2015-05-21 18:19:17

I am looking for a few volunteers to try out a new game. It is different to many other games in that it is played in real time (over two weeks) and plays within the real worldwide web.

You will play as an Agent working for the Serious and Exceptional Crime Organisation, and will need internet and codebreaking skills to solve the case.

The first game, being launched on 1st June 2015, is FREE to PLAY, and will involve receiving messages from the Controller (via MailChimp), then finding coded messages on social media, breaking the code and then finding the relevant websites which will contain information to help you solve the case. The purpose is to establish who is involved, how and what they are going to do, and where they are going to do it. Further information will be passed to you periodically during the two weeks of play.

Iā€™m afraid there is no interface (so no screenshots), as you will be playing in the real world using Twitter, Facebook, Google searches, Google maps, GPS locations, and real websites. Everything has been created on the web to play this game.

All you need to play is an intellect with internet access.

I would like to invite you to visit our website and register to play the first game. We will be using MailChimp to maintain contact with players. Your details will not be passed to any third parties and will only be used to receive game updates and messages.

If you would like any further information please contact me, otherwise I hope you enjoy the game.


[email protected]

2015-05-21 18:30:25


how can I register for this game? I visited the website but didn't find anything to register.

Thanks for helping!

2015-05-21 18:34:10

Hi janagirl

There should be a link on the About page and on the Current Game page. This will take you to a form to register with the game players list hosted by MailChimp. Complete the form and you will be registered.

Please let me know if you have any problems, as this is new.


2015-05-21 18:40:31

Hi again,

OK, thank you. That helped, I'm now registered!

Thanks for helping!

2015-05-21 18:41:52

thanks janagirl

2015-05-21 19:14:55


You will need to confirm your subscription by clicking on the registration email that should have been sent to you by MailChimp. Sorry, as I say this is all new.


2015-05-21 19:41:47

This sounds very interesting. However, I do have a question: what happens if we can't travel to the physical, real world locations? A lot of us on this website are totally blind computer users with screen reading software, in many parts of the world. Some ofus use apps like BlindSquare on the iPhone to move to locations, but I don't know if we will be able to view maps and things unless there are text-based equivalents. Or is this an internet only game?

2015-05-21 19:48:51

Hi aaron

Basically, you will need to access the internet, but you should be able to play if you only receive text.

The game will revolve around breaking the coded messages that you will discover on the social media sites. When you have de-coded them there will be information that you can use to search on Google. If you search for the right things you will find what you need.

But please try the game, it is totally free, and let me have your feedback regarding any difficulties. You will be able to contact me at any stage of the game and I will try to help you out.


2015-05-21 20:25:15

I'm curious about the whole 'codebreaking' aspect of things - I know quite a lot about crypto, and the idea of a modern coded message being 'breakable' by a person isn't reasonable.  What's the rationale for why the codes are so weak?  Is it just a necessary plot device for the game?

2015-05-21 20:28:47

Hi Dentin

It is basically a plot device, it just makes it more interesting to have to decode the messages. Some people will find the codes easy and some will find them hard. I will need to find the balance, but the codes could get harder if necessary.

Bottom line is it is supposed to be fun.

2015-05-21 20:33:50

No problem! I already confirmed my subscription, I got the mail. Everything is all right!

Thanks for helping!

2015-05-21 21:09:52

Cool, I understand.  Best wishes with it!

2015-05-21 23:51:41

Not having twitter or facebook, plus being rather busy at that point I'll not be able to participate in this, but I'll be interested to see how it works out.
My only miner concern in terms of access is that even if all the clues and information needed for the investigation are entirely textual, I wonder how easy they will be able to find if they're hidden somewhere on a massive page of information?

Lack of skim reading can be a pest for blind computer users, though on the other hand most screen readers have very efficient find and navigation functions and if the objects required could be found that way, eg searching for the word "monkey" on a page then that might help alleviate the problem.

For anyone who signs up and participates in this I'll be interested to hear how it goes.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-05-22 10:28:22

Hi Dark

You'll have to trust me that the information will be clear when you find it. You would only need a Twitter account to play (and they can be set up quickly and with little or no personal information).

The game is not intended to be too time consuming, as I say the intention is to let people have fun and experience something different. As I imagine it you might be having a slow day at work / at home etc, you then receive a new message from the game, and your day takes on a different direction. You now have some information to deal with and fit into the overall picture of your investigation.

Also, you can register, try it and put the game to one side whilst you are busy. The game will be fully playable without the 'live' aspect, this has been added to give that extra dimension.

2015-05-22 22:37:08

I registered for the game, it sounds interesting! But I didn't get the email with the confirmation link yet, it isn't in my junk folder either. I hope it will just come later.

2015-05-23 11:34:03

Thanks Tikki

If you haven't received it by now I would suggest you register again.


2015-05-23 19:06:40

everything is fine, I got the email and confirmed. So, all set up now! big_smile

2015-05-24 10:27:55

Registered and ready.

2015-05-28 10:50:43

All those who have registered, I sent an email yesterday from The Blurred Web. Make sure it did not go into your junk folder, and add the address to your contacts.

2015-06-05 10:51:00

Hi All

You must think I'm either incredibly stupid, or incredibly mean. The current scenario being played on the Blurred Web is probably not the best one for a blind gamer.
All I can say is that, despite nearly 30 years as a detective, I didn't realise the significance of the name AudioGames.net. My skills of deduction have clearly reduced since I retired.

Fortunately, someone has now pointed out the obvious to me.

The second game I was planning, should be a much better challenge for you all, and, now I am aware, I can try and make sure that you will enjoy it more. I am hoping to launch it on the 6th July, and I would appreciate it if you could contact me soon with the following information:

Do you use a standard computer with the standard accessibility features?

Can you use Google maps to find specific locations/businesses (and go to their websites), if you are given a GPS co-ordinate?

As I understand it now, the second issue has caused the biggest problem in the current game scenario, but if I can get an idea of how to improve it I should be able to sort that out for the next game.

Apologies for my initial ignorance, but with a little bit of forethought on my part everyone should be able to play the next game on a level playing field.


[email protected]