2014-10-17 21:53:53

hi everyone,

this is a warning for everyone who is planning on to start playing Prometheus eternal war. everything, from the activities, the status leveling system to the community. you'll get addicted. my girlfriend and i are at least.
not to mansion the staff as well. they are so friendly and i can have a good laugh with them.

for example. i was hauling asteroids and i found 10 in a row at the same square in space.
jack brooks told me that i was the first one who found a asteroid belt.
i asked if i was noted in the history books for finding the first belt.
jack told me over ooc:

"mike pelantasas, the finder of hummanities first asteroid belt sincce mr egmund."

you see? the statement of that the hosts don't want to be seen as hosts only, but also as friends of pilots is true. i never have seen such a friendly team of hosts on a moo.
my congrats again prometheusmoo for making this game. when it is allowed i'll write a review about Prometheus on my website:


do you find this ok? if yes, i'll plan when i will write it.


greetz mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
Or the following English marketplace to see what retrogames and game merchandise I am selling:

2014-10-17 23:24:49

Hey, the new bt sync does not have a folder secret box. So it directly asoomed that I wanted to create a new folder called eternal wars soundpack. How do I enter a secret in new sync?

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2014-10-18 01:38:04

I can't wait to get started on this.  just hope mush wants to work with the pack as it'll make things a tonne easier. big_smile

2014-10-18 09:55:48

As an answer to the question asked by Pelantas, you're more than welcome to post a review of us anywhere you'd like.
Thank you for all the positive feedback!

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-18 10:56:07

To clarify some stuff related to soundpacks: the pack is not for Mush at the moment, it's for VipMud. For those who are wondering whether or not a Mush pack will be available, all we can currently say is that we do not have the time to create one ourselves, so we would appreciate if a player of ours could take the time and make such a thing.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-18 23:09:45

I can honestly say that I think I'm going to love this mud.  have to remember to keep track of the time I leave VIP open for though as to not have to disconnect at a critical point.

2014-10-19 07:00:08

It's that time again! With the players' best in mind, we would like to ask the community for opinions. We have set up a few questions which you could wonder and reply to, or then just throw in your ideas.
1. What should we do differently?
2. What should we add, or remove?
3. Is the game too confusing for new players?

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-19 08:12:10

We would like to bring a third race in the mud, and we need your help on this.
If you have any ideas, considering the abilities, disadvantages, name ETC of the new race, we are more than willing to hear your suggestions.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-19 17:18:29

Hi, I have a couple of points. I might be in the minority, but I would love the training vessels for example to give some kind of flight or come back to tutorial to help get started. This is mainly because I would like a better idea of what I'm doing in action rather than having to practice when I'm possibly in the middle of a group. Also, I think this would be helpful as we have quite a small player base, and I am one of those people who doesn't want to irritate people with loads and loads of questions. Haha. Also, thank you for removing stunning, adding ground combat which looks awesome, as well as making point totals for salvaging larger which should hopefully lessen the early game grind when there  isn't that much to do

2014-10-20 05:06:03

We have bad news for the community this time. Due to a failure in our server's systems, we are forced to look for a new host. We say look for a host because our financial situation does not provide us with the option of buying a new server.
We  have a recent back up and the modified source code ready for compiling, so in that matter we're good to go when we find a temperal host.
We will post updates as they come regarding this.
We're really sorry for the downtime, we know that many here like the game. We promise to progress with this server problem as fast as we can!

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-20 07:46:03

We're happy to report that we have successfully moved to another server! The new hostname is
but the ports are the same, 2223 being default.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-20 17:23:25

Hey, why don't you guys just buy your own server? I mean I think it'd be easier and shit.

Dreaming of a dystopian future.

2014-10-20 20:20:42

We've had that server as our own for almost two years, that can be considered as buying an own server.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-22 17:06:24

We have added a social editor, with which you can customize any provided social! This is done by typing
@social-edit <social>
so for instance
@social-edit grin
would let you customize the grin social.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-22 17:23:23

the game is down. Can you fix this please?

2014-10-22 22:20:48

Um, it is not. Are you using a wrong host address? The current one is

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-23 16:27:21

Communicator link transfer is now possible with the two new communicator commands, linkinsert and linkprint. The argument of these is your communicator name or part of it, and linkprint prints out a chip of all your links, so be sure not to give the chip out.
Also, pyrian uplayers can now choose to share one or more of their translator beacons with another pyrian.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-24 16:13:41

We will be adding PVP arenas to Prometheus shortly. Yes, player versus player arenas!
There will be three types: small with 10, medium with 20, and large with 30 rooms. Players will be able to type 'arena' on any landing pad to enter, and likewise 'arena' will be typed to return back to the landing pad from where you entered.
We'll keep you posted!

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2014-10-24 16:31:31

Wow, real cool. keep this up.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2014-10-24 21:21:16

Wow this game gets better and better every day.

Audio game king

2014-10-26 13:29:08

Dgleks wrote:

Hey, why don't you guys just buy your own server? I mean I think it'd be easier and shit.

Maybe you should have read his previous post carefully.
he said:
"We say look for a host because our financial situation does not provide us with the option of buying a new server."

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2014-10-26 13:33:53

Before answering your questions i have an idea regarding this topic
I suggest that you talk to admins of the forums to  remove this topic, So you could create your own thread. With the write name and a proper description.
You will have  some advantages like:
1: The complete name of the mud would be on the subject
2: You could always edit the first post to contain the latest connection info and   instanews. Currently the first post is out of date, and requires the readers to hunt for the connection info, and the game features.
3: The first post needs a description, and a list of features that this game has. Remember the first post is very important for  both informative and advertising  reasons.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2014-10-28 00:42:38

Agreed with post 147.  This topic should be scrapped entirely and a new topic started with all important content regarding the game located in the first post. Not that this topic hasn't provided a load of useful information mind you, and I myself have written here, but it does get somewhat confusing to have to skip all the way through the topic just to find recent information and so on.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.