2015-06-16 03:48:19

Look like the server was up running now.
By the way if you still need some help regarding of the server pay thing.
Please let's me know.
I will be happy to help as wwell regarding of that.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-16 17:57:10

Why can't I find trees? I found a tree one time when I first started to play last month, and haven't found another one since I started playing again.

2015-06-16 18:28:05

go to 121, 64.
It will tree there
and samtupy1, I just wanted, and still wanting know about How to make this game? What programing languages are used for coding this game?
I know, you are a 12 years old.
I'm sorry to say, but where are you study programing languages and... or... You just see the help file and understand? I'm just curious

2015-06-16 20:40:56

The coordinates system isn't there anymore, so that won't work. I found the trees, but now I can't find clay. In the older version, I knew where to go to find it, But without the coordinates, I'm lost.

2015-06-17 01:33:34

Hey wait, momo, whare in gods name did you get those coordinages if you please?

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-17 04:14:30

I just remembered about trees corrdanes, ~ut there are only one tree, but If damaged, This tree will regenerate after a few seconds later.
and corrdinates system has removed, So we should go to 0, 0, 0, and just memorize corrdinates.
Sam, I say force, the sun system is bad. again, very, bad.
This is a fact. again This, is, a, fact. Many peoples are uninterested about survive the wild. including me.
So, you should just add corrdinates system again, and turning system.
Corrdinates system is much, much much better than the sun system.
, corrdinates system if it added again, All player's life will be much and much easier.
Now, If your thirst is around 800, and the sun was not up yet, what will you do? and what can you do, samtupy1?
Just sleep or wait the sun. right?
If you wait for the sun, You will die. and you log in, repeat this situation. repeat, repeat, repeat and repeat.
So, most peoples are uninstalled the survive the wild, or abandon it.
It is not a complain, It is not a spam. I should just, just add the corrdinates system.
If you hate the corrdinates system, Why you hate? Please post about it, and if you agree, please add corrdinates system again.

2015-06-17 06:24:03

The reson I hate it, for a realistic game, in the wild, how the heck do you get coordinates to play in. It's easy, even if the sun is down. In real life, you turn. You don't sidestep 23 tiles to the write then walk backwards 13 tiles, you turn.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-17 07:06:15

samtupy1 wrote:

The reson I hate it, for a realistic game, in the wild, how the heck do you get coordinates to play in. It's easy, even if the sun is down. In real life, you turn. You don't sidestep 23 tiles to the write then walk backwards 13 tiles, you turn.

Ah, real game? That's greate, but in real life, You don't need see the sun. I already said before, but gps is needed seriously.
If you are teleported the survive the wild, and nobody can help you. What do you think?
I think, you will die after 20 min, because, You will don't know were is the stream.
In real life, we use gps for find location.
Seriously, gps are needed.
Please implement it.

2015-06-17 07:55:50

ok guys first in real life you have your ears and your brain. what will you do if gprs is offline?  ... nothing you die because you cant listen and you cant memorize your last way.
i think this sun thing is good. and when you dont play stw ok more place for us. smile

2015-06-17 08:02:07

Question: Are new maps made yet? Can we go to other places than the main map and the city?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-17 09:15:44

well, momo7807. i'll tell ya how not to die cause of thirst when the sun is down. first, try to get out the beach. i believe you can do it. then, if you came into the forest, the stream is to the left of you. if you came into the clay area, the stream is to the right or ahead of you. the sun sistem is great, i keep saying that. sam, don't even think about bringing the coords system back! well, the ability to craft a compas looks like a compromise, but crafting shouldn't be easy. i don't know how you think about it and what you can do with this, but we probably could get a metal wire from the fence near the camping site. may be it's not about compas, but you can get some ideas if you pay your atention big_smile

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2015-06-17 10:48:51

and i have a little problem with the new version. i cann't log in. the game connects well, but next it says "logging in" and then just stops and makes me enjoing the silence. i logged in a few hours ago and played a little, but when i tried to reconnect, the game couldn't log in again. that's wierd.

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2015-06-19 04:21:36 (edited by bee_songkran 2015-06-19 04:36:38)

Hi Sam and everyone!
First of all it was nice update.
I like the storm and raining sound.
It was so cool!
Feel like real though.
By the way I found some error while I'm playing your game.
It's said run time error.
An then give me by following code below.

Call stack size: 4

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void main()

And that error will be come up when I'm starting to hit C keey for scan the areas or surrounding whatever.
I think you will got the idea for that.
So hope you will fix soon.
Thanks much!
Be blessed!

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-19 05:15:03

If you have that error when pressing c or n, redownload the client and all will be fixxed.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-19 09:03:09

Hi, I was just sitting, trying to sleep and I got this error:
Call stack size: 6

Function: string get_tile_at(double, double, double)

Function: void fallcheck()

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void main()
Also can you just make those food, hunger, thirst and sickness sounds a toggle? They're a bit annoying.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-06-19 11:56:19

Hi again Sam and everyone!
First of all thank you so much for suggest me to re download the client.
It was working now.
Of course with N key and C key did not give any error or anything now.
That's rock for that.
But again the error was comeing when you doing some activities like fishing or cut down the tree or whatever.
Here is the following code that I got from the game.
Call stack size: 8

Function: string get_tile_at(double, double, double)

Function: void destroy_vtile(int, int, int)

Function: void netloop()

Function: void invmenu()

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void main()

Don't know what happen with me though.
Hope you will fix it again for that.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-19 16:06:19

So I have listened to the story again and noticed that he was taking the manula from whiet when he was dead. Can you build it so we can just look up what to build.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-06-19 19:27:51

That storry is going to massivly change, but first I have to make a script and come up with actors. I will be working on the script over time though, because this one will be quite long.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-20 00:16:25

Have you figured out why some people can't connect to the server on this game? I've written about this before, and I still haven't been able to try this game, and it's been out for months now. I log into my account, but when I hit connect, the game just sits there. I can't get the game to start, what can I do do make the game work?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2015-06-20 01:29:19

@staindaddict, what version are you running.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-20 02:33:25

I'm running the latest version of the game.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2015-06-22 00:04:19

I am willing to do some acting. I can also help with sudio editing

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

2015-06-22 04:25:18

Hi Sam and Everyone!
First of all your game it was fun to play indeed.
I spend all of my holiday with your game though.
I like so many feature that you was implemented.
Such as.
Thunder storm and rain and many more.
It was truely amazing.
And of course it was quite real.
By the way If you wanna make your game like real as your concept.
May I suggest something?
It's might be hurt someone for the feelings.
But if you wanna be real life in your game you might be consider.
I think you should cut the look the other player out.
Because it's going to let the other player to see the other party in the far areas.
That's thing it was like you useing camera or something.
So in the wild like that or in the forest that feature will make your game not real.
Because when you decided to look at someone you wwill know all the activities that he or she was doing right now.
You also can couculate that how much hunger or energy that other party got as well.
That's why it's not so real for that case.
But if you think you still wanna keep the look feature in your game.
You should be implemented the GPS system for people to use as well.
I think it's will the same as the look the other player features for sure.
Hope you will be consider about that.
By the way it was your game though.
And the thing that I've suggested it's just base on your concept that you want your game to be truly real life that's why.
Maybe you could move the look the other player features to be like a tools that we could built it up.
Like builting the camera or something.
By the way keep up the good work.
Take care and be blessed!

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-22 07:29:49

Hi Sam,
I have another suggestion for you. When using a knife or fists to fight, there is no defense system. So, you cannot parry, or dodge attacks. The least you can do is jump out of the way, or run. I think there should be a way to parry a knife with your knife in order to make the fight even. If you want this game to be realistic, then this feature should be added.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-06-22 08:49:45

hello all, sam, if you want to leave that rotation system, then please, please please add pk. and, i like the storms. will be a rains there? or tornados?