2014-11-22 20:29:38

Our annual turkey day event is coming up this next weekend, from Thursday, November 27 through Monday, December 01. Come play around in the corn maze, fight scarecrows, and cook yourself a turkey!

We'll also be having a handful of contests, including turkey arena battles and a system event quest.

We hope to see you there!

Alter Aeon MUD

2014-11-27 20:37:24

Anyone find the giant turkey yet? Still looking! I think I found it earlier but didn't atac the mound. lol

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2014-11-27 20:45:56

The giant mutant turkeys are special events that are going to be run by Gandor later in the day.  I'm pretty sure you can't get to them yet.

Right now, the scarecrow, spoiled turkey, turkey farm, and homeless family events are running.  You should be able to use the 'show event' and 'show schedule' commands to see what's going on and what we have planned.

I'm going to try to turn on the corn maze and the turkey arena either later today or tomorrow.

Have fun!

2014-11-28 11:13:57 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2014-11-28 11:16:59)

Hello Dentin,
I believe i found a bug in the scarecrow hats (the mid level ones that is), where when you get them they have no flags. I tried to ask Gandor about it since he's active, but well... He said to contact you but you're idle in AA. I hope you can research it further, please? Also, does the spoiled turkeys load on the islands?
And I can confirm the no flag hats aren't a one time thing. Tried 3 times with no luck and the same results...
EDIT: I even asked on events and a lot of people said the same thing. The higher level ones seems fine though, last my friend tried.
I'm aware that the hats are always randomed, but the mid levels one doesn't even random. It just is a normal armor, without flags.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-11-28 21:08:16

Kenzon, I looked at the hats this morning with morpheus, and I think we got them fixed.  When there's as much stuff going on as there is in this event, it's pretty easy for something like that to get missed.

2014-11-29 14:07:28

Ah, thanks again Dentin. I understand, and I didn't blame anyone for that. Its usual - humans aren't perfect and all of us make mistakes. So thats OK. Thanks again for all this and for fixing it and for all you guys done for AA!

Team rocket's blasting off again!