2014-12-17 14:55:37

Hello there people,
Recently my Skype updated itself to 6.22.something, and now I had a whole lot of problems (which is! pretty major if you think about it):
1. Chat messages: NVDA won't read any incoming messages. it plays skype sounds but that's it. Now I could just use JAWS and install the scripts to fix this... Alright, lets go to some problems installing the scripts doesn't seem to fix:
2. Unable to receive files: I know someone sent me files. Normally I'd go to that message, tab to save as and then receive it normally but, with both JAWS and NVDA tabbing once won't do anything, and tabbing twice will skip you entirely to the message edit field. I've found an article about this where the article said that the files will be automatically downloaded. Fine, then, it said to double click the message saying the person sent you the file and or right clicking it and find open, but how do they expect me to do that with a blind eye and well practically no control over the mouse as I can't really focus it properly?
3. Advertisements: OK, I know Skype has advertisements - which I don't mind much - but! the advertisements are sometimes in between the chat edit box and the history! Now I could just tab and tab and tab and try to find the history and the chat edit box, but why couldn't they just make it like the old style where the advertisement will appear and then disappear, or at least make screen-readers not bother so much or just get them out of the way? Sometimes tabbing from them will land you in an "unknown field" where you cannot! really do anything, except tab and shift tab. And why the heck did it need to hang there when I tab once from the unknown field and only move when I tabbed twice. Same case with JAWS!
Sorry for the rude language, I'm just mighty annoyed with this now since my friend sent me something I so wanted (well notes for school) and I can't receive them just because of the stupid problems! If anyone could help It would be greatly appreciated, but I guess I must ask him to send it again because he's now offline... and I didn't even receive it yet in the first place...

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-17 15:19:40

Try Skype 7.0 from Here.


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2014-12-17 15:20:06

Personally, I downgraded from skype 6.22 to 6.21 and now everything is ok for me.

2014-12-17 17:06:55

I am using skype 7.0, and it's not showing any problems. (strangely enough). I use skype talking not skype scripts.
I would suggest to take a look at skype talking, it might help.

2014-12-17 23:30:39 (edited by AlexN94 2014-12-17 23:31:37)

I suggest you take a look at these links, they might be what you're looking for:
How to undo the Skype update and go back to version 6.21
How to disable ads in Skype's chat window
How to Right Click using the Keyboard
For right clicking you can also use the application key if you have one, it's located between AltGR and CTRL (to the right of the spacebar).
Hope this helps smile

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2014-12-18 06:19:27 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2014-12-18 06:41:37)

Well I could use the application key, but it doesn't show what its supposed to, like "open" and all that. All it showed is "search with your search engine" and some other things that we don't really need.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will go see whether upgrading/downgrading would solve this. I just hope Skype won't autoupdate so much...
Oh and regarding right clicking: its not that we couldn't right click, its that how do we focus the mouse?

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-19 14:59:33

No, when someone sends you the file, in Skype 7.0 all you need to do is press shift plus tab to find download file button

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2014-12-23 08:58:12

Probably, but unfortunately my Skype doesn't want to update to 7.0, but I don't need to fuss it too much since I'm now using skype 6.1! yay! Thanks Alex, those links help.
PS: I didn't reply earlier cause I'm out and my internet gave me problems smile

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-23 14:41:52

Well, it's your choice! smile

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