2015-06-14 03:17:15

hi everyone,

I want to ask, what's the title of the song that used on the first level in blast from the past packs?
Because this song is awesome. so, could anyone tell me what the title of this song?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-06-14 05:40:40

hi socheat, the first song in blast from the past pack is talk by coldplay.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-06-14 09:53:32

Hello Hanif, thanks for your reply. I will check that out.

Follow me on Mastodon.