2015-06-10 03:47:16

Actually It's not reelated to the map or anything about your hard to do some fishing.
It's just server become lag from time to time only.
That's why make you quite difficult to grab a fish for your hook.
So regarding of that you have to find some new style to adjust yourselves with the lag server after that you wwill fine for sure.
By the way this game was fun though I can say Hope the developer will give some new changeing about so many thing soon.
By the way take care folks.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-10 07:50:14

Ok, so the updates here and it cut back on lag bigtime. And about pk, i'm with darth scorp here, and for that reason, if your health was loweres somehow less than 20 seconds before you want offline, you might exit however your player will dissapear, therefor leaving you defencless to get sloudered. Or something like that. Because I am just as sick as people just, going offline. And for new players, that's the newbie flag, which admins are learing, unless a newbie attacks you first, you are not to touch them. However, I am considering removing alts. It really isn't fair, and i'm going to make my admins be a little stricter. Noone pays atention to the newbie flag and it's there for a reason. And I have to remove alts because of the fact that people will just start making accounts to not be killed. I am going to start cracking down real hard here, because we have some people who are just bad sports and not wanting to play. Too characters online with the same IP? They both get kicked off. If you are wounded recently like 20 seconds or maybe 10, and you go offline the player will stick for a minute to just kill, which will really inforse not being able to go offline. And if people stop playing for that reason who cares, I don't want players who go offline when they get wounded. I mean guys seriously... What when bears come... What then... If you can't survive. Getting killed is part of the game. And about task killing threw task mannager, because of course it would be unfair to make players stick of get's disconnected, well, if you task kill, it will mark the process as being termonated abnormally, and next time you log on, any given character with your IP will be instantly killed. So if you get disconnected and exit, ok, fine. But if you kill the process, well, just don't do it. And I will make a back up system. So if the process stopped responding or something and you needed to kill it, and your character got killed, you would beable to talk to an admin. But i'm with darth scorp about the killing. For god sakes, run away like you need too. Because in real life if theres a bomb about to explode, you can't go offline for 10 minutes, than come back online after it's all over. I will work on something like that, but just know, there are going to be some serious changes soon, so that if theres a fight, it's fair. To make a fishing pole, you combine wood with knife, then wood with knife a second time, then combine the carved wood with the knife, do this for both of them, then combine the shafts, then add a branch to that, then add string. Other than all my above ranting, the lag should be mostly fixed, so that will be nice. And I fixxed the clay steps not playing if you have that bug, just update your client.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-10 22:02:12

Hi Sam, wow I really love the sounds in this game, especially the background ambiences, and the rainforest sounds too.  I almost expected to hear a thunderstorm start up, followed by pounding rain lol.  Anyway, I know I emailed you about having problems getting started, but I figured I'd post them here too, not to be a pain, but just to see if anyone else had the same, and how they fixed it.  One thing I can't seem to do is turn my character's body with the shift and arrow keys.  I thought I'd hear the sounds change around me to reflect the new direction, but it doesn't work, and my char just seems to stay in the one spot.  When I hit my arrow keys to move, I can only go a few paces in any direction before I fall over, so I stay sitting for a while, but I know I should really try to  keep moving to find the clay, a stream and something to eat.  When I hit the letter f, it just plays a sound, and doesn't give me a spoken direction on which way I'm facing.  Also, how do I speak out of character?  I tried the backslash key, but nothing happens, so then I tried hitting slash to open the chat window, then the backslash key then my message, but that didn't work either.  Also whenever I scan for trees or items it says nothing is near me, but again I'm unable to move much further before I die a horrible death.  Hope someone can help me, as I would like to survive the wild longer than 2 minutes.  Many thanks, from Lori.

out of my mind, back in 5 minutes.

2015-06-11 05:30:57

Hi Lori and friends!
Make sure you hit r first for stand up and try to walk.
In the first time I also confuse as well.
Die so many times cause of starving.
Cause I try to move my char it won't move cause did not hit r for standing first.
That's why also die as weel.
And the thirsty thing quite gone so fast that's why make you die quite quick.
By the way regarding of the when you hit F and give you a sound.
everyone was faceing the same.
Cause they move the direction telling out I think.
So for that please try to center the sound and try to walk backward to the land.
The shift+Control+f thing still work but just move by little by little.
If you wanna know thee different you can use shift+f to test it.
That's one will give you the different for sure.
By the way I'm starting to play this game also.
So many thing still learning but still fun to play though.
If my information was wrong I think someone will come to correct me for sure.
By the way let's have fun with it.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-11 06:22:59

hi all
samtupy1, I have a question.
In survive the wild story, I can hear a kid's voice.
Hay, mom. I will go see wild right?
Okay, bye bye!
du du du du du du du du du

It is your actual voice?

2015-06-11 17:48:57

Hello everyone and Sam! I have the following question:
When the problem is resolved to the server? The server is operating normally, it runs very slowly. Why is this happening?

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-11 18:07:27

hi all and sam
I, need, old, game!
I don't want to play this game
the game is very bad!
1: rota system I don't want this bad system
lag: fucking lag? I don't want this lag.
I'm uninstall this game
thanks for reading

2015-06-11 18:24:38

Hi all and Omer

omer wrote:

hi all and sam
I, need, old, game!
I don't want to play this game
the game is very bad!
1: rota system I don't want this bad system
lag: fucking lag? I don't want this lag.
I'm uninstall this game
thanks for reading

There is nothing wrong in this system. You just turn right to the north, and everything will be fine! Believe me!
At the expense of lags I mean that I do not pleased at, but I hope that Sam will solve these problems, and then, I'm sure everything will be fine!

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-12 04:42:59

Hi everyone!
For the people who asking for his old game of this game.
I think you can grab it from his site.
As I understanding though.
Because as I check yesterday I found it still avalaeble to download though.
So go check at his site.
An then you found what your want for sure.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-12 06:10:50 (edited by Sam_Tupy 2015-06-12 06:13:03)

No, omer wants the coordinate system back, and lol, I just laugh when I see those comments. Sure you might not like the game but then sure just come up here and rant about why you don't like it, even though you uninstalled it so won't even see if your rant did any good because you arn't there to see the developments. rofl. I usually just completely ignore them.  First, i'm working on lag. Second, I know some people might not like the rotation system, but usually those are people who don't like this sort of game or arn't willing to accept that the developer is trying to make said game as realistic as possible. I mean constructive critisism is one thing but well, that's just lol lol lol. Anyway enough about that rant. all though, lag is getting less and less. I know the issue and am nailing it down like nothing, it's just taking some experimental coding. The gift system works again and soon so will the events. Gifts are on, but way harder to find now, as they are spread out threw many maps rather than just one.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-12 10:42:21

Hello everyone and Sam!
I think that You need to correct the following message:

to travel back to the beach, press enter


to travel back to the beach, press shift + enter

Thank you!

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-12 18:02:48

Sam I gave you a thumbs up on your last post. Vary well written.

Audio game king

2015-06-12 21:43:20

OK, so I figured out how you could best give players the coordinate system back. Either put it in the options menu, or have them acquire a map of the different places in the game. They could use the map to figure out where they are and where everything else is in relation to them. Perhaps make the map a gift item as it used to be and players could use space to read the map after they select it, or use enter in the inventory menu.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-06-12 21:57:44 (edited by Glein 2015-06-12 21:59:17)

Hi all,
I confess that I stopped playing for a few days because I was quietly in the pond, trying to rest (had a negative value of energy)
Then Sam arrives, and of a knife shot (only 1), he kills me. I didn't have time to take my bow and defend myself, because repeat, He killed me with 1 knife shot. I had 1000 health, and I could not run for having a negative value of energy. Obviously I lost my items.
That was the only experience of PK that I didn't like, but I've returned to play... and the game remains as great as ever.
About the Spanish translation:
Yep, there is a translation to Spanish that I along with some friends have been doing, What we have been completing it during updates of the game. I have to copy much of the messages from the historials of Jaws, but everything has gone very well.
And Yes, sometimes I have to arrange words in a way that is very rare so the game take them as translation and can say it well in Spanish, for example: the translation in Spanish for "branch" is "rama", so that for the game can say "tied branch" in Spanish, I had to put the word "rama" in spanish, in such a way that the item would be "tied_rama". And so I've had to accommodate many things; I hope that I can help the translators to other languages.
Best regards,


2015-06-13 18:28:29

Hello everyone! What happened to the server?

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-14 01:41:54

ns's connection went boom earlier, he's offline on skype, UP and stw are offline, all of it. Got no clue why

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-14 07:06:03

Hi, Sam! And what will happen to the game?

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-14 07:20:38

adiluralbaev wrote:

Hi, Sam! And what will happen to the game?

The game will be online again as soon as the server is online...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-14 09:15:59

I wish I had the kind of money for a data center but that probs won't happen for some time lol.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-14 09:33:34

Hi again!

samtupy1 wrote:

I wish I had the kind of money for a data center but that probs won't happen for some time lol.

It turns out that the server will not work a few days?

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-14 12:16:00 (edited by revan 2015-06-14 12:18:43)

hi adil,  i think you seems have misunderstanding,  sam didn't say that,   this mean he's not know when server will be online

2015-06-14 12:21:48 (edited by adiluralbaev 2015-06-14 12:23:42)


revan wrote:

hi adil,  i think you seems have misunderstanding,  sam didn't say that,   this mean he's not know when server will be online

Clearly, thanks. Sorry for my English.

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-15 02:25:03

So, we switched servers! Ns was going to make me start from scratched if I switched, but I wouldn't do that and got that characters anyway, so you will start whare you left, with a lot less lagagagagagagagagagagagag! fiber optic lines, 16 gigs ram, and an ssd! And, a little closer to the US! Enjoy, folks, and stw is now back online! Thanks to the amazing Damion Pendolton

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-15 04:58:33

Hi Sam and everyone!
I'm also have some plan to donate my budget for you regarding of the server issue.
I also wwilling to pay for the server renting to be host for your game as well.
Cause I feel like your game was playing wwith so many people with all over the world already so we should let's the game wwill back to online again.
I will contact you whenever I got the solution for it.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-06-15 08:02:42 (edited by SLJ 2015-06-15 13:11:34)

What? You said you have switched server, but you didn't wanted to because you then needed to start from scratch? So, have you switched server or not? And who host the server now?
Oh, I saw your reply in an other topic...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen