2015-05-18 14:36:11

What's the point of this link you've posted?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-05-18 18:39:31

Lol, that was actually posted at the right time, since we've ran the server all night, and not a single crash has happened, with the acception of my broken code earlyer when I was testing the tram system, but we're back to normal, and with no lag, server side! So, we invite everyone to come and enjoy! I'm working on for the 1.0 release of the client, dark's requested comet mining system. The firestar planet cracker is currently the only vessel capable of such a task, as it comes built in with its own tram system, asteroid processer, comet mining, and planet splitting for uninhabbited planets, and its capable of asteroid mining, as well as the deep space way of planet cracking, not the old boring way we're all so used too. For though's of you wundering what the asteroid processer is, basicly their's a collection beam on the bridge. You use this next to an asteroid with a gigantic resource count that would take ages to mine by conventional means. The asteroid is hoisted into the gigantic bay of the firestar planet cracker, which is the asteroid processing facility. Once their, you can then mine the resources from it with ease, and these resources will actually be for constructing starships and buildings on planets. Currently, i've got the asteroid processer operational, but the collection beam seems to shoot asteroids in a random pattern, which i'm working on as its ment to bring them directly into the asteroid processing bay. In other news, the tram system is coming along well. They can move across the firestar with ease, and its possible to call them now at any station where the tram arrives.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-19 11:32:47

Greetings! I'd like to announce that i've fixt the building system so you no longer need to collect resources in an exact order. The teleporter outpost requires 3 iron and 2 rair metals to build, while the shipyard which is still being worked on requires 5 iron and 5 rocks. I'm still working on the shipyard, but for the moment, building it will enable you to buy ships at the planet your on, as well as do repairs, everything you previously could at a shipyard before, all from the cumfert of your own planet, or moon, depending on what you build on.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-19 12:34:34

Thanks to christopher reporting this ishue, I never actually realized the gameloop was running. This means that teleporters should be back to normal, anddeath will once again be happening if your health drops down. If your health was in the neggitives and you suffered an unfortunit death, let us know and we'll restore your credits and transfer you back onto your ship. It also has restored the ability for you to pick up items, so get building! Lol.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-21 23:24:14

Greetings! I've just boosted the light freighter acceleration, simpply sell your old one and buy a new one and you'll be good in no time. Enjoy!

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-22 12:37:13

hi danny and all.

I have a problem I don't know just me or other player have this problem.

Every time I log in, the ship is dock. why this happen. if this is a kind of bug, hope you can fix it. thanks

2015-05-22 13:26:07

I don't think its every time you log in tan, and its because I switched up docking to stop that really annoying glitch where the server seems to hang, not saving anyone's ships or players.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-22 14:59:25

so, how to keep our data save?

2015-05-24 09:59:57

hello danni, I've sent you a pm, please check them.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-05-24 19:13:54

Greetings all. @connor, i've sent you a reply. To everyone else. If you remember the old version 2.0 of dm 2d, the one which turned out to be my last project in bgt, i've begun designing a little present for you all. That's right, the cronos class battleship, on which the avenger was designed around. I'm attempting to replicate the exact layout, their may be some changes though, but hopefully I can get it correct since I don't remember the exact avenger layout all that much.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-26 07:28:24

Hello everyone!
We've been talking over some suggestions and we've been thinking.
We've been thinking about implementing a thirst system. Here is how it could work.
On some space stations and on gigantic ships meant for deep space exploration, there would be galactic terminals, from which you could order drinks. There would be various types of drinks, that would fill your thirst meeter by varying amounts.
And, to be clear, you wouldn't die of thirst within 5 minutes, it would take days to die of thirst.
Let us know what you think!

2015-05-26 07:55:49

emm, wow?

2015-05-26 08:02:18

hi all, i thing it's very very very very very cool system! yes!

2015-05-26 08:25:23

hell yeah. I like this suggestion.

2015-05-26 15:38:30

Hi all,
Please repair the server Dmnb. I can't play.

2015-05-26 17:27:21

Servers are back up.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-26 18:33:59

Yeah we talked about the thirst system where you can buy drinks and maybe food on some ships.
I have an other suggestion, which I think a lot of people would find cool:
What about making a social area on one of the planets or stations. A place where you could play games together with the other players. Card games and maybe other board games. What about a small pirate destruction simulation game, where you can try to beat other players highscores. Some of those games should cust credits, and in some of the games, you should be able to winn some credits as well. What do you think of this idea? I think that would really bring people together. Someone suggested a bar as well, where you could buy and drink beers etc. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-05-26 20:05:20

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the thirst system is very bad, because if your thirst is 0, if you disconnected and if you reconnect after 3 days, your character will completely died by thirst.
If you disconnect the game still in progress. So if you disconnected when your ship's apu is online, you lose all fuel.
I have a suggestion about mitions.
What about starship war mition?
When the mition started, you will get different types of your robotic starships and starbases.
of course, enemies has different starships and starbases.
You will get 10 starships and 3 starbases.
Of course, enemies has same number, but you and your enemies will get randerm starships.
This 10 starships is controled by robots.
and you can order and control robots using communication console.
for example, if your starship name is Light and enemies starship name is rocket, you can order this.
Light, fire 50 warheads to rocket.
Light, dock on starbase1
Light, undock from starbase1
and etc etc etc.
If enemies all starships and starbases has been destroyed, Your mition is ended and you will recive lot of credits.
What do you think?

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303 Post by SLJ
Today 01:33:59
Yeah we talked about the thirst system where you can buy drinks and maybe food on some ships.
I have an other suggestion, which I think a lot of people would find cool:
What about making a social area on one of the planets or stations. A place where you could play games together with the other players. Card games and maybe other board games. What about a small pirate destruction simulation game, where you can try to beat other players highscores. Some of those games should cust credits, and in some of the games, you should be able to winn some credits as well. What do you think of this idea? I think that would really bring people together. Someone suggested a bar as well, where you could buy and drink beers etc. big_smile
302 Post by danny
Today 00:27:21
Servers are back up.
301 Post by stormstorm
Yesterday 22:38:30
Hi all,
Please repair the server Dmnb. I can't play.
300 Post by mike-tan
Yesterday 15:25:23
hell yeah. I like this suggestion.
299 Post by cruiser destroyer
Yesterday 15:02:18
hi all, i thing it's very very very very very cool system! yes!
298 Post by Ronal
Yesterday 14:55:49
emm, [wow]?
297 Post by Omar Alvarado
Yesterday 14:28:24
Hello everyone!
We've been talking over some suggestions and we've been thinking.
We've been thinking about implementing a thirst system. Here is how it could work.
On some space stations and on gigantic ships meant for deep space exploration, there would be galactic terminals, from which you could order drinks. There would be various types of drinks, that would fill your thirst meeter by varying amounts.
And, to be clear, you wouldn't die of thirst within 5 minutes, it would take days to die of thirst.
Let us know what you think!
296 Post by danny
2015-05-25 02:13:54
Greetings all. @connor, i've sent you a reply. To everyone else. If you remember the old version 2.0 of dm 2d, the one which turned out to be my last project in bgt, i've begun designing a little present for you all. That's right, the cronos class battleship, on which the avenger was designed around. I'm attempting to replicate the exact layout, their may be some changes though, but hopefully I can get it correct since I don't remember the exact avenger layout all that much.
295 Post by connor142
2015-05-24 16:59:57
hello danni, I've sent you a pm, please check them.
294 Post by mike-tan
2015-05-22 21:59:25
so, how to keep our data save?
293 Post by danny
2015-05-22 20:26:07
I don't think its every time you log in tan, and its because I switched up docking to stop that really annoying glitch where the server seems to hang, not saving anyone's ships or players.
292 Post by mike-tan
2015-05-22 19:37:13
hi danny and all.
I have a problem I don't know just me or other player have this problem.
Every time I log in, the ship is dock. why this happen. if this is a kind of bug, hope you can fix it. thanks
291 Post by danny
2015-05-22 06:24:14
Greetings! I've just boosted the light freighter acceleration, simpply sell your old one and buy a new one and you'll be good in no time. Enjoy!
290 Post by jesseleivo
2015-05-20 02:20:28
@danny, I don't wanna cause a flame war again, but just to tell you something. I'm not sure if this fixes anything, but here goes.
I called you a jerk the other day on dmnb, because I thought you're not giveing me a nebvan because of an ooc thing, not an ic thing.
289 Post by danny
2015-05-19 19:34:34
Thanks to christopher reporting this ishue, I never actually realized the gameloop was running. This means that teleporters should be back to normal, anddeath will once again be happening if your health drops down. If your health was in the neggitives and you suffered an unfortunit death, let us know and we'll restore your credits and transfer you back onto your ship. It also has restored the ability for you to pick up items, so get building! Lol.
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2015-05-26 20:35:13 (edited by crashmaster 2015-05-26 20:37:10)

Hi omar and all.
While I'd like the ability to eat and drink, especially on long space voyages, I don't want to have to eat and drink when say my char is idol.
If I have to go away for a few weeks or something I could see a thing where I would probably die because I was not maintaining my virtual char.
Next, life is not the fairest of things and while I will continue to try to play dmnb when I can its as I said when I can.
That usually means a few hours a day 5 being the most maybe more if I get a day where I am snowed in at home due to weather and such.
Point is I don't want the added chore off maintaining my char all the time though it would be nice to drink and eat at events, and on long voyages etc.
It would also be nice to get different alchaholic drinks and get drink, get coffee and drink that different types, get high because I drink to much of that or higher grades, etc.
As for maintaining your char on long voyages I could see where that would be and would probably use that especially when exploring, however I assume that on planets you will be able to do this myself I'd prefur that you chould choose to play with the keeping your char full like in real life for those that want it.
Or could have it as of now that you log on and do whatever I know some that are not over the otherside of the world won't like me that much for saying this but the reality is half the time every one is on in the us I am sleeping.
And while yes I could log on during the full day I have other things to do before I game that's not to say I enjoy a nice game at the end of a day though.
How would the new system effect those that are on a planet especially in the home system or on a shipyard, I assume the player would find food automatically if hungry or something.
I'd like to have a meal and a drink on a station or planet I must admit and the social aspect would be interesting.
We have 2 games, slots could do with bigger prizes to win, and maybe lose I have played several slots on my system some which I work on for others locally and you can win a lot more cash.
If we are going to put this in then we need a system for game time.
I don't know what day it is in the game universe for example or what time it is.
As far as I care it could be midnight and my char would still be doing things.
Ofcause I haven't exactly been on to get into the playing for real, I just do a mission or 2 on the fringes and I havn't branched out as such.
The larger ships confuse me and I have not yet been on at times where there are various crew to handle various non solo missions so its not exactly happened yet.
Maybe I have been unlucky when I have managed to get online but still I am not complaining for the most part the game is stable enough.
One thing I'd like to do is have a system where you can sell items you have no use either back to the shipyard or to a terminal in a shipyard or to a player market.
After a few missions where things didn't happen and various things I have a lot of tethers for astro hauling, powercore parts and conduits and guns that are now clogging my inventory I'd like to get rid of them at some stage, I'd prefur in the true spirit of the game that I sold them for cash but I'd just as easily except a delete key to destroy items I no longer wanted and take them out of inventory or drop them somewhere or chuck them or whatever.
On a small edit, mo mo I am not sure what you did but you managed to post the entire web page layout in your post and completely mangle things.
I'd prefur if you just typed in what you wanted and hit send.
I assume though that you are not being an complete ass and in stead don't know English in which case can you adjust whatever program you use to post posts because its messing the formatting.
your posts are a bit hard to read

2015-05-27 01:15:17

Guys. To clear something up first of all. Ships, are handled even when you disconnect. Your character, however, is not. When you disconnect, your character is taken out of the game world. Hents. Thirst would not effect you while you were offline.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-27 21:34:12

Hello everyone,
Our main dev/admin, Danny, is in need of a rest away from the game.
I have been put in charge until he returns. I do not know when this will be, but until then, if you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them. Thank you for your understanding.
Hope to see you on death match a new beginning!

2015-05-28 06:08:19 (edited by Omar Alvarado 2015-05-28 06:21:04)

Hello everyone!
Many of you players have seen a ship called phantom hulk flying through the skies, and in various other activities.
Well, you now have a chance to win this very ship!
It's a custom built flagship, built by my previous character unstoppable, who was killed in a rp event.
Here is how it will work.
1. No custom flagships may join the battle. This is so others have a fair chance to win this ship.
2. Before we begin, there needs to be at least 2 other ships besides the hulk. The two of you can either dogfight each other, or see below.
3. The object of the battle, is to get the hull of the phantom hulk down to 200000. During this of course, the phantom hulk will be attempting to kill whoever joins.
And last, you may bring crew members as part of your ship. It is actually suggested you bring crew members.
Here are a few stats you may need to know about the phantom hulk.
The maximum fuel the ship can hold in its tanks is 50000 units.
The maximum amount of warheads the ship can store is 1500.
acceleration is 450.
Fusion range 129000
Hull is 650000
I am not requiring you to be at a specific rank to take part in this battle.
When there are at least 2 ships that are interested, I will begin, though if more are interested, you must specify before the battle actually begins. Once it does, and you have problems with a ship, such as critical hull level, your out.
Edit oh, I forgot to mention, this is a last man standing style battle. The last pilot still flying wins the hulk, instantly, even if the hull isn't at critical level.
Good luck everyone! May the best pilot win!

2015-05-28 19:33:35

Greetings! So, you may have noticed the federation space hq space station contains several galactic network terminals full of items which don't work. Allow me to explain. The modules with console names before them, yes, will go into the new custom ship building system. Simpply buy one. Walk back to your ship. Board it, and walk to a suitable place where you'd like to set the console down at. And select it from your inventory. Once this system is complete, this will install the console module that the module is attached too into your ship. The next things are engines. These will be used to upgrade your ships max speed. You walk over to the outside of your ship, use an engine module, and it attaches to the underside of your vessel allowing you to gain a boost in speed. Engines will come in first since they are the less difficult to implement, i'm still trying to decide weather they should be only for custom made ships or for stock starship classes as well.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-28 23:19:16

Greetings all! Transport rescue missions are back in action!

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-05-29 16:31:26

btw may be i little bit complain to nikita for make a destroyer, in sign it said has warhead but in status doesn't have warhead capability, please fix it nikita, i like your ship class but we need warhead for this type of ship