2014-12-13 21:48:53

Alter Aeon is a well established MUD with a long history.  It is set in a world of swords and magic, with regular updates and system-wide events. The game is blind friendly for the visually impaired.

New and updated areas:

The underground city of Runn-Khal has opened on the island of Kordan. This level 16 zone provides a fun story and quest line for players not quite ready for Qoorik or the other high level areas on Kordan.

The catacombs below Azeroth Keep on the island of Archais have been updated and expanded.  The area is now a level 27 group zone, and should provide lots of fun for players not yet ready to approach the mainland.

On the mainland, three level 31 areas have opened to the northwest of Ralnoth:  Wallachia City, the Village of Vom, and the ruined castle of Radobaj.  These areas were put together by the builders Draak and Shadowfax.

We've also put a lot of work into adjusting levels on the new player islands to streamline them and make sure players can find zones appropriate for their level.

Server code updates:

Add item fetch jobs to the new player islands.  Use the 'job find' command on each island to hunt down available jobs.

Additions to the various event commands, including teleporting players to event areas and making events more friendly to low level players.

Vast improvements and additions to mob arenas.  Mob arenas can now be used as part of events, and there have been a lot of fixes to allow more class spells and skills to work in arenas.

Casting cleric spells now requires the wisdom and charisma stats, instead of wisdom and intelligence.  The charisma requirement is currently very low - approximately ten points below the wisdom requirement.  The charisma requirement is expected to raise by one point every few months until it is four points below the wisdom requirement.  Existing players can buy a stat swap for approximately 150k gold to help update their character.

There's a new Mush-Z release which fixes some startup/reinstall bugs.

Game events:

The December advent calendar has been running since the first, so don't forget to log in and get your advent gifts!  These special gifts only appear in December, so if you miss them, you have to wait until next year.

Our year end events are coming up in a couple of weeks.  Check the 'show event' and 'show schedule' commands in the next few days for more information.

Lastly, the Alter Aeon 20th Anniversary event is coming up the week of January 15th.  This marks two full decades of Alter Aeon, and we expect to see a lot of older faces as well as new.

We hope to see you there!

Alter Aeon MUD

2014-12-14 04:05:42

wow, gonna login to see how I go!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-12-14 05:54:02

how do you play that?

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-12-14 20:11:27

Easiest way is to go to http://mush-z.com and install a copy of Mush-Z.  That should get you connected to the game and able to play.

2014-12-14 20:25:52

Does the advent calendar happen automaticly or is there something I have to do? I still have turkeys I'm trying to give out. hahaha

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2014-12-14 23:30:53

yah ive downloaded that thinggy, and well don't know.
how to play

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-12-15 10:14:18

When you launch that, you will usually be connected to alter aeon. If you had a char there just log it in, otherwise just create a new char by typing N and then pressing enter and follow the steps. Then just play like how you play other MUDs, its no different at all.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-15 19:47:12

Jeff, the calendar happens automatically when you're logged in.  It usually takes around half an hour before the gift shows up, but if you've got more than one char logged in for a long time it'll skip you.

2014-12-15 19:48:41

Terminator, what part are you having problems with?  Are you able to create a new character?  Have you been able to find the encampment and talk to Whelan?  If you let me know your character name and where you're stuck I can probably help.

2014-12-16 00:04:58

What are these events being reffrenced in the updates? Are they for staff running events and they use the teleport commands and whatnot?
Mob arenas also reffrence these events.
Also Dentin, is Stellar aeon still being worked on, the systems for it? I hope lots will get done regarding that game next year, as I seriously think I game that is completely procederally generated is awesome

2014-12-16 04:36:03

I don't know how to play moods.
and my thinggy's name is robochirp.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-12-16 11:24:24

Well, MUDs involve you to enter commands (while basically type them out and pressing enter), rather than using arrow keys or what not. Example, to cast blue dart, you'll type cast blue dart, or shorten it to c bl da or c b d... etc. Usually MUDs don't have sounds, but in cases like Mush-Z, people had make a sound pack for it and compiled it into something like Mush-Z. Alter aeon itself have a  client, which I believe, have some sounds too. You can even download other mud clients to play Alter Aeon, like monkey term or tintin if you're using Mac etc. This is only a short summary of what a MUD is and how to play. So go research more into it if you want to, and happy MUDding!

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-16 18:53:56

Orin - yes, the event stuff referenced in the updates is to let us build system events that are easier for players to get to, and it lets us do system events which use the mob arenas.

2014-12-17 17:21:35

Just curious, but why does the cleric require charisma now? What does charisma have to do with casting spells? I just don't see how charisma is involved with casting spells; charisma is usually used for shopkeepers and stuff like that.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2014-12-17 18:57:19

Cleric spells aren't so much spells as requests to the gods.  You sacrifice some mana and ask for a blessing.  If you're not charismatic, the gods either won't talk to you, or you'll accidentally insult them and you don't get what you asked for.

2014-12-18 06:21:40

Also, if you want you can now buy stat swaps, 250 credits per swap. You can swap any stat you want, at least to my understanding, so if you're a cleric and say, a secondary warrior, you might want to swap int with chr, and the rest would be fine since str, dex, and con is good for warriors. So now you could cast cleric spells like normal!

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-22 12:35:34

anyways I leave there that thing sorry.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-12-27 05:17:52

Dentin wrote:

Existing players can buy a stat swap for approximately 150k gold to help update their character.

How do I do that? or I need credit to buy them?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-12-27 08:08:10

About the gold thing I'm not sure whether you can buy it using gold, but definitely using credits. Since Dentin said you can buy stat swaps with about 150K gold I would suspect its possible.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-27 15:55:30

You have to trade some of your gold for 200 credits using the money market, then use those credits to buy the swap.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
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2014-12-27 17:05:22

ah, so Dentin is speaking about the gold per credit rate then, kinda? I mean, 150K gold for 250 creds, something like that?

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-12-27 17:48:36

Yeah, it depends on the current market rate, which is a little over 500 gold per credit at the moment.  Also statswaps are currently on sale at 200 credits, so a little over 100k gold should be enough to statswap.

2014-12-28 02:37:35

Ah, I understand now. funny enough I don't yet own the creditcard this time. big_smile

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2015-01-14 06:22:51

Question from Indiria how would I get to the underground city of  Runn-Kaal?

Audio game king

2015-01-14 17:53:23

Runn-Khal is in the Kordwood, which is the forest east of the haunted hills and haunted highway.  It's a lot closer to Naphtali than Indira.  Look for the abandoned mine shaft, and check your 'nearby' command to get closer to the entrance.