2014-10-31 18:53:18

I have slash had been quite excited for this game since it was announced No matter how simplistic the gameplay may turn out to be (which it shouldn't be really) up to a certain point,anyway.
The sounds, as you'd expect from a somethinelse release are quite fantastic and that alone makes me want to play it again and again.
Unfortunatly I am suffering through the crash bug, the screen autolocking after a minute or whatever amount the screen is set to lock automaticly no matter if I shoot,flit around etc bug, and the slot machine level bug as well. sad
Quite unexpected and surpriseing these bugs were,imo.
Meanwhile here is what they say. which is good news but still a wait of a week or longer,depending upon apple and the audiodefense team.

Thanks for all your comments and bug reports! We are listening and working on them now and will post an update with fixes soon.

A good place to send more detailed comments and bug reports is [email protected]. Thanks for your input!

If you are getting stuck on 'Spicing things up', try shooting the power up before you kill all the zombies. That will allow you to progress.

We are of course working on fixing the problem with the power up in an update! But we don't want you to get stuck meanwhile.

copyed from their twitter timeline
If you submit a bug report or such remember to mention the device you experienced it on,and your ios version as well.
At dark, the bugs are not just limited to ios8, I am using ios7 myself and yet am experiencing the bugs I mentioned above.


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2014-10-31 18:58:35 (edited by Sebby 2014-10-31 18:59:21)

Gave me another opportunity to play Sixth Sense, anyway. Still an amazing game really, as long as you leave yourself enough of a challenge.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-10-31 20:16:35

I myself am experiencing the following bugs:
In the shop, I cannot select the weapons I want to use in endless mode. When I try to go to that screen, it simply pops up an alert saying that Dr. Bastard will select my weapons for challenges but I can select my weapons for Endless. I already know that, now how do I select said weapons? Lol
As Dark said, there is a bug with diamonds. I also cannot change the cards in endless mode.
I do wish the music wasn't quite as loud as it is sometimes, as it makes things hard to hear. Endless mode can be pretty chalenging at the beginning because you're not introduced to most of the higher level zombies that tend to show up. Collecting coins can be a dragging process, at least for me... I'm getting better though. I can't wait until I get really good. Challenge mode isn't too easy either... but I do like it. I really hope they release more challenges soon! But I'd rather the bugs be fixed first. It's not unplayable for me, but bordering on frustrating.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2014-10-31 20:18:22

This is a lot more challenging and strategic than I first thought it would be. I have found that an iPhone restart has made the crash is a lot less frequent. Especially in endless mode. I wonder if the game is leaking memory?
I absolutely love this.it would be great if they could add more staff in the future, even if they went to be app  purchase route.I would be more than willing to support them that way. Though I have noticed that the game is missing quite a bit of content already. It still feels kind of like a beta to me.

2014-10-31 20:19:58


Hi all. So I'm suffering a bug was wondering if anyone else is, too. In the zombie horde level in the city crossroads arena, I kill all the zombies, but then theres no buzzer. I just stand there and nothing happens. I can shoot, I can turn around, I can switch and reload weapons, I can swing my melee, but nope. nothing. And in endless. Sometimes, the game will just freeze. There'll be a zombie within my melee range, for example, then it just disappears, as with all the zombies, and I can do nothing. when I turn voice over back on, I'm not in the pause menu, the game is just frozen.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-01 01:59:13

yeah, that hoard bug just hit me too. very, very frustrating as it took me more than several attempts to beat that level.

2014-11-01 04:45:33

I found another bug. I was able to buy the sonic cannon but for free. Oh I'm not a cheater, so when the next update comes out I'm going to totally redownload the game so I don't keep it for free, but I found it pretty damn awesome.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-01 08:32:04

hi, I'm running IOS 8 on my Iphone 6, and i'm getting the exact same bugs as you guys. this is very annoying because I'm trying to grind and can't, because the app keeps crashing in endless mode and my coins don't save.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-11-01 10:35:00

@Grryf, with the screen locking, go into settings/general/autolock and turn your autolock off. I've had to do this for quite a few games including Ticonblu. Generally anything that has sound and might involve me not touching the screen for a while or reading with vo.

I agree about the game, though the bugs with death have been a pest. With respect to Ios versions I was just wondering if perhaps some of the more serious bugs people reported that I hadn't experienced myself like the whisper freeze in endless mode came from Ios 8, though possibly not. I do know the game has problems displaying on Ipad and can't even be bought past the initial "which control method would you like" screen, which is a shame. Hopefully we'll see some major fixes soon.

@Dan, missing content? I know one of the arenas has a "coming soon" note, but I didn't notice a lot else missing, unless you count collecting the diamonds in endless mode. Then again I didn't have chance to try the game again yesterday, so it's possible I missed some stuff in the armery.

Looking at the game and the way it is designed, I do wonder if more challenges, weapons etc might be added in the future. I'd be happy to pay for extra content like that with an in app purchice, though I am glad the in game coins and diamonds are only possible to earn by playing sinse it would take the fun and reward out of multiple goes at the game if you could simply buy all the upgrades with real money, as unlike with most games that have an in game currency earning extra coins (and hopefully soon diamonds), is rather fun!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-01 11:02:02

the turning off of the autolock shouldn't really be needed (but does work for now)since I've seen this fixed in other apps as well,although I don't remember if this was a issue with ios7.
Do any of you running ios8 and such experience the screen locking while you are playing the game when its set to a minute lock?
Fortunatly I haven't encountered any other bugs besides the slot machine bug, a fix to which can be found in my post above, besides and the screenlock bug, which again is fixed or can be taken care of for a while by turning off the autolock.
So I have played it for a few hours,and its really fun! the sounds are awesome, the dr bastard is a bastard and funny to boot,and killing zombies in endless doesn't freeze for me at all,so that's neat,too!
I have gone through most challenges, haven't done the zombie hawrd level yet, and I do hope more challenges are comeing soon. I.E fighting in a arena with croud on, possibly a endless like arena where you have the dr bastard talking,anounceing various waves or such, the croud cheering for you etc.
Lets see what comes of it though, its proveing to be really fun,so far.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2014-11-01 19:02:06

well I personally believe that more than one arena is missing, for there needs to be at least another to introduce other zombie types, and the full crowd one on top of that.
I am perfectly fine paying for add-ons for this to support the dev, but with the state this is in, I just feel that the game has been rushed and therefore appears like a beta to me.  That's not to say I don't find it incredibly enjoyable though.
Anyone got tips for the riot zombie? that bugger gets me every time as I can't yet figure out when he lets the shield down.

2014-11-01 19:23:00

I am using autolock 1 minute and so far it's not been a problem for me, though it has in the past EG with Ticonblu.

I have mixed feelings about upgrading for real money, but in this instance I think it's genuinely a pleasure to see an in-game currency establishment that doesn't require it. Why, don't you _want_ to kill more monsters, just for the fun of it? big_smile

This game is more elaborate and fun than I thought possible, given the simple mechanic. But it does run the real risk of running out of content. Without the challenges, without the powerups, then yes, it will eventually weary.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-01 19:51:07

I'm wondering how many more arenas are in the works, after all I think it'll have to eventually build to some sort of conclusion.
The stufff they could do though, wow, let's just say I hope they do the crows arena because that is going to be awesome.

2014-11-01 21:19:48

@ghost rider How do you go about getting the cannon for free?  I would also like to try it but will then do as you mentioned and update to actually purchase it.

2014-11-01 22:06:20

I just clicked into it in the shop and it said buy for 0 coins.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-01 22:34:10

Got it, thought there was something specific you had to do.  Can't wait to start upgrading weapons more when the update comes out!  Love this game because you are actually getting something in return for the effort of surviving etc and not just getting a higher score.

2014-11-02 08:42:53

Hi all. So, I was playing challenge mode and I got to Zombie horde. The problem that I am seeing with this challenge is that, when I beet the level, everything is silent, the buzzer doesn't go off, and I can't really go onto the next challenge. I have tried restarting my phone and the app several times but no luck on getting any farther. Has anyone experienced this and a work around for right now till they get this bugs fixed? I'm using an I-phone 6, 64 gig

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2014-11-02 10:17:35

@Sebby I agree, it's much more fun killing monsters for currency than just waiting while the game gives it you bit by bit and then have to pay real money to speed up the process.

It's interesting that so many games back in the 16 bit era, and likely some indi ones now had regular in game currency to be spent at a weapons or power up shop as a standard feature, but now we almost expect! something freemium.

I take Aaron's point about arenas and building to something, I also wonder if more modes might be in the works. then again unlike any of their previous titles, Audio defence has the possibility of adding in extra playable content, sinse all their previous games were a pretty solid set of levels, rather than a continuous string of challenges and zombie slaughterings.

This is actually one area where I think arcade games improve with modern technology, having extra stuff added in later, though how much will be added and to what extent it changes the game and formula we'll have to see.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-02 22:00:35

By the way, I don't know if anyone has discovered this yet or not, but the maya ruin challenge is already very much available in deed. Maybe it's a bug, me being able to access it even when I'm stuck on zombie horde in the city crossroads, but it's certainly there in any case. In fact, there's another zombie horde level in maya ruin, so I now have two zombie hordes in different places that I'm stuck on and haven't beaten yet. :-D

Whether this is a bug and it should only become available to play after the entirety of the city crossroads has been beaten first or not, it certainly shouldn't be saying coming soon. :-)
Just to let everyone know.

I agree, though, that if there are no challenges with the actual crowd in the arena yet, and they are not going to be added as opposed to the original plan and advertising, it would be extremely disappointing.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2014-11-03 00:08:11

I haven't really played much of the game lately, as I'd like to wait for the bugs to be fixed. I can't wait to try a loadout of shotgun and micro mg in endless though. I hope they can fix that loadout bug for the next release. Not being able to change weapons at all in endless kind of makes it a bit, well, od at the moment.

2014-11-03 00:13:25

actually you can change your loadout. to bring up the button to go to the armory, in the tarot card screen, double tap where it shows your coin amount. if you go to where it says something about doctor bastard, then go back one, you'll find it. hope this helps.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-03 01:00:05

@ghost rider, it's simpler than that, the armery button has a load out tab and that is where you choose your weapons. If you try this in challenge mode you just get told that you can't change weapons in challenges, it's however fine in endless, I've indeed fought endless mode with the shotgun and micro mg, though I'm also waiting for some bugs to be fixed as well at the moment.

I hope crowd arenas also make it into the game, and I do get the impression from the current way the arenas work that the eventual plan is for some sort of story mode perhaps ending with taking on Dr. bastard himself in some way, but as I said, I could see this one having more in terms of downloadable content, either later additions or stuff to buy.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-03 01:13:43

at dark, yes, I am aware of that, what I meant was sometimes the armory doesn't show up sometimes.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2014-11-03 03:59:36

Well, if the question ever comes up about financial shortages and what to do about them, I'd be happy to pay another upfront payment to unlock the next distinct part, so long as it was distinct from the previous and the enjoyment of one was not conditioned on the enjoyment of the other. Of course, the temptation to take money in exchange for powerups is always great, not just for the player but the authors too. I just think Sixth Sense advanced rewards waaaaaay too slowly to be useful for anything, whereas AudioDefence is truly wonderful.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-03 04:35:38

The thing I like about this game is that it'll take quite a bit of time to complete everything. What I mean is you have to unlock enough coins for the weapons, fully upgrade them all, complete the challenges, earn achievements maybe, unlock all the stars for each challenge, then you have endless mode with a large number of different combinations of tarot card outcomes. on the subject of the update, I don't think they do any coding and the like on the weekends. So, if there is an update coming soon, it must be coming out tomorrow morning or sometime tomorro ow or this week.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk