2015-06-12 20:44:09

this is not a troll, this is not a spam, nor a bid for attention though at first it may seem to be so. about an hour ago, ultrapower was hacked by someone, who, using some form of hacking technology was able to gain access to mason's ultrapower password. about 10 minutes later his skype account changed it's display name to this account has been hacked.
shortly after that I logged into twitter to see if that had been got at too.
it had.
I initiated a dm (direct messaging) conversation with the hacker, in which he asked me if I wanted mason's password. I replied yes, just to see what he would do. he said ok, but he had to get them from a brute force hacking sql database. He then proceded to give other excuses before telling me he wanted to destroy the entire blind community.
He then quoted the exact name of my computer my computer name before proceding to threaten me with a denial of service attack and retrieval of personally identifiable information. I am posting this here in the hope that someone can do something, no matter how small, to fight this hacker. I am telling the absolute truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! nat the gods or beings of which ever religion you choose strike me down if I  am lying, which I am not. I hope this will  be of use to someone. change your passwords, and be careful.


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2015-06-12 21:29:47

thanks for the announcement. Now I think I won't be going on UltraPower for a while until the issue is resolved. Sam also has had problems with hackers messing with Survive the Wild and changing character stats, like health, energy, and hunger. I suspect this could be the same hacker. Sam has secured his server in the latest updates, making it harder for hackers to carry out attacks. However, I don't think UltraPower is secured the same way, so Mason may need to upgrade it. I've also noticed that people can be killed in one shot even in the safe zone, though I'm not sure if that's a hacking exploit, or weapon damage in the game itself.
I'm personally getting tired of games being ruined by hackers. Great projects are often discontinued because hackers choose to make the developer's job that much more difficult. Aprone made Swamp a paid account to prevent this from happening. The other alternative is to secure servers to make hacking difficult, as I noted above. Again, thanks for the announcement.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

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2015-06-12 22:34:24

as it turns out this was a prank staged by mason. there is no hacker, there is no exploit of information.


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2015-06-13 05:21:26

Worst prank I've ever heard of... tongue

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

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2015-06-13 11:51:32

I'm afraid I agree with Alex, staging pranks of that level of seriousness really doesn't show a mature attitude, it's like someone setting off fire alarms for fun, particularly because of passed hacker troubles.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-13 13:09:16

I got not much to say, except that it is a childish behaviour.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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2015-06-13 14:16:33

Not too much to say because I believe that it has already been said. For your computer's safety if you have ever heard of Hot spot shield, go and check it out, it might be worth, at least as long as this hacker is around. Hot spot shield can automatically disconnect your computer from the local network as soon as somebody else joins it, with the intention of saving your computer from hacking. It can also prevent other computers from gaining access to your data. This method, in some ways, is illegal because it could change your IP address and a lot of other things along with it, but in these cases, I don't really see any sign of illegality, because I'm just saving my data from being hacked or used.
I hope you guys solve this problem soon.

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2015-06-13 16:26:41

Well afrim, as Devin said it wasn't a hacker. But that, though it was a clever joke, it took it... a bit... too far. I wasn't extremely scared myself... but it certainly earned a delete of Mason on my skype. I'll think about adding him back, but I'm in no hurry to do so. That was quite childish, and it didn't help to receive news of a hacker out for the blind community as a hole, especially on a day I was already feeling bad for other reasons. tongue
Anyways that's all I have to say on the matter.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-06-13 20:17:10

This is definitely childish behaviour, and that prank has gone too far.

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2015-06-13 21:57:39

aaron wrote:

This is definitely childish behaviour, and that prank has gone too far.

While I think Mason intended it to be nothing more than a joke, it definitely makes people think twice about playing online games. There have been many hacking attempts lately on Sam's server and we all know about Swamp being repeatedly hacked. So, this kind of prank doesn't help those who wish to play online multi-player games feel anymore comfortable. If I was new to any of these games, I probably wouldn't want to be playing them out of fear of being hacked. Since I know this was only a joke, I will continue playing UltraPower as usual.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

Thumbs up +1

2015-06-13 22:10:06

I agree with you all, it was pretty childish. I'm not even sure what made me want to do it anyway. It was just spur of the moment thing. True, I probably shouldn't have done it, but what's done is done, I'm afraid. I won't do it again without warning next time, which there probably won't be one.

2015-06-14 00:08:12

@Mason, I am glad you recognize this as childish. To be honest though not knowing why you do something I find a little worrying, especially if you are in charge of a game server sinse it's a responsable business and if I were playing a game or on a forum myself I'd not feel especially safe if the person in charge was prone to such capricious and random decisions, indeed I have left forums in the past for such reasons.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-14 02:22:17

Erm, aren't we taking this a little far?
I mean. As far as I know, soundworks only talked with Devin. There wasn't much published publicly...I mean, if he posted something here, then sure it would've been a prank in bad taste. But I don't know. I wouldn't want to not joke with close friends in the fear of me being called childish...

This is not a signature.

2015-06-14 03:03:13

he only talked to me, but his actions had further reaching consequences as the ultrapower server seemed to be gone.


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2015-06-14 13:47:02

What he do or say when talking to his close friends is entirely his business, but when it goes publicly to a forum like this, no, I don't think we've gone too far.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

Thumbs up +1

2015-06-14 17:27:10

Well, as I recall, speeder was the one who notified of it to us smile
I mean, I understand. He gets scared that masan's been hacked. Then he figures out it's a prank, so he has to post here. But still it wasn't a public prank.

This is not a signature.

2015-06-15 06:26:40

Mason pulled this off and it lasted for quite a fiew hours. Speeder posted about this while it was happening, and at that point he didn't know. Accept we now have more pressing issues, it could be mason with other's pranking us, but I know mason has access to my stw source code, and this morning someone called and was freeking scrolling threw it. Someone who uh, shouldn't have it. And they said mason's dropbox was hacked, that person gave it then that, then this, then this, than he got it, etc, I don't know, but this hole hacking crap is pissing me off.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-15 07:53:23

I fail to see how hacking someone gives anyone any personal gain. Hacking is the type of thing that just shouldn't be done because A. It's highly illegal and B. what gain do you get from it? It ruins other peoples experiences and for what? So you can tell someone that you can take control of someone's PC? So can I, all I have to do is sit down at the person's PC and begin typing. And I didn't even have to hack. I see this situation as bloody ridiculous and I have one question for the hackers: again what are you gaining from this?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2015-06-15 08:12:41

@samtypy1, Unfortunately, when it comes to hacking, I have one thing to say: deal with it. It's apart of life, and no matter what you do, no one's going to listen to you. For all the hackers care, we're just impotent little idiots who shouldn't exist. They want to get rid of us, and the way they do that is to destroy our PCs. It's a good way to destroy someone. The hacker can just take over the PC and destroy the person via that.
@ghost rider, the hackers get multiple things out of it: Enjoyment, thrill, and satisfaction. They love to destroy peoples machine for fun. They love the thrill of hacking and battling antiviruses and firewalls. Finally, they get satisfaction after the person is in tears, is crying, and is in jail for something they didn't do, yet they can't prove it because it was under their name. Hackers love this kind of thing. They love to hack people just because they can. To them, the law doesn't matter. Illegality doesn't matter. Nothing matters but the world of infinitive "idiots" as they call us. And if we're not infinitive idiots, then we're people who the hackers just love to annihilate so they can get the satisfaction and do whatever they were trying to do. All they want to do when they hack is get someone out of their way. For example, take the swamp server. People were hacking the swamp server so they could get Aprone out of the way and do whatever they wanted to do. In short, hackers think they're gods and immortals, and that they can do whatever they want, just like bullies and cyber bullies think.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

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2015-06-15 08:56:20

It's a personal ego thing.
It's basically so you can tell yourself "I hacked that server, am I not the smartest person who ever existed?"
Some people do it to see if they can do it, and some do just to break systems. Some also do it to show people it can be done and force them to fix the holes, etc.

This is not a signature.

2015-06-15 09:34:07

I'm not to mad about my source code being stollen, I just changed the server and the encryption keys so hell if I care, most of it is useless anyway, besides the fact that now people can clone stw, but i'd notise and I think they'd fail horibly. But it's sad that mason had a log of plain text passwords in his ultrapower folder when his damn dropbox got hacked. I have ideas about who might be doing this, but I know whey love how we are so confused, about how it's wierd, I think I know that, if my suspissions are correct. I won't start anything stupid by posting anything about it here but I have my suspissions about this mess. I'm not mad though hahaha ethin. smile But I say hell with it, the hackers dammage has been done, and in my opinian sitting here talking about it isn't gonna get us anyware. I just recommend changing the passwords, and well, that's really all I can say for advice. I've scene that log file of mason's for a while but didn't say anything about it because it just sat there and I didn't think about it. But when mason's dropbox got hacked, I thought oh shit and was just sending people who's usernames matched the entries in the log and whare it came from just encase they had the same pass for everything. I've completely removed mason's access to both mine and his code that we shared, not because I hate mason but so the hacker can't get more out of it, and what's even more wierd is I couldn't get ahold of him at all today. Facetime, skype, everything failed horibly.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-15 12:48:25

@Ghost writer
Well, you think they're not gaining anything from it, but they may rather find it as an achievement, which they'd been working on for a long time, and when they do it, they feel extremely good. you won't believe me. Similar was the case when one of my friend, not blind, after a long and boring attempt, hacked the facebook of his girl friend and got extremely carried away.

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2015-06-15 20:57:21

I'll admit I'm totally confused by everything that's going on, here and in the UltraPower thread.  First there's claims of a hacker getting a hold of everyone's passwords and the game's source code.  Next it's claimed to only be a joke.  It is even stated that there is no such file that contains everyone's passwords.  Now Mason is saying that it was all true.

soundworx wrote:

OK, so here's the deal.
I did in fact get hacked. Well, at least, that's what it looks like. The whole bgt scripts folder has been compromised. There was in fact a log file in there with passwords in it, but the only reason it was in there was because there were people forgetting their passwords and I was retrieving them. Yes, I am aware that this is not smart and that probably nobody will play UP again, but hey, who expects to get hacked. I will no longer be having my sourcecode in a dropbox folder. Do as you will.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on anymore.  Is this all a joke, was this all a joke... did it really happen and was just being covered up by the whole "joke" story?  Which way is up?!

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-06-15 23:47:46

Well, It's like a movie that my father watched, it is called atack the net or something, how hwo the enemies ar hackers.

73 Wj3u

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2015-06-16 02:16:11

Ok, heres the hole thing so far. The thing that was a prank was mason pretending to get into UP and saying that he wanted to kill the blind comunity, that was a complete prank, the hole Original UP hacking. Well, then 2 days later, bryan smart calls me up and has my source code in front of me, scrolling threw it with his speesh routed so I could hear it. Mason was the only other person who had access to such code. Bryan told me that someone hacked mason's dropbox account, which scemes to be true. Mason made a vial mistake with having all of his passwords the same. I look into it and not that many people knew about it, none actually, but mason was litterily asleep that hole day, I couldn't get ahold of things. The next day I finily touched base with him on skype. Even he didn't know he was hacked. I told him and showed him the chatlog. He investigated and found that it was true. He didn't know what log I was talking about, until I mensioned players.log, containing username=password for exactly 446 passwords. But we figured meh, we can only tell people to change passes and not way to much else. Well, then, mason suddenly scemes to block me. Mason, masonasons, This person has not shared their details with you.  not selected  12 of 59 and he had no reason to. Couple hours later, I get a chat from someone else saying that mason was trying to get in contact with me because his other account got hacked. So I added that one, and we talked, and demised a plan to figure out who the dang hacker was. So, we made a system whare when you ran it, it asked for mason's password. If you guessed it right, then, boom! Your user name, and computer name was sent back to us. We don't like hacking and we didn't consider this a hack, we wanted to know who it was. Well, only one person got the password correct. ilim from spain. Well, then I go look at the IP that was logged into mason's skype, and got I geolocated that IP, and I got badalona spain. Intresting. Right? Gilim pleeds inisent and he may be, but currently, that is the hole true story to stop some confusion. I hate this freeking drama!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com