2014-11-10 20:36:32

Astralaudio and CanC, I'm still intrigued by this game... but I'm always a bit of a skeptic when it comes to MK games, mostly because until MK 2011 they always hyped up the games and had disappointing results. Three variations are cool, but they have to be balanced enough that there won't be any broken or overpowered characters, and just because they have many new characters, that doesn't mean they'll be the best designs or what have you. I'm not knocking the game, in fact I'm very curious to get more news and more direct gameplay feeds with less commentary. I'm glad to see them finally trying the variation system that Capcom and SNK tried way back in the 90s. Street Fighter alpha 3, Capcom VS. SNK 2 and Samurai Shodown VI are just some examples of each character having different play styles. In any event, we shall see... and as to the story mode being the shining point, just my personal opinion... but with 25 years of timeline to work with, they actually just screwed the entire thing up with MK 2011... they basically rewrote the whole story when they decided the series needed a reboot. lol And while the presentation was decent, the voice acting could've been better... and there were so many gaping plot executions that went south... how many characters they killed off, for example. But anyway, my rant's over... I don't want to come off as too critical or someone who doesn't appreciate good presentation or effort. I'm interested to see how this develops... everyone has different views on character personality. Some people considered MK 2011 or Injustice to have vibrant characters, and I think Injustice did simply because it was based on heroes who already had years of comic history behind them... whereas MK's story mode never really flushes out the character personalities and backgrounds imho. Tekken is one I've always seen as one with a lot of personality, even in the one liners... even Ultra Street Fighter IV which is one of the games I enjoy the most has boring character personalities. lol But at the end of the day, this seems solid so far... but for me personally, the internal game mechanics and fighting engine are where it's going to matter the most. Sorry for the wall of text. hahaha.

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-11-11 00:11:59

Ok, a few things. 1. Assault, I kinda agree with you I guess, the mk 9 story mode kinda did bore me and what I saw from mk gold and the rest weren't all that good. Second, I must say, the new sub zero has a much cooler voice. The guy from before kinda had an annoying voice. He sounds kinda like Kabal but a bit more robotic in this one though. I saw a few videos on youtube today and there are definitely more characters. Noob, kitana, and rain are being hinted at, but Kitana died in mk 9... But I also found out that quan chi is ressurecting the casualties of the war in mk 9 as revenants. Maybe zombie liu kang will make an appearance? But goro is gonna be my main man. I'm gonna whoop so much ass, sorry for the language. Not saying I don't do that anyway... lol.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-11 00:19:50

That's how characters usually tend to be brought back in the MK stories... Liu Kang was brought back as a zombie for both deception and armageddon after all. lol We'll see. I do like some of the new voices though. I can only hope that if they release this internationally they don't half-ass the dub again the way they did with injustice in Japan. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-11-11 01:09:00

I don't see them doing zombie leu again, though I do see him returning as he's kinda a staple of the series.
I do agree about injustice and mk9 though, they left near half the cast with no reason to care about them.  Hoping for better with MKX, and it is looking promising.
BTW, kodel can say 'temporarily' all day if he likes... big_smile

2014-11-11 03:07:03

I hope kodal khan isn't as cheap as shao khan was and I hope we actually get to play as this one. thats what I didn't like about mk 9, when you earned the right to play as shao khan, kintaro, and goro when you defeat them, you are not rewarded with the ability to play as them.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-11 08:27:07

No, because those characters would've been way, way overpowered and cheap... and in a tournament-level fighting game, the goal is to cut out cheap or overpowered characters so that the cast is fairly balanced. NRS would've needed to essentially rework the characters or at least scale down their damage, since their moves took off so much health.
DanC I don't see him coming back unless as a revenant or NRS doing something to again retcon the fact that he died in MK 9. And that was still one of the stupidest plot holes and one I won't let go... along with Sindel suddenly being able to overpower five fighters with superpowers without even resorting to her own abilities. A God who can't incapacitate a human without killing him? lol But if I keep going, I'm not going to stop. I do agree that this cast of MK at least seems to have more personality... here's hoping we aren't disappointed. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-11-11 13:48:53

I see your point. Goro was really powerfull, I think his x ray did something like 80 percent damage.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-11 15:53:41

Yeah, something along those lines... I think Shao Kahn's did too. If those characters were playable... then noone would ever use anyone else at tournaments. That's why Ultra Street Fighter IV is such a tournament standard and all the versions of SFIV have been... because it's one of the most balanced games around. Characters who have huge damage output or good damage tools trade that for low health and endurance. Seth for example. Yes, he is a boss. But as a playable character, while his attacks have good damage output, his health is crap... two solid combos can easily take off half his life, and considering that Street Fighter doesn't have emphasis on very long combos, that isn't a lot of damage.

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-11-13 17:45:10

Thanks for the news, I'll buy the games when it be released, I hope it be an accessable, and I hope it be very awesome, I haven't any idea about it, but I'll read and watch more about it.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
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2015-03-04 00:32:18

So I've found out plenty more. Shinok, which I'm really excited about, might be playable, as well as Jax, Sonya and Johnny. Speaking of Jax, his daughter, Jacky Briggs, will be playable, and as we all know, Cassie Cage. A few other people with really Chinese names I can't remember will also be playable, as well as someone named Aaron Black. Goro, of course, will be the pre-order bonus and there is now a faction system, where you pick a clan and go on line to win your faction war. I will be pre-ordering the game for my Xbox 360. At first I was skeptical about doing this, but after I heard what the company in charge of the port has done, for example, worked on Injustice and MK 9, all of that skepticism has been blown away.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2015-03-04 00:37:33

All that is speculation at the moment, but we shall see what comes in the next month or so. I'm not sure what you mean by the people doing the ps3 and xbox360 versions being the same people who worked on MK 9 and Injustice... because last I checked, that isn't true. Nether Realm Studios worked on those games in house, whereas for this game they're only focussing on the ps4, xbox1 and pc versions, with the ps3 and 360 versions of the game being worked on by another studio. But I might be missing information. It'll be interesting to see if Shinok is playable, though a lot of speculation going around the community is negative. But personally, I think Sonya, Jaxk and Johnny Kage don't need to be in the game... we already have Kassy Kage and Jacquie Brigs. I think those three slots should either be more new characters, or some characters from the 3d games that had some potential to be really good.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-03-04 01:04:44

Its true that the compnay doing the port, High Voltage Software, did some work on Injustice and MK 9, according to there page which an employee at a local videogame store told me just last night.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2015-03-04 02:37:04

Well last month I preordered the game for ps 4 so hope it is good.

Gaming is so cool.
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2015-03-04 08:37:38

@ghost rider. Ah. thanks for letting me know... I wasn't aware. smile That hopefully means that the difference will only be graphical then, rather than specifically game-related... but videogame store employees don't always know the complete facts. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-03-04 14:42:21

I have some news regarding companies, some good, some bad. The company behind the ps3 and xbox 360 versions is known as High Voltage Studios. You are correct, they did, in fact, work on injustice and mk9, however, they were behind the pc ports. Now, I don't know if you've been able to experience both ports, but they were a bit strange. In the mk9 port the audio was a bit odd, the Injustice port had a mono (yes, you heard me correctly, a mono! story mode), and on lower end pcs, to use a slightly modified quote from shao kahn, "it's official, they sucked".
However, because this time, they're working for consoles, they might actually do a beter job because, a console is a console with pretty much the same specs all round.
Now, time for my thoughts on mkx:
For the PC version, I didn't know it was being developed in house! OK, I think we might be in for a treat in that case. I've preordered the premium edition from Steam including the dlc bonuses and stuff. I am looking forard to seeing how this might turn out, the game sounds rather fluid on the streams. If the PC ersion will be that fluid, well, it's going to be really cool.
I might get the ps3 version just in case the pc version doesn't work for some reason. That way I should still hopefully be able to play something to do with mkx, but nothing's for definite yet.
I like that the characters talk to each other before matches. This should hopefully give us quite a lot of content to see or rather hear, as if every character interacts with each other, well, that's a lot of lines for arcade mode and probably versus too. This includes mirror match characters talking to each other!

2015-03-04 15:13:04

Unique intros have been around for a few years... if you like that sort of thing, play Blazblue or guilty gear XRD... MK has only recently picked up that trend after their first outing with injustice and the character dynamics there. And I'm not getting the pc version, only on ps3... so we'll see how that turns out. If High voltage rolls out a horrible port, then yes I may get the pc edition as it's being worked on by NRS. But unfortunately, I'm not expecting too much on the accessibility front, as the new factions system will make everything change around a lot especially in the new equivalent to the challenge tower. But it's nice to see MK characters finally talk to each other, though apparently they still haven't gotten to making them speak more than gibberish in game with the exception of a few characters. And the dialog for the intros is decent this time around, so I'm hoping the story mode script isn't quite as cheesy as MK 9's. There were definitely some hilarious moments, most of which were very unintended. Shang tsung, for example. "Combahtahnts!" Or, "Let the tooanament begin!"

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-03-13 22:57:23

From the latest stream out today, quick time events are back in story mode... and of course, they're random as usual. Dang NRS... you'd think after meeting a blind player they would at least give us qte's that repeat, similar to games like Heavenly Sword or Asura's Wrath where the buttons don't change much. ah well. At least they don't prevent you from finishing the story... but apparently, certain fights during scenes will change depending on whether you win or lose, even though the story still progresses only one way. This is what happens when fighting games try to get too fancy with their story modes. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-03-14 00:21:40

I don't know if they are random ornot as they only showed that particular amtch once. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they are, but at least it continues. When they say fights change, I think they mean the QTE fight will change, depending on how many you get right and things, you will get different animations and effects, hopefully some of them audio related.
I also was glad to finally hear a match without everyone talking, and the stereo field seems to have quite a lot of depth, and it does actually sound a little faster than mk9 this time.

2015-03-14 00:32:48

Well, they were random in Injustice, so I'm going to go with the safe side assuming they are random this time. Doesn't matter to me whether fights change or not, and yes, it won't be just the animation but will definitely be sound effects as well... that I'm about 90% certain of. Good as the audio presentation and game speed is, this is going to keep me annoyed for a while. Ah well... I'll live with it. as I said above, at least the story line itself doesn't change... that would be a huge turnoff for me, not being able to watch the story just because I can't do QTE sequences. lol I'm definitely digging the rest of the audio, however.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-03-15 16:18:54

Glad to have found this topic. You have a very old-school Mortal Kombat player here. I remember playing Mortal Kombat one in the arcades. Fun times, and I have played every Mortal Kombat cents. This is the first time I am debating if to get it for   PS4, or PC, but we'll see. I look forward to discussing the game here, and hopefully playing some of you guys at some point. big_smile

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle…
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2015-03-15 17:12:41

Yeah I wish more people would get it on PC. But its understandable, and I'm considering grabbing a ps3 or 4, even if the TTS doesn't end up working out. I'm considering 3 just because there's a lot more games that I can play, but anyway. We shall see.

2015-03-15 22:23:49

Just a heads up, the ps3 verison has been delayed, and they have chosen high voltage to develop that version, and that might be a little concerning. At the same time though, it might not be so bad because petty much all ps3's have the same system specs, so I dunno, maybe High voltage will do a much better job, and, just maybe that was why they were movd to previous gen development, maybe they specialize in that generation rather than the current one?

2015-03-16 07:27:10

If the ps3 port has a chance of being inferior, I would rather just get the pc version since I know I have the specs for it, or at least once I fix my harddrive. haha. Also, I hate the fact that they're region locking the online system. Makes me so angry!

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-03-16 14:05:29

Region locking... again? seriously? So, who will I be ble to play against then? Will i be restricted to the UK only, or will this count Europe so I can play against pitermach assuming he gets it, and such?

2015-03-16 15:43:15

usually, the ps3/4 will be locked, xbox and PC are generally not.  that was the case with MK9 and injustice.
I'm rather annoyed that I have to wait another three months now, however I'm going to buy a pc which will hopefully have the specs to run the thing, and finally figure out how to use steam.  I was planning on doing this for a while so that I've got one laptop just for University stuff and another for everything personal, however this has clinched it for me.  I have no wish to get a ps4 as of yet, as there aren't enough games out currently to warrent the upgrade.