2014-08-28 13:03:48

I'd like to hear the radio program as well, but last night I was watching  game of thrones and futurama so didn't get to hear the thing live :d.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-08-31 23:33:35

Dude, this game is awesome!

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2014-09-01 09:20:53

Where did you find the drake, lich etc. sounds in entombed?

2014-09-01 13:36:22 (edited by keyIsFull 2014-09-01 13:38:00)

Today is labor day, a day Americans, and perhaps people of other nationalities, use to celebrate the fruits of their labors. In that vein, I invite you to celebrate with me the fruit of 10 days hard work. The next concept demo of grave of redemption is here, Loaded with cool new changes and features! Go grab it right now at:
Grave of redemption
And let me know what you think! All feedback welcome, whether it be bug reports, feature suggestions or just compliments to me about my awesomeness (jk, though seriously, I'm super excited about this release).
Enjoy! And follow @theGreatAthlon5 on twitter to keep up with my development.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2014-09-01 14:54:32

wow, awesome man!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-09-01 15:05:17 (edited by john 2014-09-01 15:43:47)

I haven't finished my first full round, but I'm liking a lot of the new stuff.
My only thought is that when the turn switches, you don't really need to say whose turn it is; they're doing something and their name is announced there, so imo its just extra spam to tell us this again. Great job!

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but the status menu out of combat is displaying the description messages, when the manual implies that it would provide the numbers.
Is there any way to make status give us a more detailed view at health out of combat? Maybe the total and a list of the most badly hurt parts?
Also, it seems like it takes a lot of resting to fix yourself if you've got multiple bodyparts hurt, and that the order they get fixed is awefully random. Are there any plans to make this smarter/configurable?

Maybe a minute after submitting the above, I ended up crashing. I probably should have copied the call stack, but here's what happened:
I was fighting a lone giant beetle with my newly added surprise.
The beetle perched out of weapon range, and next turn I got an index out of bounds error.
Going back for another round; this is fun! If I get another crash I'll be more specific.

Looks like we can't wear boots? I'm currently playing a fighter, and have several different types of boot, but I can't equip any of them on feet.
Also, the change battle formation option in the party menu currently does nothing, is this intentional?

2014-09-01 19:16:22

Downloading it now. big_smile
I'll post my thoughts later on. Thanks for the game anyway.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-09-01 19:20:06

I need to make the status menu better. Out of combat, it will probably display the numbers as well as parts that are about to be mangled and parts that are. In combat, the numbers should be replaced by the text.
edit 3
Yep, I forgot to allow you to be able to wear boots. That was my screwup.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2014-09-01 23:06:41

Hello folks. Here goes my thoughts, it can be a bit long, so take a seat and grab a meal:
Nice to see new enemies in the game along with new equipment. I've read the story and it is also awesome.
Can you add in a way for us to alocate the attribute points manually when leveling?
I really loved how the beetles can go away from weapon reach, but do you plan to add ranged weapons in the future?
It can be cool if you add affects like poison, freeze, stunned, confused and such.
In addition to different affects you may consider add different kinds of damage. Like fire, cold, lightning, earth, piercing, slashing, crushing... I know it will take time, but will allow a broad range of fighting styles and planning.
I'm not sure if you intend to add in the monk class in the future. But can you add in the unnarmed fighting skill for those who intend to not use a weapon? Also, you can add the disarm skill.
Can you implement a way to check the health of your characters during battle?
I'm not sure if we have this kind of thing yet, but can you add chests scattered on the maps?
Can you add in a way to view the stats of an equiped item?

I found a boot, but could not equip it for some reason. Also, maybe if you add the boots to come in pairs, it is a bit odd to equip two different kinds of boots.
I got the following message when trying to drop a poor bronze boot:
Call stack size: 9

Function: string invmenu_callback(enhanced_menu@, string)

Function: string enhanced_menu::run_extended(string, bool, string, bool)

Function: object@ inv(int = 0, body_part@ = null)

Function: bool inventory_use()

Function: void mainLoop()

Function: void init()

Function: void playgame()

Function: void titlemenu(bool = true)

Function: void main()
I found the new party member can you allow us to control it's actions?

Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-09-01 23:46:20

here are the answers to your suggestions, in order:
no, your attributes are determined by the race and class you choose.
yes, I do plan to add ranged weapons in the future that can attack flying creatures.
yes, I'll add in effects similar to those. Maybe not those exactly, but I'll definitely have a lot of eeffcts to add.
I do plan to add different damage types, as well as elemental damage.
I will not add the unarmed combat skill until I start working on the boxer class, which will be an unlockable job.
Press s to check the health of your characters during battle.
There are currently no chests on the maps. I haven't created enough objects to put in them
the no equip boot thing is a known bug. I'll put it in in the next version.
No, you can't control his actions.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2014-09-02 01:16:09

Ok, here's that crash message I mentioned earlier.
My new companion attacked a giant winged beetle. This time, the beetle was in normal combat. Call stack follows.

Call stack size: 9

Function: void character::doCombatAi()

Function: void enterCombat(party@, string = "")

Function: void time_pass()

Function: void rest()

Function: void mainLoop()

Function: void init()

Function: void playgame()

Function: void titlemenu(bool = true)

Function: void main()

2014-09-02 03:51:40

Hello folks! KeyIsFull, thanks for your answers.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-09-02 13:47:29

Another crash to report. Again, when my new friend attacked a beetle. Index out of bounds.

Call stack size: 10

Function: void character::goSpec()

Function: void character::doCombatAi()

Function: void enterCombat(party@, string = "")

Function: void time_pass()

Function: void party::move(int, int)

Function: void mainLoop()

Function: void init()

Function: void playgame()

Function: void titlemenu(bool = true)

Function: void main()

2014-09-02 17:17:53

Hello folks, I received the following error message when my partner tryed to attack a giant beetle:
Call stack size: 10

Function: void character::goSpec()

Function: void character::doCombatAi()

Function: void enterCombat(party@, string = "")

Function: void time_pass()

Function: void rest()

Function: void mainLoop()

Function: void init()

Function: void playgame()

Function: void titlemenu(bool = true)

Function: void main()

Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-09-02 17:35:18

Hello folks, here's another bug I got when pressing enter between turns:
Call stack size: 9

Function: void character::doCombatAi()

Function: void enterCombat(party@, string = "")

Function: void time_pass()

Function: void rest()

Function: void mainLoop()

Function: void init()

Function: void playgame()

Function: void titlemenu(bool = true)

Function: void main()

Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-09-02 19:56:13

Hmm, I'll defeinitely look at the Combat AI function. I usually never went back up to the first floor after getting the pet, so I never actaully saw that bug occur. THe problem is rpobably because the beetle doesn't have a torso and the animal is trying to attack the nonexistent torso. For now, just stay on the second and third floors with your pet once you get it.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2014-09-02 20:34:04

so I think I found a bug.
Well I spend sometime in the first floor trying to level up the metal gear master, and yes I leveled him up.
I went to the room where the boss is located.
He's fighting like: you gonna die, no matter what you try.
lol, anyways I died and I found out that the boss music still didn't stop and the program went back to the main menu.
So, the boss music and the main menu music where playing at the same time, I'll play the game again and tell you if the same bug happen's again.

2014-09-02 23:03:04

I've just started messing with this and haven't broke it yet. sad
However, thought I should let you know that you've already got me invested emotionally in the pet.  Congrats!  As i've said before, really looking forward to seeing what this grows into.

2014-09-03 00:04:52

ah, woops, I guess I forgot to stop the boss music playing if you died. THanks for catching that. I've never gotten killed by the boss while testing so that'd explain that mishap.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2014-09-03 00:20:28

Could you possibly pack this into a .zip archive? Avast is being screwy, but I can't uninstall it because other people use the computer.

2014-09-03 01:48:11

Hi. Just a question: in the future, are you going to have the pet be able to gain hitpoints? Right now, particularly on the last level, it can die quite easily. Also, i'm not sure if this is a bug, but everytime my pet uses the whip tail ability, he gets to act multiple times in a row.

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2014-09-03 14:52:36

Is there a save ability available in the game?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-10-11 14:25:02

hi keyIsFull
maybe you have news about your game?

2014-10-11 22:44:54

Yeah, would be nice to know how it's going.

2014-10-12 13:48:15

I'm still working on it, but i have a lot less time because I'm at school.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!