2014-10-31 10:13:52

Interesting history, though feasible or not seems relative according to what you want and what the designers are intending for the software.

Just because I personally am very strict with file and folder organization, and have for example all my Doctor who audiobooks indexed in folders by doctor, and then have their individual parts each numbered with the correct story number doesn't mean everyone is. I can quite accept that someone who just wants to bang on a playlist or have their media auto organized should have programs to do that. Likewise, sinking the phone is a good idea in principle. heck, I'll even accept that having vendors be able to sell media directly and it be instantly downloaded is a good idea.

The problem is rather than giving people choice, Apple have taken a leaf out of the Daleks book "obey without question!" Rather than having Itunes (or sound jam as was), as an optional media organizer and player, it's now a media streight jacket, indeed if the intention of soundjam was to give people choices and ease oorganization of their individual media collections it almost seems Itunes has the direct opposite purpose, by forcing people to organize their media only according to it!

Even Windows mediaplayer was optional on it's library and playlist functions, and used the basic file system as it's cutout, but heck Apple actively obscure the file system or the ability to interact with media files. This iron fisted control even goes with the interface, sinse where as in the past you'd have a bunch of options, Apple gives you none.

Myself, I don't see why they don't have a streight out usb system like other mp3 players have, and leave all the extra itunes functions in other programs for those who want them.

In fairness I don't think Apple are unique on this. Microsoft are doing the same with post xp windows, and indeed even outside the computer world we increasingly don't have choices about what we buy where, how much we pay, or what choice we have over availability.

This was quite an eye opener when i was in Egypt, sinse yes the culture of direct haggling and bartering is a bit strange to  europeans, and does have it's abusive and devicive side, but it was strange to find that in that environment as a customer I still had a degree of power and choice over what was paid.

This is however why simply saying "it's not the latest version" or "that's your only option" is no arguement with me, I just wish more people had the same attitude.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-10-31 19:31:30

I do agree.

Ironically, some media players promise the ability to rebuild their databases using information stored in the file metadata. I think that's awesome; it means your view of the files is still disjoint from the file system, but you still have the file system as one of several possible "Views". This is entirely possible and Apple should have done it.

My point was more that it's as always easier to ascribe to malice that which can adequately be ascribed to stupidity. smile

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-01 00:47:44

Well this is just taking the michael!

I installed the version of Itunes 11, well had to install twice sinse after the first installItunes winjed at me about having a newer version of the library file, I thought I'd got all the install files but it tunred out I hadn't so I had to play find and delete and start again!

Now however, I have it setup, have found the playlists on my phone, but I can't edit them at all! can't delete! can't add new playlists, can't mess with my phone at all! apple are idiots, and right now my personal opinion is that they act both out of stupidity and! malice. Stupidity because they are morons creating such a bloated and over complicated mess that can't even do a simple thing like transfer media, and malice because this is planely aimed at me! the Bastards! they sat around and thought "well, how can we really! piss dark off today" and no, I'm not paranoid, I know! everyone is against me.

i would suggest apple with it's supreme  levels of bastardness is run  by Doctor Bastard, accept firstly Doctor Bastard is waaaay too stylish to employ such utter brainless hunks of human garbage who design such completely irrational peaces of utter drek that look as if they have been created by a monkey sitting at a keyboard tapping keys at random, (and not one of the clever, Shakespear writing monkies, one of the really stupid flee eating ones), and secondly , his mindless, shambling zombies are far too intelligent to work for Apple!

Ps: I actually think it's something to do with the authorization, ---- well at least it might if everyone wasn't out to annoy! me! the diseased bastards of a bastard's bastardized ransid bastard's bastard!!!!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-01 01:17:14

LOL! You're quite right, of course; Apple are coming to get you. Yes, you! smile

In the meantime, best get out the dustpan and brush and remove every last trace of iTunes and reinstall … or yeah, maybe, re-run authorisation. Though it really ought to be working …

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-01 01:23:10

I don't know how this stupid authorization thing works. I've authorized my computer with my Apple Id, run sink and backup on the Iphone, the one thing it won't do is let me edit my playlists on the phone, which is all I wanted this cruddy program for. I've done the "Trust this computer" box but it still! won't let me edit my playlists, and I don't really see how reinstalling a third time would help at this point sinse I have no idea what is wrong.

I will go back to Nottingham and check the version of Itunes 11 on my laptop that never got upgraded and see if that still works, and if there are any options or settings, though being as it's such a pain in the arse to set anything in sodding itunes I don't know if I'll find anything.
I'm sick and tired of this peace of  shite and I wish I'd never installed 12 in the first place, that was a definite mistake! and yeah, apple are out to get me! it's not fare!
I'm tempted to just say balls to the hole Itunes thing and buy myself an mp3 player instead, if anyone knows any good and relatively accessible ones that would work by transferring files and folders onto usb and read file names, and preferably don't cost the earth.

Any suggestions as to why the authorization isn't working?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-01 01:56:04 (edited by Sebby 2014-11-01 01:57:40)

Is the device even showing up in the devices list?

Go to the music options and make sure that's checked. Then make sure selected playlists is checked. Then make sure the ones you want are on and sync. Go through all the options to make sure manual sync isn't on, or only checked music isn't on. Then manipulate your playlists so that they contain what you want, and sync. Hopefully that would do it, assuming you haven't gone through all this a dozen times already.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-01 09:00:31

Hi Dark.

I completely agree with you about craptunes.
I would recommend that you check out the players at www.talkingmp3players.com
They are very cheap mp3 players pre-loaded with rockbox which makes them talk. You store your media in the internal memory and on micro sd cards.
I'm actuallly considering purchasing one of these, since they look really nice. I don't know.
As for craptunes, I never, ever, ever, ever use it. The only time I will use it is if I have to restore my iOS device.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2014-11-01 13:50:31

Hi Dark,
I feel sorry for all your problems with iTunes.
Ever since I started buying songs from Apple, I have been converting the .m4a files to mp3 with GoldWave. 

In my Windows Vista PC They were hidden in
c:\users\phil\music\iTunes\iTunes Music
Inside that folder were the artists folders
such as,
Ariana Grande
and inside that were the album folders
My Everything (Deluxe)
and inside that was the sound files,
05 Break Free (feat. Zedd).m4a

After converting the file I added the artist name,
Ariana Grande 05 Break Free (feat. Zedd).mp3
Now I can copy the file and back it up and play it on any device that plays mp3s.
I do not share this file with anyone except for my wife.

2014-11-01 19:04:33

If your device can play the m4a files, you might consider playing those directly. Converting between lossy formats is always a bit of a risky business.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-01 21:43:20

No my prefered music playing program does not play m4a files.
Only .wav and.mp3
I use Studio Recorder from APH.
I wouldn't recommend it as it is very expensive, but I like some of the advanced features.

2014-11-01 23:43:05

Interesting, Phil, which player is that? The iTunes purchases are all unprotected, so pretty much any player should be able to play m4a files; even my old Symbia phone could.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-11-02 04:45:30

Winamp is fine with m4a, however when I converted a cd with Itunes and then tried to find the sound files they weren't there, and I don't trust any system that hides it's files.

To be honest I'm more concerned with trying to get Itunes to transfer onto my phone properly. I thought I had already checked the options for auto sinking, certainly I tried manyally sinking playlists, but I will loook again sinse it's not as if Itunes puts those sorts of options in logical places anyway even on Itunes 11, ---- stupid program!

Edit that does it! I've just run the stupid sinking library pile of utter crap, deleted everything on my Iphone and I still! cannot create new playlists. Well sod it!  I'm sick of trying to use this bloated over complex peace of badly designed shite that just exists for those stupid people at apple to pull money out of gullable people, and pretend that all these ggeneus (and there's a joke), library sink and other cruddy functions are of any practical use whatsoever other than filling the screen with pointless rubbish that is just supposed to make people think apple are actually donig some good!

I've had it with fiddling with this shitty software! I just want an mp3 player, a streight forward mp3 player with a propper usb, no crappy software, no sinking, no library, no suggested this, recommended that or filling the screen with the other! just copy over folders, some way of telling what they are, and playing them! is that! so! dam! hard!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-02 07:25:20

Wow. Sounds like you've had quite the trouble there, Dark. Wish I could help you... but I can tell you that the ripped cd files once you've imported all of them are stored as another artist and album in your music directory. I'm not quite sure why you're having these problems... I'm using the latest itunes with JAWS and NVDA alternating and have no problems at at all.

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-11-02 08:25:05

Hi Assault freak.

With itunes 12 I just couldn't find the playlists on my phone as I said. I went through the stupid trees but couldn't find anything, sinse it seems the sidebars from Itunes 11 that were used to read headings of the trees had vanished between versions and though i spent a good while (over half an hour), playing with what very very few options Apple gives for customizing the view I couldn't find anything that helped, the crappy peace of shite!

as to importing as I said, I checked the Itunes folder after importing a cd and nada. to be honest I hate all this media library stuff anyway, especially sinse it seems to be linked to this modern convention of chucking as much crap at the screen as possible, probably good for a sighted user, but useless for a blind person).

As I said I did go back to Itunes 11, however can I edit the playlists? can I buggery! I can see them, but can't delete, add to or anything else. I did the sink library thing, deleted everything off my phone and still! sod all! I have been trying to sort this for several days and am just plane sick of it, when all I dam well want to do is take some of the media folders off my computer, audiobooks and music, and bloody play them!
Well I've decided Itunes is more trouble than it is worth (and it isn't worth much), I'll look into buying a talking mp3 player sinse  that's all I wanted it for  anyway.

I'll still use the Iphone for games and phoning and such, but Apples stupid crap with media is just too much sodding trouble and I'm sick of poking around trying to get something to work just because I was silly enough to upgrade and Apple happened to kill the one helpful interface element.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-11-02 08:54:25

I understand the frustration. Like I said... I just am not sure why it seems to be giving so many problems when many of us are seemingly using it just fine. Maybe you're right from a few posts ago... and apple just has a hobby of seeing how much they can annoy you. It's a conspiracy!
Good luck with the talking mp3 player... rockbox is useful, but can be a pain in and of itself... I remember using it a long time ago, and if it's the same as I remember, then there may be a lot of fiddling you have to do to get it to speak everything properly with use of .voice files and the like. But I could be wrong. It's been years since I used that custom firmware. I'll stick with itunes... as right now, it actually organizes my things pretty well if I tell it to show me albums. Playlists are working alright last I checked too.

Discord: clemchowder633