously. We need to take it down a notch.

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

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2015-06-16 23:20:42

alright. I will give you a perspective that is way outside and way neutral on this and will be brief and somewhat harsh about it:

First. A security breach? that is nothing. even sony had them and there is a site called has sony been hacked dot com, or something of the sort. happens to just about anyone that does not care, this including the bit on plaintext passwords.

Second, how many times has it been repeated in here to keep private, melodramatic, personal discussions out of a forum? I see this one way too often in here everywhere now, and honestly, is what wants me to detract and leave  the community, and fast. Unfortunately, audiogames.net is pretty much the only community that is still very active and dedicated to the subject. And I am sorry moderators, but I thinkk you do have excessive neutrality and very loose control from what i have been Reading on countless topics because remember, all of these forums are 100% public and just about anyone can read them. Sure, i have been away for years, but come on, that does not mean I would stop following what has been going on. We can of course debate this over any other medium that will not involve the forums at all.

And thirdly, its time some of you get out of your couches, studios, rooms, houses and interact with real people, exercise, have a laugh, party a bit, study about whatever other topic out there, because life is just too short for you to 1. Try and try and tyr to get back into games you have been kicked out of, 2. Savotage everything around and about you (you had plenty of time to do that when you were younger), 3. Cry, or rant, or  flame over spilled milk (a slang dictionary now would be good) In giving this third opinion, I felt it was already necessary because I feel that all of these things are seriously disrupting the entire blind gaming community, whether it be inside and outside of audio games. And if those things never stop, well, then the somewhat junk posts on audio games never will either, and i am afraid this site will just be like any other regular, public, 4chan, IRC, whatever, forum out there. All because someone cannot behave like a propper, educated civilian in the internet.

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

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2015-06-16 23:44:04

More than 1 person has suggested some sort of moderation is in order here, so I should at least post something.

I haven't gone back through every post with a fine toothed comb, but while originally reading each one nothing jumped out at me as being in need of moderator action.  Now don't get me wrong, as individuals each of the moderators may have differing opinions on what would and would not require action.  If another mod wants to jump in because of something they read, I will not be bothered by that at all.

There were a few times when things were said that could easily have exploded in the next post, but people have done a pretty good job of keeping their cool.  Not everything is bunnies and unicorns here, but I also don't think I've seen any blatant harassment or foul language.  Please do quote and correct me if I'm wrong.  I may have gone over something and missed something horrible that was said.  I apologize in advance if I have.

Dhruv had all those angry rants earlier, but I'll let those slide for now.  big_smile   (post 32 if you don't get the joke)

UltraLeetJ, I agree that at times things are not exactly locked down tight by the moderators, but I also see that as a good thing.  We all know how that can be a bad situation, but on the flip side people aren't terrified to say anything because of how an over zealous moderator might interpret it.  I've been on forums, and even games, where over policing did far more damage than freedom ever could.  So while I think we need to police things that are getting out of hand, there is at least a silver lining to the times things go by unnoticed.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-06-17 03:28:01

Ok, let's put it this way. A hack, no matter the good intentions, will have at least a lil bit of dammage. Both Tyler and Sam have valid points that I will not dispute, and I don't blame anyone for getting pissed off, after all this was a pretty confusing situation as a whole. Sure, the hacking did dammage. Neither of y'all necessarily are deserving of the dammage either. But the point that better security is needed still stands. As telling him didn't work, more drastic measures had to be taken. Sometimes you gotta shake a can at someone to wake them up if things ain't right. All I am saying is hope this don't happen again.

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2015-06-17 04:04:21

Aprone, do you remember all those times people  kept hacking swamp? Do you remember jhow you tried and tried to stop it? Emagine what damahe that hack would have done if that had have happened to you instead of mason? just think. Securety is escential if you want to keep your customers. Not only is securety vital, but confidentiallity is more so. Keeping passwords unincripted in a  dropbox folder that your testers are in, is  like going on vacation and leaving your door unlocked and putting a sign up that says, "my house is yours..."

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

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2015-06-17 04:37:51

Techmaster, I completely agree with you.  This was a horrible breach of security that may, or could have, affected a whole lot of people.  If you bring this up as a reason for me to do something as a forum moderator, then I'm not sure I understand where you're going with it.

I think we would need a dropbox moderator, or a skype moderator perhaps.  Maybe an Ultra power game moderator.
I can't punish anyone for anything they do outside of this forum.  Even back when I spent day in and day out battling hackers on Swamp, I had no right to do anything to them on here.  If it had been withing my rights, I'd have been on here tossing people out of audiogames.net, haha!  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-06-17 05:06:09

he sees my point! yes, aprone. you're right. We can't do anything to them, because it wasn't a hack on the forum directly.

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

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2015-06-17 09:35:59

I believe I understand all of your points, even if I don't share them. I am sure this will happen again, but it will not be anything of my doing. I did all I needed to do. Oh, and Sam, I am very sorry because this may piss some people off, but I have to say that if Mason is just sitting in his room crying about his sourcecode and not implementing security in and being generally pissed off at life, after what happened? Then he has a problem. I have done everything I could. Talking to Mason included. But if after this he keeps being stubborn, then I think nothing good will come of it. Now all of you ultrapower players know that all your passwords are plain text. Believe me or not, I have not looked at any other user information besides Mason's. But still this will put a lot of people at a higher level of alert, and some of the more radicalistic ones will stop playing. So right now, even thought this may just sound like an arrogant remark from a horrible person, I have to say that the one showing the most immaturity is Mason. Keyword most. I know what I did wasn't the best thing ever, morally. But Mason could have used it for his own good.
End of rant. Sorry, I get way into this stuff. Lol

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.
Follow me on twitter @guilevi2000

2015-06-17 11:51:53

While I wouldn't necisarily report this because that would make me as immature as some of the hackers, I am saying that other people will. Also, its not damage against a miner you have to be worryed about, it would be hacking computers with malicious intent. Now I know you didn't mean it this way, guilevi, but some people may see it this way. I'm not going to do anything. Just be careful in future.
As for proving a point to mason, I'm not even sure you have. I haven't seen an ultra power update with encryption features, so. Nothing against anyone here, but I'm not really sure this worked.

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2015-06-17 14:54:55

For the record, the industry standard way of doing this sort of thing is to report it to the developer, complete with a detailed description of the exploit and then wait some amount of time, then release a message explaining the danger of the exploit to the community without detailing how it's done, so that consumers can take their own security measures, which would in this case at a minimum mean making sure that your password in these games is not the same as one you use on any valuable accounts.  Guilevi, this is not the procedure you appear to have followed and that is why you are catching some crap here.  In future, I'd recommend following this approach.

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