2014-11-14 11:01:51

I have a few questions about KODP. I'm getting quite into it as an idea for a game because I do kind of like the roleplay and the idea of building a tribe. There are a few things that infuriate me though and I wondered if anyone has any advice about making them work.

Firstly, mysteries. My tribe keep harping on about how I should sacrifice to a particular god to learn blessings. I put 2 points of magic into Mysteries, sacrificed 35 cows and 15 goods and still didn't get anything. Then it's apparently my fault everyone's still sad at sacred time. The same goes for questing. How on earth does it work that you can put 2 points into it, choose the right option (which you can only learn by trial and error anyway), and then it just says that it doesn't work. If you abandon the quest before your quester dies it's then apparently your fault that the people are sad.

It also seems difficult to make farmers happy (although that may be one of the most realistic elements of the game). I've tried not raiding, giving them gifts, sacrificing to cow and plant gods and allocating them more land. What can I do?

Finally, is there a guide anywhere as to how much farmland, food and cattle you should have? Because food changes from season to season, it's impossible to know how much is actually surplus to requirements. There's also no guide as to how much land you need to sustain a certain amount of people.

Please help because I'd hate to give up on this game.

2014-11-14 12:08:01

Hi Welshweyr.

One thing about Kodp to remember, especially about happiness is that there isn't any one solution. If your doing well in one thing, say producing food or winning battles, it will have a knock on effect to how happy your people are, unfortunately the converse is true.

To understand some of the systems in the game the Kodp wiki is rather helpful, however a lot of what you need to know is already in the game. For example, your clan ring know far more about farming, and about the current state of your land than you do, so go onto the farming screen and read the advice, especially of worshippers of ernalda or uralda, they will let you know what needs doing regarding alocating more land etc.

I will say goods production is a good route to success (no pun intended), building up a good markit, getting trade partners and using iseries blessings to improve your traide sinse that way if you have a bad harvest you always have something to sell, indeed if you take care of producing as many goods and cows as possible, the food situation will take care of itself.

Regarding mysteries, firstly, 35 cows is waaaay too much, 10-20 cows or a similarly quantity of goods is a much better bet. Plus, consider whether the god your sacrificing to would prefer cows or goods (for example Iseries obviously likes goods). I wonder are you sacrificing correctly? You need to make sure that the radial for the God and! the radial for the mysteries is checked when you sacrifice. Also, note that it's far more likely to work if your sacrificing to a god who you either have a worshipper of on the ring or a shrine to, or both.

As regards quests, if your going by trial and error your not doing them correctly. You first need to carry on sacrificing mysteries to a particular god until you have all the knolidge of the myth (when it says "so and so has revealed the secrets of the such and such myth"), then you should read the myth and be familiar with it, sinse that will give you the best idea of likely courses of action. If your very stuck the wiki has pages for each quest listing the choices and chances of success, though note "chances" is the operative word here.

Dedicating magic to quests, (and remember if you have a trickster on the ring you can dedicate two points of magic), and having a quantity of clan magic in reserve also have an effect. Plus, note that you can't attempt quests too often, if your failing to get your quester into the realm of the gods that might be the reason why.

The making of the storm tribe and ernalda feeds the tribe quests are imho the easiest, indeed making of the storm tribe is the quest you need to do in order to start forming a tribe with other clans and progress in the game.


Kodp is not an easy game, particularly sinse you sort of need to start thinking in an Orlanthi  fashion to get the best outcome of various events, (listen to your ring's advice). but it is well worth the trouble, indeed I don't think I've had a game absorb my attention so completely for quite as long as I have when playing Kodp last summer literally for about 18 hours a day for four days! Indeed, that is why I am having something of a break from Kodp at the moment.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-14 18:54:05

I still have yet to try the long game.  Though given there are assignment due dates coming up early december, it's probably best to hold off on that. tongue

2014-11-14 20:27:24

Me too Dan. I had to physically restrain myself from beginning immediately after finishing the short game in July, but it is very tempting.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-14 23:08:50

Whats CODP

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-15 01:32:37

King of dragon pass, a fantastic sort of semi rpg, semi stratogy game, semi gamebook for Ios, albeit one with quite the learning curve. See the page on the db for more info.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-15 08:39:03

hello, I completed the Long game, and I can't really remember any more but i think it took me about 2? 3 days to complete, but I used the restore game Feature which is a bit like cheating, because I had no idea how fas tthe clok was ticking and how much time I had left to complete the 7 heroquests. the Problem with the Long game, as I see it is because for the adventures that end the game, your king must be probably at least very good in allmost all stats, because you Need them all, and make sure he doesn't die during the adventures for the end game! and I don#t mean dieing because of ither choosing the wrong choice or having a stat too low, I mean him dieing of old Age during the Events which is very possible and I think that leeds you to losing the game.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-11-15 19:10:55

Dark has already given a great summary of the mechanics involved here, so I think I'll just chime in on the long game for a bit. smile

Winning is certainly a lot of fun, and I can't deny that the timer is a factor. Nevertheless, it's generous. You'll receive a variety of warnings before it runs out, and taking on one quest successfully might help you get into a position to tackle another. They tend to give substantial magic boosts.

Another point about KoDP that I think should be remembered is that it's fundamentally a game about story. The strategy bits are interesting, but they aren't all that compelling on their own. It's really about the journey, as they say. Ending a game with a loss is frustrating, for sure, especially near the end, but it still makes a story that is worth telling, which is the whole point of the game. smile I'm not saying "don't try to win,," but rather, "don't feel like losing is necessarily bad." Restoring from a  prior save is one option, of course, but I discourage it if only because the game really works when you have good years and bad  years, and they balance each other out. Your clan can take a lot of punishment and still endure, and that's what matters.

I hope people don't give up on the game. It's well worth the effort.

2014-11-15 19:34:09

That is true zack, though I think the short game is harsher in that respect given you have 10 years and 3 heroquests, including your tribal one.

The story is a point and indeed I've setup my mail account on my Iphone just so I can have a reccord of my tribe's adventures perminantly.

One problem with Kodp however is that there are a few basic numbers you need to get the hang of, and a few basic setup principles, like what shrines are good to have, how to get trade routes established early, some fortifications to fight off the horse spawn etc. If you don't have those you can be in trouble, and while I agree guiding your clan through good and bad is a nice thing, if you feel your your on a downhill spiral things can be depressing. This is likely why even though I owned Kodp for a very long time (it was literally the second game I bought for my Iphone), it took me five or six failed attempts, or at least attempts abandoned after a good few hours of playing as a bad job, to get the idea of how both the stratogy and the game's inherent logic worked, and once I got that the game was amazing.

This is why I recorded This audio introduction which you can find here on sendspace to hopefully get people through some of the initial stages and ideas behind the game.

I think in a lot of ways King of Dragon Pass very attractive qualities are what put people off. The game is initially appealing, history, lore, an awsome soundtrack, a really unique world and an evolving story and seemingly a very light amount of number crunching, it's sort of my ideal game big_smile.

However, once that initial honeymoon is over the player realizes hold on, there is more to this game than just basically a gamebook with a bit of stat management, and can become frustrated by the fact that they're not progressing whatever they do. It's working through that and getting to grips with the ways of thinking Kodp requires that is the real challenge, though once you've got that the game becomes even better than it initially appeared big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-15 21:47:19

Hi Dark,

I take your point. smile It's easy for me to forget what it was like when I first played KoDP, since I've been exposed to it for so long. I'm taking an extended break from it myself, so I can approach it with fresh eyes whenever i decide to play next.

By the way, I don't know if word has got out to this forum yet about the announced sequel to KoDP? It's apparently going to be called Six Ages, and will be set in a different part of the world of Glorantha. Beyond that details are sketchy, though it apparently aims to have some of the same depth and replay value in the original. Release date is looking like 2016, if we're lucky.

2014-11-16 00:52:12

I haven't heard about the sequel, I hope it also has the great access that the original does on Ios, if not I'll be quite disappointed big_smile.

I have thought for a while that I'd love to see the Kodp engine or something similar applied to a different setting, for example imagine having a game of thrones style intreague and war between noble houses with their estates and armies using some of the same mechanics, or maybe warring city states?

Any news on what sort of thing six ages involves? the name implies something fairly epic and historical, though my first concern is whether it will be accessible sinse if it won't any other concerns are sort of pointless.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-16 01:05:00

One thing I do love about KODP is the fact that you have to be in the mindset of a gloranthi clan.  It really makes you feel as though all your choices matter, especially as sometimes you'll make one and all will be fine at first, then suddenly it's as if the game is saying... Hey guys, you know that choice you made earlier and nothing went wrong?  Yeah about that. tongue

2014-11-16 09:35:56

@Dan, I wouldn't say it's usually the wrong choice so much as just a choice with long term consequences, those can be good as well as bad and often one choice can change things Beware! spoilers ahoy for the fox event.

For example one event i have had on occasion is that a talking fox comes to the clan asking for people to stop hunting foxes in return for it's protection as a spirit. Sometimes if you give the fox what they want, a few years later you'll be told the cow heards improved or some other bennifit from supernatural help, at other times nothing will happen and it's just regarded as a bad choice.

I totally agree with you that thinking in an orlanthi way is all part of the game, but  just like in life you often can't predict your decisions.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-17 02:21:18

About Six Ages accessibility, the developer hasn't made any commitment about that—things are still very much in the early stages. I'd personally be very surprised if it wasn't accessible though, since he's written previously about how many of his KoDP players on iOS (about 10%), use VoiceOver.

I do have a few ideas about what Six Ages might involve, but am definitely not sure. My initial guess right now is that the "ages," refer to a concept in Lunar cosmology—there is a Lunar Empire far to the north of Dragon Pass who's fortunes tend to wax and wane in cycles which you might call ages. But that's all theory at this point.

It's worth mentioning how relatively small the Dragon Pass events are in the larger scheme of Glorantha—it's only one part of the world, but KoDP manages to make it feel epic and huge. That's quite an accomplishment.

2014-11-17 10:52:51

I do know there is more of glorantha than just dragon pass, but again it's the quality of the writing and the intimate nature you need to deal with dayly life on that makes the game have the feeling it does. If the developer confirms access to six ages I'd be glad to post any news.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-17 15:32:27

really looking Forward to six Ages, I don't know if I can really wait for 2 years...

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-11-18 01:14:45

Oh I'm sure with KODP I could keep myself entertained however long necessary. smile
I think I'm going to start doing little challenges after eventually getting through the long game.  things such as playing according to various ethical systems like utilitarianism and kantian ethics and seeing how far I can get before possibly imploding.  I'm sure I'll think of others to make the game fresh.  Not to mention all the scenes I've yet to find.
Have any of you guys, I'm thinking namely Zack, given yourself a challenge on your various playthroughs?  It seems to be a common theme for most games after completing it a good couple of times.

2014-11-18 13:29:15

Hmmm, trying to apply ethical systems to such a different ethical code as Orlanthi life could be rather difficult, however remember the game already includes lots of starting conditions to play with. I did have an abortive game as an ernalda worshipping clan, though that didn't work out, and apparently worshipping elmal makes the game far harder.

also, check the game center if you want challenges, sinse there are some quite interesting achievements.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-19 11:05:55

does the game notify you if you've gotten an achievement? it's been a while since I have, though I've gotten back in the swing of things recently and am attempting another short game as I need something to get lost in from time to time, but in short bursts.  This morning I so narrowly avoided a feud with the clan I'd just made peace with, which was a huge relief as my magic is at -5!
Also, I've tried out a slightly different set of starting stats and it appears to be working well. My chief is renoun in leadership, and while my ring only has 6 out of 7 gods, at least this time those on it actually are decent.  I do wish there was a quick way of finding out who each person worships in the reorganisation screen, as by the time it gets to the end of stats, I occasionally forget if that God has already come up.  therefore I've taken to checking in advice screens instead. 
Sadly I appear to have gotten all the chilano roy and iseries worshipers for knowbles

2014-11-19 19:26:21

I do believe you get notified when you get achievements, though again I don't recall precisely as it's been a few months sinse I last played Kodp seriesly myself. Iseries is one of my favourite gods to have on the ring, sinse it really boosts trade and availability of goods, and it's quite amazing sometimes just how many problems in the game can be solved by throwing money at them big_smile.

I've never had a problem with choosing different gods sinse generally speaking different god worshippers will have high attributes in specific areas, eg, Urnalda woshippers will be high in plants and animals, Iseries worshippers high in bargaining, Lhanka'mhy worshippers high in custom etc. The only problem tends to  arise when you get say a Urnalda worshipper high in leadership or a barnta worshipper high in combat (yeah, I've seen that happen, don't mess with the ploughman!), also one of the things that makes Urlnalda and Elmal clans harder is that certainly Urnalda worshippers don't always have the best leadership. eneraly sinse so much depends upon stats I'll go with stats and usually have a ring with at least six gods represented, but I'll keep checking in the two  categories where I don't have the best person just to see if another god worshipper comes up that is as good or  better in the given area.

This is however one of the things that makes Kodp so  unique, you have to work with the clan your given and take them through different situations, not just minimax your stats.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-19 23:41:16

I actually haven't tried any challenge games, per se. Hard mode, which I've tried a couple times, is quite challenging in and of itself. It's very possible to get crushed early on if you're not careful. I"ve concluded that I'll win the long game a few mor times before going there again.

As for nobles, I've had a few truly awesome Barntar worshippers. One of my favorite self-made story arcs involved one who kept being sent out into combat in some form or another—on cattle raids, or defending the clan from all its enemies. In the end he defeated an Orlanthi wind lord in single combat, which is really amazing in the setting. He died peacefully of old age the next year, I like to imagine he told his grandchildren all about everything he'd done.

It's these little bits of "emergent gameplay," as the game design people call it, which make KoDP and similar games shine. Sadly I can't really think of any examples from the audio games market.