2015-06-07 18:17:19 (edited by serrebi 2015-06-07 18:28:59)

For those who have a hard time saving, I've updated the pack with those lines referring to my d: drive removed and the demo mp3 included. I had no idea those lines existed until someone mentioned it in this thread. Also, stewie , are those changes from the dev? I don't just want to include a random newer version from a person I'm not sure of, but , I don't hang around this forum enough to know better, so I'm just being careful maybe overly so: lol. I'm stuck at the rocket hideout part still, and at that point some of the directions it gives you don't actually work out, but sometimes that's because you are dealing with hidden mobs/items/whatever you can't get at that moment.

2015-06-07 18:29:29

Wow, this is a big deal! I can't believe I actually almost passed over this post without thinking much of it. How cool.

2015-06-07 18:40:59 (edited by serrebi 2015-06-07 18:44:39)

moore2it wrote:

Wow, this is a big deal! I can't believe I actually almost passed over this post without thinking much of it. How cool.

Essentially why I made my pack: Also, the fact that I went from a half translated copy of gold 14 years ago to a crystal cart, to playing this game with the text read by a screen reader is mindblowing. I'm glad this gen was the one that got disassembled, in the end, just because of the history of it to me.

2015-06-07 18:45:15

No the changes aren't from the dev and it makes sense to be anxious. If you don't want to risk your configuration, there's no reason why you can't run the scripts from another directory entirely. Just make sure the run the autohotkey script in the directory of the script files you want to use.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2015-06-07 19:37:20

stewie wrote:

No the changes aren't from the dev and it makes sense to be anxious. If you don't want to risk your configuration, there's no reason why you can't run the scripts from another directory entirely. Just make sure the run the autohotkey script in the directory of the script files you want to use.

Good to know. Thanks.

2015-06-07 22:54:22


So I played with this briefly and seem to have a small problem. I can run the AHK file without any problems, I can start the vba and the ROM, but get the dreaded 'cannot find names' error. I fixed it in the end by just making a new file called names.lua, but that is an empty file which I think has to do with why my current problem exists. I now hear the text being spoken out loud, so that is good, but the f-keys seem to do nothing at all for me and neither does the / key. Could someone tell me what I broke?
Also, I tried with both the original pack and the updated scripts in this topic.

Thanks much,

2015-06-07 23:12:46

Ok so found the solution. The solution to the problem is ...don't try to fix it smile The error is actually harmless and putting an empty file there seems to break things. When I looked at the ahk logs I did see stuff being triggered by my hotkeys, I just didn't get any feedback and this is probably why smile

2015-06-08 01:04:29

A few things:
1. I wrote these original scripts. Currently, they're in beta;
I'm improving things, including getting rid of the autohotkey requirement.
2. Cannot load names file; that's harmless. As soon as you name something, it'll write the file.
3. This only works on English crystal; if you want another language you'll have to find the ram addresses yourself.

When things get into a more usable state, I'll post a thread with more info.

2015-06-08 05:05:23

Sweet I can't wait to check this out! Just imagine it though if this was used for a Harry Potter gameboy or PC game we might finally have an actual HP game for the blind! Something I've been dreaming of ever since I was 10.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-06-08 15:24:07

I don't see anybody passing the ice path after the 7th gym. The ice puzzles are crazy.

2015-06-08 16:53:55

JWoodill21 wrote:

I don't see anybody passing the ice path after the 7th gym. The ice puzzles are crazy.

I did the ice gym, so fingers crossed I can find good directions for that place.

2015-06-08 22:33:58

this is really cool!
The only problems I see right now are finding things like water to fish in or trees and other stuff on the map which is not an item or NPC.
And how on earth can we do these ruins after gym 1 with the unorm pokemon in it? These tile puzzles seem to be completely visual. Has anyone managed to do them?

2015-06-09 00:31:16

Tikki wrote:

this is really cool!
The only problems I see right now are finding things like water to fish in or trees and other stuff on the map which is not an item or NPC.
And how on earth can we do these ruins after gym 1 with the unorm pokemon in it? These tile puzzles seem to be completely visual. Has anyone managed to do them?

You shouldn't go that way. Go down instead of going left to leav the city. What I want to know is how does the 4th gym with the warp pads work?
I'm not there yet, but I thought I'd ask.

2015-06-09 01:14:27

I'm actually stuck at the Kabuto puzzle now as well smile Does anyone have directions on how to get past it and into the room below? I know you don't need it to get to Azalea, but its still fun to get the Unknown add-on smile


2015-06-09 14:42:27

For that matter, what about the far-fetched chase in Ilex forest? I got him into a corner but when I talk to him again he moves back further away and I keep just making it circle around smile


2015-06-09 15:53:32


I don't know if this has been mansioned before. but when i am at route 29, and i want to go to the link with route 46 (i follow the walkthrough given by someone on gamefaqs.com), i can select that destination fine, but when i want to track the route toward taht route with the slash key, i get a "path can not be found" message.

Are there more people experiencing this behaviour?

Hope to hear from you soon.

greetz mike

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2015-06-09 18:07:21

I know that completing the ruins is not neccessary to complete the game, but it would be nice to get a unorm pokemon. I was just wondering if there is a way to do these puzzles at all right now.

2015-06-10 01:06:24 (edited by JimmyDub 2015-06-10 01:06:58)

balliol wrote:

For that matter, what about the far-fetched chase in Ilex forest? I got him into a corner but when I talk to him again he moves back further away and I keep just making it circle around smile


I use the hotkeys in the readme to track him and keep making him run. After you do it about 20 or 30 times he goes back what the kids.
I can make a recording of it if you want.

2015-06-10 01:09:44 (edited by JimmyDub 2015-06-10 01:10:18)

If somebody gets to the light house in olivine before me, can you tell me the coordinates for the hole you're supposed to fall through? I want to get this post out before I even get there.

2015-06-10 09:39:37

Hmmmm, it sounds really interesting. Don't know why, but I can't find a link to the pack you created. Can you send the direct one?

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2015-06-10 11:11:57

You should download this:
https://mega.co.nz/#!zY0GCLKS!BM-rh3jcn … eoNnKDMmvw
you First install the program the first link.
Then all you need to play is in the second link with instructions.
@serrebi know if there is a similar project how the this game?
greetings an thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-06-11 01:02:56

Ok now I'm at the ice path. Can somebody link me to a good guide that isn't confusing?

2015-06-12 12:49:07

anyone having trouble getting the hotkeys to work?  i can get the text read to me but i can't get function keys to do anything.  I can hear my footsteps as well.  It could be that all the files are not in the same directory, if so which ones should be in the lua directory?

2015-06-12 14:54:59

Has anyone had trouble with NVDA all of a sudden not reading the output of the game, like incoming text?

Devin Prater
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2015-06-12 15:34:47 (edited by grryfindore 2015-06-12 15:38:53)

Ahoy all
I have been playing this off and on as college permits,and am really enjoying it. Although using braillemon was much smoother and easyer, however I do understand both of them are different games and it is indeed quite awesome that we can play a original pokemon game or at least read the text that is incomeing, and hence be able to play that way.   
If the grass and the walk sounds were added, there could be a possibility of adding other sounds too which could solve a few problems.

What kind of teams have you guys gotten? where are you guys at? lets discuss what we are doing and how we are doing things big_smile
So far, I've trained up my starter and even gotten it to evolve, caught a pijy, traded in a belsprout to get a ornix, and now am planning to catch a water pokemon next. with all that, I haven't done a gym fight yet.:lol:   I probably will get to it today. :d
Devin, yes I have experienced that problem, and its eazyly fixed. just press alt t, l, and press enter. you'll have the option to restart or to stop the script. restarting the script should make it work again
Bigdog,if you are using a laptop, make sure to use the fn key along with your function keys. you can also change the hotkeys needed to do a particular  thing farely easily.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, β€˜It might have been.
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