2015-05-31 14:32:40

Nah, I don't have any special weapons at the moment. but they just keep killing me.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-05-31 23:07:56

Hi Sam,
When I logged in an hour ago, I was at the top of a tree and checked my health. It was at 1,000. Then, twenty or so seconds later, I hear the loud beep indicating very low health. I checked my health again and it was down to one. I wasn't attacked and I wasn't sick, so I assume the hacker must have meddled with the game. Then, I check my energy level and it was down to 25. Just letting you know that this hacker is still doing serious damage to players' characters. Hope you can figure out how to patch the security breech.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-06-01 03:37:59

I think I might know how to do it but the server can't be currently updated as a huge update is underway and updating right now would mean the game couldn't be played. But I am working on figuring out why the heck and how the heck this hacker does that.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-01 04:17:37


samtupy1 wrote:

I think I might know how to do it but the server can't be currently updated as a huge update is underway and updating right now would mean the game couldn't be played. But I am working on figuring out why the heck and how the heck this hacker does that.

This is very bad. Hackers will not let me play normally, lowering my health and energy. I hope that soon everything will be fine!

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-01 14:33:52

¡Hello Sam! After say you the encryption solution, I was thinking about how to raise the game performance decreasing the amount of data that the server sends to the clients.
Currently how many information send you to the client?
Watching the style of the game, when the connection is bad, I think that in the first place you send the entire map to the players, for that the client, know all of the possible areas. But ¿what about the information of others players and items on the floor? You send every frame to the client all information of other players and items? Or only you refresh the important information of these. For example, if a player is in the cords x, y, you send to that client, only the information of x, y tyles around it? Or you send the information of players that are in the other point of the map.
Maybe with this, you can reduce the size of packets for all clients, but increase the charge of the server, for calculate the important information for each player. And of course put some verification for any client, can’t update information of other client. For example, client a can’t send information of auto hurting for a client b.
Or similar thinks to Try protect the information of all players.

Well, this is very interesting, but expose in public the security improvements for the game it is really a security risk xd.
Well Sam, good luck with this. With this, you’ve one more thing to do in the game. The security issue is really a total new bunch of code to do, test, and improve and well, some things to investigate. X3u.

2015-06-02 09:34:22

I haven't played this for a while because I'm busy with a lot of things, but I'll return to the game later on.
It's quite interesting how hackers are able to make that much trouble in the game. Maybe they can use an admin panel? I mean, if they have got admin access somehow and the admins are able to change the health, players location and all that, then they can really mess up the game. It's such a shame that some people just have no life.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-06-02 15:52:11

Hello everyone! I hope that everything will be fine, and hackers will not bother us.

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-03 00:34:53

It would be grate to build things like in minecraft but don't know if that idea would work also a built in crafting manual and a coords system. Oh and I keep dieing because of no water and I can't find the stream real well.

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2015-06-03 07:43:04

just a suggestion
how about wildfires, specially in later  versions of the game.
they can be made to spread across a large area, originating from around a cluster of branches, etc.
how about snakes, lizards etc. which are usually found in the wild. of course apart from other animals.

that's all for now.


He picked up the wrench and broke the guy’s wrist with it, one, and then the other wrist, two, and turned back and did the same to the guy who had held the hammer, three, four. The two men were somebody’s weapons, consciously deployed, and no soldier left an enemy’s abandoned ordnance on the field in working order.

2015-06-03 09:07:43

How does the game look at the coordinates?
I didn't use the C as if it wasn't.

2015-06-03 21:33:45 (edited by revan 2015-06-03 21:59:56)

hi guies,     well i wasn't play lately this game,      oh i am exciting for new update,    and what the hell,       hackers again trying damage player's characters?      firstly  you can create new security system,     this means you can monitoring   who is trying hack server,       cuz you can see player's character what sending the server,          i just played  swamp,  aprone worked more for rid of hackers,    but  he found way,   lol!    money system!    well let me say!   they  no life,   they just sitting 7 24 computer,   loooool!    i like teasing them!    they need to ban the blind communities,  forums, etc!     they just kept saying,    unban me!  i won't hack again!  nope,  they is kept promises,   please unban me,   and after you giving chance for her or him,  you hearing after server crashed without reason?    or sometime they kept saying unban me admin,  if you not unban me i will destroy your project,  so don't trust them,    hackers trying show themselves innocent!     good luck the fighting them with

2015-06-03 23:23:58

Hi all, so finily this new long awaited update will be released! We've started with the ocean and desert being passible, but well let's just say the desert has some serious tretury, but if you can pass it, theres awesomeness on the other side. The sun is here now, so if behind you at 12 PM, then you are going north. Good luck! New update will be released in the next half hour or so so that will be here and it will quite rock. Also other things are in the changelog. Enjoy, folks and I will post when the update is finily released!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-06-04 07:16:40

Well Sam, First of all, the new update and the new map system is simply very awesome.
With one friend I’ve tried to pass the dessert, but… in octave, quarter? We have to go back, because resources xd.

But, the update carries an important issue with it.
Randomly, the client crashes reporting an index out of bounds exception. The stack trase is it:
the traseback of the error sam:

Call stack size: 17

Function: void netloop()

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void exitgame()

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void main()

And, please, let me to say… ¿What? This is a traceback? But… But! O well, Sam, please consider use a better language for future updates. Idk, c#, c++ for the server side (better performance)IDK.

Well, more than this bug, nothing. The update are good. I’ve some problems to orientate me with the sun sound, but is simply practice.
A, Sam, the rotation system with shift keys… Continues with the same angles that in previous version?
Well. Thanks for all!
A, the lag in the server are terrible!

2015-06-04 10:44:18

well, i'm geting huge lags i've never got... it makes me crazy, i cann't tell that the update is awsome yet, but i'm sure it is without lags big_smile does anyone else have the same problem?

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2015-06-04 11:03:35

Hi, what are those food and water sounds for? They do nothing more than annoyance.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-06-04 11:47:25

And I have noticed that the sounds go away and the pings don't reach the server and I have to restart the program. Also is there a way to create private servers?

Bitcoin Address:

2015-06-04 11:53:45

okay, i went out of the desert area and now i'm stuck somewhere between the desert and the woods i guess, because i can hear the birds. if i check the zone by pressing b, it says current location: southeast quadrant.

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2015-06-04 15:44:17

Hi, sam.
I am getting this error quite often:
Call stack size: 5

Function: void netloop()

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void main()

2015-06-04 18:20:12

Hay sam
Can you implement gps system in the next update?
for example open my inventory, select my right hand, and press number 2 after close inventory, and press space, to call the gps menu, and search cordinates, type cordinates 250 80, then I'm walking. wile i'm walking I can see my gps status using b key for example your cordinates 50 0, destination cordinates 250 70.
Please implement this, because the sun system is very bad.

2015-06-04 19:03:21

Maybe I'm wrong here, but someone isn't going to have a GPS in their pocket by chance if they're stuck in the wild.

2015-06-04 20:28:36

When walking northward on the mainland.
A runtime error occurred.
In function: void netloop()
Description: Index out of bounds
Call stack size: 5

Function: void netloop()

Function: void game()

Function: void login()

Function: void mainmenu()

Function: void main()

2015-06-04 20:38:24

Hi all! It's Good update!!!

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-04 21:24:36

I'm stuck on a square, somewhere in the desert I guess. I can't move anywhere, all I can do is just jumping.

2015-06-04 21:31:27

How do I know my position in the north? I press F, the sound moves.
What makes the F key? It directs to the north or in the sun?

Regards, Adil.

2015-06-05 06:54:32 (edited by Sam_Tupy 2015-06-05 06:55:29)

Ok so some updates. No the gps first will never be added. I'm trying to fix items and lag as it is sort of bogging down the server and i'm still working on that. For those who are stuck, tell an admin. Jess, no, you will not be unbanned. And the sun works like this. In the morning it rises in the east. Threw out the day it moves south, then goes down in the west. So at 12 o clock pm, if you hear the sound lower pitched meaning behind you and right center, you are facing dang near north. And that desert, yes, it is a death trap. A bad one. Also, the newbie flag is here! New accounts come with it and it's more a social flag. Doesn't protect you or anything, but it's just there until you turn it off, and the game will probably force it off after 24 hours of total gameplay on that char. But for now, /nubie will turn it off.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com