2015-05-12 19:16:30

A Quick Note

The discussion itself, was first started by me over here , so if you already contributed over there, ya don't have to do so over here, unless ya wish to.
Also, "FLOSS" for those who do not know means:
"Free Libre Open Source Software."

Why This Topic Exists?

To share the "many" other "Free services out there which lets you talk to people that you may never have heard of, and to try and get your friends switched over to them. If not "full time," then ya could simply "try" one out, and at least give it a "test" run.
Some of the items in the list are an "social" networks, while others are for chatting and video/voice calling people powered by "Web Real Time Communication."

Social networks

1. shout It!
(You can ignore the privacy connection warning... its safe!)
2. 2MB Social:
Similar to Shout It, though it doesn't have "XMPP" integration with the site.

Both of the above, are powered by GnU Social , which both are part of an even "larger" network of other sites, where your messages "if public," will share to "all" of them. Many folks are switching away from Twitter to GnU Social sites instead.

Web RTC Alternatives

1. Appear:
2. Video Link To Me:
3. Matrix:

If using Appear or V2Me, you can have up to 8 video/voice participants in a room, with text chat provided. If using Matrix, its virtually limitless, though its "text chat" only. Voice/video calling is available, though only within "private" rooms.
(I'm still checking out Matrix though, so keep that in mind.)

2015-05-15 15:34:17

hi there.
hmm, that's interesting.
are those services similar to firefox's hello service?