2015-06-11 01:18:11

Hi all,

So I was thinking. I'm sure a lot of you remember back to UltraPower even before 1.0. Back at that time, I wasn't the most mature of people, and I made a few bad decissions. One of those being, I made the beta, payed. The freeking stupid crashy beta was payed. And I kept telling y'all, that there were features that I wanted to add once I got more experience. One of the first being more than one map. Sure, Sam may have given me that code, but back at that time, that feature wasn't even thinkable. I'm really proud of where UP is today, and that is mainly thanks to you guys, who didn't entirely give up on this game, who donated, though not very often, but enough to give me boosts every once in a while, and now, after 9 long months, UP is finally very very close to how I dreamed that first version would be so long ago. I can't believe UP has gone this far. Gosh I can't think of how many times I wanted to throw this project down on the ground and say, ya know what, screw it. But, I eventually returned to coding every time because of people like you who continuously played and asked me to add things and told me to keep going. Now, I have another idea. I would like to make this game payed again, but only with your permission. What do you think? Is this a good idea? Bad one? How much should I charge if a good one? How much would you pay for a game like this? Just some thaughts that are going through my head, and rather than jumping right in, I'm taking a step back and requesting input. Thank you guys very much for staying with me while I figure this out. Without that, we wouldn't be where we are today.

2015-06-11 07:08:04

@soundworx His game is very good, and I like this project online multiplayer game.
However, I wanted to give you some humble suggestions.
You will no gibe special skills or extra resources to the administrators, because then the game ends up being very unbalanced and unfair.
I think the game is still not ready to pay, instead I let him free, at least for now.
You also hakers beware, because there are players who have skills and resources greatly exaggerated.
Moreover, no way to translate the game into other languages?
You continue to work well, the game is running you better and better.
congratulations Mason.
Greetings and thanks you very much.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-06-11 08:18:50

Hi, and also, you need to make a server running 24/7, which I didn't see. I couldn't connect to the remodeled version more than once, I don't remember a single thing of the remodeled version now because of the server. Make a dedicated server that can run, then you might thing of making it payware again. Though you have changed  your decision a lot. If you're going to make it payware then be sure that you will not change your decision because users will hate you if you make it freeware again because their Money will be spent on nothing.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-06-11 08:23:47

The server is always running, Burak.

2015-06-11 10:17:47

Hi, I tried to connect now and it just waited without doing anything.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-06-11 18:34:02

The server works well, the real problem are the all the players who have resources and skills greatly exaggerated.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-06-12 03:27:03

And that's what I'm still trying to fix. I've added the safe timer so you don't immediately get owned, I fixed the damage and defense so they aren't as useful, and other things. If you have any other ideas, let me know.

2015-06-12 03:57:28

Could some one give me a link for the game.
For some reason when I try to run the game that I downloaded from the website the game doesn't even run it just sits there.

Gaming is so cool.
Follow me on Twitter @TheBlindGamer2

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2015-06-12 05:22:32

Hi guys!
Since I think this game also sound interesting for me as well.
As I used to play before.
But if you going to consider to make it as a pay game.
Please make sure the balance of the gamers should be the same.
For me I can say swamp it was the first game that I decide to play.
And I did not feell regret at all.
Because the balance of the player it was good.
And the server it was quite stable.
Even though some lag but not so much havy like the free game one.
So if you wanna make your games as a pay game.
Please thinking about that ffirst.
The option to be pay game maybe yearly or 6 month pay will be great.
By the way do not give up.
Keep do your best for that.
Maybe your game will be number 2 of my list will be considerr to pay.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

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2015-06-12 05:37:40

bee_songkran is right, the game should be balanced for all.
The server works well, sometimes has a bit of lag, but it works very well in general.
@soundworx Is there any chance that I can translate his game to the Spanish?
greetings and thanks you very much.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-06-12 09:32:56

We currently do not have he translate feature yet.

2015-06-12 13:44:29

Mason I have an idea, how about putting sound that notifies the players if there safety time has been ended, in addition to the message that the screen reader reads about your safety time's ending that says you are no longer safe, because I sometimes interrupt the message while playing, so it would be better if this sound is available.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

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2015-06-12 13:49:30

That is doable.

2015-06-12 16:09:02

It is ok.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-06-13 19:23:04

ok mason. it's ok to let it as donation ware. don't force us  to buy it to play. ask the person with the good finnancial situations to donate for you.

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2015-06-13 21:06:08

hey all...
maikin it payed is a good idea, but bad at the same time. My thoughts.
we ecuadorians do not all have A paypal account but we do have credit cards. Maybe paypal hasn't made a page for our region because when I try to get an account it needs to be the page from where I leave.
I have another suggestion:
what about addin A shop? addin some map story like some terrorists were invaidin a toun. Someone started a blame against all of them, and now they were all against all. Your mission is to survive this chaotic war.
that shop for example shall be just in the sz, and you can add ultradollars. Sure! you could make items spawn randomly too. Got another idea too.
what about addin a carma book in all the player's inventory? a book that tells them theyr story, theyr live. If you want too, I could be your writer and your translater into spannish.
anyways, I do not think to make it payed, at least for now, when it's addin ideas to it or some little concepts of ideas like mine.
but... don't give up man! this game is now the number1of my list of played games. Just don't give up, and it's a nice game so far.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

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2015-06-13 21:24:16

hi again.
the server is down. what ... is happening?

Thumbs up

2015-06-13 21:30:19

Hello everyone. I think the problem is NSStudios, because the server in the game Survive the Wilde does not work too.

Regards, Adil.

Thumbs up

2015-06-13 21:41:59

Hi Mason,
Making the game paid isn't a bad idea, but what model would you use? Would it be a one-time purchase, or would it be a subscription?
Also, When newbies start out, as mentioned before, they are completely defenseless. Even in RTR, one starts out with a basic pistol, a knife, and fists. I think that would be a good configuration for players to start out with because they can't possibly defend themselves and it is hard to pick up items while being shot and trying to jump out of the way. Other than that, I think the game has much improved over the last few weeks.
As far as implementing missions, that sounds interesting. You could set it up so players can be on teams and attack enemy bases and rescue other players, but I'm not sure how far you would go with that idea. However, it doesn't sound bad at all. You could have a few game modes like RTR and things would be even more exciting. Again, this game is definitely getting better with each update.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

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2015-06-13 22:04:57

If I did make it payed, it would be a one-time payment. If you were on UP yesterday, I made an example of what could happen if I eft the game free. It was quite hectic. But if you guys don't like the idea, then I won't do it.

About the ultraDollars, I kinda don't want to do that because then that just makes the game all that more unfair. You get like a whole bunch of that, buy whatever you want, and then it's just how it was before.

2015-06-13 23:05:37 (edited by Omar Alvarado 2015-06-13 23:08:08)

To give the newbies a chance, I came up with a little thing yesterday while attempting to help a newbie.
So, let's say a level 1 decides to battle me. I will use the gas canister, because, seriously, that's probably one of the most kick ass weapons in the game.
So let us then say, I fire at the newbie. What could happen is the first time I fire, an absorption field takes the damage done, then throws it back at me, and ignores all my defense
To be clear, the absorption field will only activate when the level to damage ratio is ridiculous, and if your level is no greater than 500.
Or, along those same lines, the absorption field can set one's damage to about a quarter of the enemy's damage while they are still in range. Once you leave the enemy's range, your damage goes back to normal.

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2015-06-13 23:48:13

Oh god I love it! I want more info on this though. Would you get hit with your own damage if you shoot at a newby? Or would they get hit with less? Dude this is a break through!

2015-06-14 00:05:16

The aforementioned ideas sound interesting. Again, newbies should at least be equipped with some basic weapons to be able to defend themselves from attacks. Absorbing damage inflicted on newbies may not be enough to protect them.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

Thumbs up

2015-06-14 01:47:55

I personally don't like the idea of maikin the game payed, but we need to wait to all the forum.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

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2015-06-14 02:08:52

The field could work like this.
If the damage ratio is ridiculous, meaning, if your trying to battle a level 5000 and your a level 49, here is what could happen.
Should you no longer be safe and the level 5000 enemy fires, that damage combined with your own defense (or something like that), will instead hit the level 5000 enemy.
Or, how about this one.
No matter what level you are, if your level 1, 5, 35, 70, 6000, whatever. There is a chance you could do a quarter of the enemy's hp in terms of damage. So, you could do a quarter of 2100 hp, since that's the hp cap atm.
Just a couple suggestions I thought of to make the game a bit more fair.

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