2015-05-26 20:57:58

Hi, there are no longer coords and direction facing I believe has also been taken out in favor of a new system using whare the sun is in the sky. The sun is being said to be added soon.

2015-05-27 05:19:05

Hi Sam, I have a request. Could you allow us the be able to walk in the desert, swamp and climb the mountain? It would be fun to do those things. Like in the desert, we could find kactie and other desert things, and in the swamp, maybe there could be gators and things, and on the mountin, there might be ice at the top, and you would have to be careful, you could slip or, if you walk to close to the edge, you might fall off the side of the mountain and, well, die.

2015-05-29 07:48:43

Hi there guys! I am here to bring you some very exciting news on our game survive the wild! I must say I pride my self on getting this code to work, and it's not even done. It should be soon however, as the hardest parts are out of the way. Basicly, the hole, entire world in the wild is changing. You actually start on a map with a beach, a spring and some clay oh and also... this area won't allow killing! This will mean that branches could be hard to aquire for a while, but i'm still advancing this system. Basicly, theres gonna now be multiple maps, with each map having loads of flags like hazards, health danger, loads of stuff. And also custom designed tiles and things. So, no more sitting back in botes, time to baddle! No more borring radiated city! This is gonna apone I believe! I just tested it and with what I have created already, I was able to make a fully functional pond by just typing a fiew commands into the games chat console. So Shaun, yes, you will beable to do these things, when admins decide to make mountains such as this. This map system will be fully dynamic to the admins that wish to build, which will allow many things to be built in game rather than me sitting for hours coding and doing everything. Now admins are supposed to help out with like spammers and other sorts, but any admins, haha you will get a building guide and if you wanna build once the system is complete feel free! Maps will all beable to be linked together, changed, etc. So basicly, the area can change for the better now, the game will be 2000 times less laggy when it comes to loading and walking, I think I possibly have the fastest map changing system around, see, when I add something to the map, it has to totally go threw and reset it so I have the new mapdata. And the thing is, even though it destroys the ambience and stuff, I couldn't even hear it stop. So depending on how it all works, I might even beable to get the look command to still work, even from acrossed the world on there because I have a lightning fast map system at my finger tips. But for the players it will help in many ways, because simply, anything will be possible! Before when I wanted to do something, I had to go in and code every last bit. With this new system depending on how dynamic I make it that won't even be the case. I could make hazards admins could spawn while building there maps, I might add those little dlg things so admins can create text squares, therefor on some maps allowing some kind of quests not that this is what is about but we can now have caves, left over campers, what ever get's built will stay there! It might sound comfusing but i'm excited about it right now and haha, it's 12:47 AM here and I should be in bed, etc. Anyway theres your biggest update. Also, I made it so to be fair, f now makes a sound at the northern area so it's easy to match it and get almost exactly on the angle you want. Lower pitch means behind, as usual. Well, I gottta keep codinng *smiles*, see ya all later.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-05-29 10:51:06

Hi Sam.

  That sounds awesome. I think it'll be interesting to see what kinds of areas that people come up with. I also like the fact that the first map won't allow killing, so that new people can learn how to survive before going out and adding pvp to the list of things to survive. Question: how would traveling between maps be handled?

If a helicopter falls in the field and no one's around, it doesn't make a sound.

2015-05-29 13:47:38

just press enter.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-05-29 14:52:06

wow! that sounds very nice, sam!)) well, let's see how it will work, i wish i could build maps big_smile just keep it up

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2015-05-29 18:39:30

Wow, it sounds cool, Sam! I am pleased I will wait for the update!!!

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-29 19:08:33

Sam, I have a proposition for you.
Can you replace the ultrasound. it's sounds after you connect to the server 5 to 10 seconds. That's why when you connect it sounds? A low health, ultrasound last very long. Beats strongly on the ears.

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-30 03:30:47

Well, no coord system means I definitely won't be playing this again. I absolutely dispise rotational movement. Was fun while it lasted.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2015-05-30 04:38:10

Hi. How can I pick up items? The item was right in front of me, and I pressed space, but all my groping fingers claimed was sand.

Devin Prater
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2015-05-30 15:37:56

Hello, Sam. I have the following occurs. I play, but after a while my health and energy drops sharply to 1%. Why is this happening?

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-30 18:05:23

Guys, how to turn purely on the north? I turn, pressing Shift +arrows and pressing F, to hear the sound. Well, I hear the high-pitched sound, like, find north. But when I try to find an object, the object appears in front of me at first, and then the left or right. As if I did not go to the north and north east or north west.

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-30 19:44:56

You just need to center the sound. And sorry about the health thing, i'm still trying to catch the stupid hacker. I think someone hates me and I won't give names but I still have to find a way to swat ther person out of here or fix the breach that is allowing them to hack.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-05-30 19:48:48

Sorry, I was done playing survive the wile, Just because people killing me without reason, and goodbye, I was deleted the game Immediately and uninstall it. I'm done getting pots, and other item. God damn it people, think what are you doing now.
I'm saying this just because I was on a first map.
good luck with the game anyways, I was done.

2015-05-30 19:56:41

Hi, Sam!

samtupy1 wrote:

You just need to center the sound. And sorry about the health thing, i'm still trying to catch the stupid hacker. I think someone hates me and I won't give names but I still have to find a way to swat ther person out of here or fix the breach that is allowing them to hack.

I hope that all errors will be corrected! Good luck to you!

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-30 22:56:54

HHHHello everybody!
I was waiting for this game, and found it very interesting.
But I would like some tips on how to survive. I walk a lot, and do not know many things about the game, so would like some help

2015-05-30 23:54:37

well, I really recommend looking at the readme. It's a little out of date but I will fix it. And this map system is almost done. It's to bad that people lieve because of the killers but to me that just means that person is being a sort of bad sport but anyway, whatever, part of that will be fixxed with this new map system but still. I might share a demo in a couple minutes.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-05-31 00:00:58

Hi, the navigation system is forgive me, but a bit screwed up. It says tree a bit to the left of you, I go left again and again, and there's no tree there. People might leave for this. Oh and the hack is prittey bad, the health warning just ruins my ears.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-05-31 01:15:34

Sam, currently what system are using you to comunicate the server with the clients?
Sockets, http connection or another?
If you're use http, or sockets... the data that the client and server are sending is plain? or before send, you encrypt it with a lite algorithm.

A good option to stop the hack of sent and received packets is try to encrypt them with a private key that only the server can know it. And of course, while the time pass, the server each day generates a new secret key. But, the encrypt and decrypt algorithm must be strong, but fast, for don't affect the play performance.

My knowledge of informatics security isn't too large, but... I doubt that the hackers of this place have a lot of techniques to break encryption systems, or corrupt strong packages sending through secure connections.

Well, I wish that you can solve this stupid problem. Aprone had a lots of headaches with this stupid kind of people

2015-05-31 04:51:38

Ok, so it's been a while since I've played this game, what with moving to Minnesota for the Summer and whatnot. I must say, things have changed...a lot. And I really will miss the coordinate system. Right now I feel as blind in this game as I am in real life, which is more than a little frustrating. Finding things just became a heck of a lot slower, as I'm now reduced to a back-seat driver telling me imprecise directions with practically every step I take, instead of actually looking at things and knowing exactly where they are. Still, whatever. I guess I could adapt...except there's one problem. Currently, using the C key to check what's around floods you with an absolute wall of information. Waiting for my screenreader to finish reading through all the items, terrain, junk, and other stuff on the map makes it so that I effectively can't play this game. I strongly, strongly recommend, therefore, that the next thing to implement is a way to choose what we look at. The side-effect of allowing things to be built is that the map is now extremely! cluttered with all sorts of junk. In real life I can choose to focus on just one object if I wanted to, and since we're going for realism here, a focusing option would help, a lot.

Sorry if I'm sounding a little harsh here, Sam. To be honest I'm pretty frustrated at the direction this game's navigation system took. Still, this is your game, and I do want to keep playing it, so I'm gonna work on adapting my playing strategy accordingly. As of now though, I am, rather ironically, both totally blind and also overloaded with information, so playing has become very difficult indeed.

I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance, is futile. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service---us.

2015-05-31 05:39:25

Hello, Sam. Update, please, Readme. It is out of date. And please correct navigation system, I can not find their way. That tree to my left, then right.

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-31 06:00:42

Ok, so it's clear that I need to make a focus system and I will probably do it. And holy crap sanslash, good idea! I could probably do that! I don't know how much it would kill gameplay so i'd have to see but hey it's a really good idea! I will have the focusing system in the next fiew updates, and now with this new map system, we no longer get that stupid fire bug where there's a million fire tiles! Yes! I also fixed the fish bug whare sometimes it wouldn't lock hopefully. All in the next release, folks!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-05-31 06:36:18

I hope that the next update will be released in time.

Regards, Adil.

2015-05-31 11:25:20

wow, people keep killing me. I can't survive any longer big_smile.
when I'm hunting for food.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-05-31 12:04:09

It does, because they know you have best weapon. I'm done with these people, the people killing me is, playername is, smoke. I have like 2 revolvers, 40 bullets, and 1000 pots, and 30 etible fish. well well, and 5 rockgun, and 100 rock, and 70 flares, and 250 brantches, and 60 woods, and 2000 claye. That is a last word from a game before I die.