2015-03-27 02:54:07

    I'm trying to help a Blind friend of mine, who has been playing Alter Aeon for a few years now.  Last nite, he was playing and in game, told it to look into a "collectors bag" that was on the ground.  It took him a few tries, to figure out how to word it right so he could look into the bag. He used commands like look col gro or look coll gro or look in gro coll or something  like that.

    Now it's added the [exits: north, east, west, south] to the screen and also doing something like: when he types scan, it does part of the scan, then when he hits south or something, it'll list the rest of the scan.  It seems like there's a lag on certain commands.
    I'm figuring that he accidentally must have used an Alter Aeon command or maybe a Mushclient command..  But we don't know which one...

Denton told us to try Mush-z but that didn't help like we thought at first...

  Anyone have any idea's?  It seems like it's something specific to HIS machine.  If I log in with mine, I don't get the problem.

2015-03-27 17:35:59

If you let him log in his character on your machine, does he still have the problem?  If you log in your character on his machine, do you have the problem?

It sounds like maybe changed his 'autoexit' setting or something similar.  He might also have an alias that's screwing things up on his character.  Can you get me his character name?

2015-03-27 18:14:35

Unfortunately, we live like 30miles apart and neither of us drives.  The Characters in Question are named "XYZ" and "ABC" I believe. 

I'm wondering if/when I can get over to his house, if I uninstalled Mushclient and Alter Aeon, and Re installed them, if that would fix it, since it doesn't do it to me when I log in from MY house, so it would seem to be something on HIS machine...

2015-03-27 21:54:59

When you say it doesnt happen for you when you log in from your house, are you logging in his characters or yours?  Does it happen for him on all five of his characters?

2015-03-27 22:32:55

I'm logging into His characters, I don't really Play the game, but I help him with it.

2015-03-28 00:16:10

Nod, if you're able to log in his characters from your location and don't have the problem, then it sounds like it's his machine somewhere.  An uninstall/delete/reinstall would probably do it, unless he somehow hit a hotkey that changes the way his screen reader works.  Another option is to go into the worlds/alteraeon/settings directory and delete all the files in there - that way it should start up with all default settings.

2015-03-28 00:23:05

Understood, I'll try it as soon as I can get a ride over to his house.  Thanx!