2014-08-29 09:15:48

I don't think I've run into any such people.  smile

- Aprone
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2014-08-29 11:26:19

Well honestly for me it is nice as it is. This way Aprone can use the cash to invest on new stuff to develop even better games.
It was disgusting the fact that hackers were messing around with Swamp and that the game had to become a payed one, but come on guys, it is not so expensive. With only a few resources Aprone managed to develop the best zombie FPS of this comunity. Can you imagine what is to come if we keep supporting him in the form of gamer accounts? Also don't forget that there are a few ways to play Swamp offline and other little games from him that aren't payed at all.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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2014-08-30 02:01:38

That's fine, just thought i'd put it out there. Maybe in the next version, could you add leveling up and missions in the offline version so you can have the full swamp experience?

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

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2014-08-30 12:45:30

Rory, it is possible to level with the campaigns already. There are a bunch of campaignes to download around the forums or you can create your own.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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2014-08-31 03:01:09

At the moment would you say it's worth buying a See monkey headset?
Has anyone tried it with swop?

Also I'm using a macbook pro and am unable to fire with the mouse button. (few I'm glad I tried a campaign before deciding to buy an account.)

I'm guessing swomp has got updated since the last time I've played it wich was I'd say about 4 or 5 months ago.

I'm gone for real :)

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2014-08-31 06:35:49

Hi. I'm just wondering. Do you have to pay every year, or does paypaul do it for you. If it does, i'll try to get an account. If it doesn't i'm still trying to get an account. Oh yeah are the campains things where you do missions, and kill stuff? That's what i want, so i can play it on saturday morning and friday night.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

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2014-08-31 20:47:41 (edited by cw 2014-08-31 20:55:47)

If I am remembering right, I think it is $24 for every 12 month of game play. So, if you are so busy that you can't play for 12 months and you bought your account at the beginning of  that time, you will still have the 12 months. Basicly, every month you don't play swamp, that month isn't counted against you. I got my acount back in june, and I still have 12 months. That would be because I didn't play for july, but after today, I will have 11 months left because I loged in today which mean that I don't get the month of august for free. LOL. I should log in again and see if I can't get a months werth of playing in today. LOL. Anyway, I'm trying to RP a char that isn't handleing the zombies  over running everything all that well. Sometimes this means going out and use my glock against them, sometimes it's other things. LOL. I'm really likeing the /me command You never know what someone is going to do with that. LOL. Most of the time, I'm not all that creative. What can I say. I enjoy shooting things more than using the ?me command. LOL. HTH
Here is the page with the exzack info you want.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
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2014-09-01 04:01:20

Hi all
I just got swamp but when i try to run it says
There is a missing file.

Gaming is so cool.
Follow me on Twitter @TheBlindGamer2

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2014-09-01 04:57:45

App con, did you remember to unzip Swamp before running it?  If you forgot and tried to run the game from within the zip, it will not be able to read from any of the required files.

- Aprone
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Aprone's software

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2014-09-01 09:15:12 (edited by SLJ 2014-09-01 09:16:07)

Brad: You might find my article on virtual gaming worth reading in the articles room. smile I play Swamp on my virtual machine without any trouble accept for lagging on the big mission. But that's because I'm using a Macbook Air.

Best regards SLJ.
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2014-09-02 19:50:39 (edited by LordLundin 2014-09-02 20:35:52)

Hello Aprone and everyone else.

This post will regard the breaking of armor and weapons only. I would love to add more to it but I really have to go and search for armor now ...

This whole thing about armor and weapons breaking is something that has bugged me recently and has became quite an irritating / frustrating part of the game.
Last time you were on Swamp Aprone, you said that armor and weapons break so that players would go out looking for loot more, and two things to that:

1: please don't try to influence how people *play* your game. You made the universe, and you opened possibilities with missions and many different maps and zombies and weapons and skill points etc etc. When you've gotten to the point you put things in the game that will force a player to do something against his will, you're not making a fun game, you're making a frustrating game. Remember, the point of a game is to be fun, I guess we can all agree to that.
If a player wants to go and loot, he or she will do so on his own accord, he shall not be required to do so.
(death is an exception to this)

2: back in the days when the whole breaking of armor and weapons were added, the game was a lot easier. Now you absorb more damage through zombie attacks, and as zombies swarm more over you and hit you more often, your armor / weapons breaks more often. For someone who uses a lot of melee to fight zombies (such as myself) you're bound to be hit a lot. So what you've done is to make a thing where zombies hit so hard you have to have a good amount of armor to survive it at the higher levels, while at the same time your vital armor is so easy to break.

The same thing can be said for weapons. I talked to one guy, his field kit broke in a mission. I repeat, his field kit broke in a mission.
I shall repeat that a third time, his field kit, broke, in, a, mission! Seriously ...
It happened for me too. My vulcan broke and ... well I was forced to truck sit for the rest of the mission because I couldn't really defend myself.

Also, you do not only need one piece of armor while walking out for real, you actually need  more of the same piece (say 3 riot faceguards) because if your armor starts breaking in missions or in the field, you're hell bound.

so am I saying you ought to remove the breaking system completely? Yes I am. But I'm already hearing too much wining about it  being removed, here are some of the very inteligent arguments I've heard:

* if you don't want your armor or weapon to break, don't use it.

Wow ... wow ... whoever said that must've been really tired at the moment or just kidding with me.
In order to protect your armor you've been searching for hours on end for, you ought to not use it so then it won't break. But, if I didn't want to use it, why would I search for it in the first place?

* weapons only break below 75 percent (or something, not sure about this one)

So we're limited to 25 percent of our actual health now?
Because once you drop below that and this guy breaks his field kit, that guy is fucked.
I might be a beginner when it comes to swamp (so much changed it's like half a new game) but one thing is for certain. The whole point of having 100 percent health is so that you can use those 100 percent to the full potential. Sadly, sometimes now the rule of thumb is that the more your hp drops the faster it goes since stuff breaks and the more stuff breaks the more screwed you are.

So ... I know it won't happen, the breaking system will stay sad sad
But, please, make it happen like 1/10 of what it does now.
I want to play this fun game, I just want to choose what to do on my own. Right now I really want to go to map 4 and shoot some zombies in the head, but my low armor and my broken weapons prevent me to do that.
So it's back to farming, I guess. Farming and hoping the next loot is the item that broke. Then pray that item won't break too soon either.
And this, once you make a player farm by force, then ...
The game is no longer fun.

Yea, I found ceramic armor. Next I know it's gone. That's your concept of fun?

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2014-09-02 20:50:38

You make some good points. I've never had things break on me, but then I try to stay above 75% for exactly the reasons you stated, and I haven't played for a few months (no room on this machine for a VM of Windows). I don't have any ideas on improving this right now, but hopefully this will spawn a discussion.

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2014-09-03 12:57:41

Maybe the point where armer and weapons start to break could be lowered to 50% health. Maybe that's still to high, but much better than 75%.


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2014-09-03 14:29:03

Yeah, I agree with FM's suggestion, the armor breaking thing should be part of the challenge of playing the game. If Aprone keep taking features out of the game due to requests, Swamp will be turned into an online sandbbox.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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2014-09-03 14:30:16

Hi. I agree . Rory is right. I wana play swamp too, but I don't have pay pall, and I don't want to pay every year 24 dollars/600 czech crown. Levelling and offline quests and missions? woo good idea. I am not a spammer, and Swamp was my the best zombie audiogame.

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2014-09-03 18:02:47

thetruegamer wrote:

1: please don't try to influence how people *play* your game. You made the universe, and you opened possibilities with missions and many different maps and zombies and weapons and skill points etc etc. When you've gotten to the point you put things in the game that will force a player to do something against his will, you're not making a fun game, you're making a frustrating game. Remember, the point of a game is to be fun, I guess we can all agree to that.
If a player wants to go and loot, he or she will do so on his own accord, he shall not be required to do so.
(death is an exception to this)

TheTrueGamer, I understand that you disagree with the weapon breaking aspect of the game, but I don't agree with your idea that the game developer should not be influencing how people play the game.  Figuring out what the player is required to do is a part of every game's design.  The problem with your argument is that is can be used against nearly every feature of the game.

I have had people complain that the guns should never run out of ammo, because they worked hard to find them and don't feel like they should have to go out and get something just to be able to keep using the weapon.  It's the same argument you're making, and some games do leave out the concept of ammo, but that would completely change the feel of the game.  I've had players who complained that they could only find certain weapons and armor on specific maps.  They felt they shouldn't be forced to brave sub 1 to find their precious longbow.  It's the same argument against the developer controlling how the player has to play.  Well making all items findable in all areas would change how the player progresses.  Related to that, I've had people complain that they have to travel between maps at all!  They believe they should be able to teleport between safe zones so they don't have to put in any work to go through the sewers.  Same idea.  Zombies shouldn't get stronger over time.  Same again.  I think in the earlier days of Swamp we've all read some very heated arguments about why death should not destroy your equipment.  Those had the same "you're controlling how I play the game!" arguments.  I could continue giving examples, but I'll end with people who have even argued with me that you should not have to worry about dying in Swamp.  Their arguments were nearly identical to yours.  By making them die, I am ruining their fun.  If they want to just run around shooting zombies and picking up loot, I should not be setting up the game to stop them from doing what makes them happy.  I am unfairly throwing in this extra obstacle!  Sounds pretty crazy, but yes people have used your reasoning to argue for all of these changes.

I agree it would be wonderful if every part of the game had intrinsic value, so looting was always fun and was never a necessity to get something you were looking for.  Especially in games like Swamp that go on forever that just isn't possible.  Treating item ownership as a check list, where once you have it you always have it, means everyone would have everything in a super short period of time.  If you're playing a single player game that has a finite end, then sure, let all weapons have infinite ammo and you only ever have to find something once.  By the time you run out of new things to get, you've reached the end of the game.  A game only has so many underlying challenges for the player, so in an ongoing game you have to have ways to bring back a challenge that the player has overcome.  The challenge that the entire game was built upon is the battle between the player and zombies.  It is the foundation that the rest of the challenges are built upon.  The entire need for loot is to get players out in the field where the enemies are, and the loot itself is equipment that will help you survive there.  If there is ever a time when people don't need to loot, then they don't need to face zombies, and the underlying challenge of the game is lost.

I know you said that death should still take away the items, but basically most players don't die.  They aren't dying even when they need to go out looting to replace broken items, so they'll die even less when they have No need to even face zombies.  At a certain point for many players, item breaking is the only thing keeping the core challenge on the table.

- Aprone
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2014-09-03 18:58:16

Wasn't there something going on with armor in testing to try to fix it, make it stronger or something?
I know I haven't played Swamp over the last couple of months because it's so hard to survive when you get swarmed and trapped on say, sub1 right now. Your health easily drops to 75%, and things start breaking. I want to see breakage stay in the game; I think it's a neat and useful feature. But set so high as it is right now, it really turns me off from wanting to play, because I know I'm going to get squished like a bug on the sidewalk.

*Play, loot, level, get your points up.
Doing the same old thing gets old after a while, so you go on sub1 or sub2 to try to find something decent to give you an edge in a 35 camping. Sub1 is particularly squishy and full of death corners. Dying all the time is disheartening, but I really /need/ that good armor.

*The game needs to keep some sort of challenge or insentive for the player to remain interested.
There's a fine line between creating a challenge and breaking the gamer spirit. I enjoy playing Swamp, but I'm not a hampster in a wheel, and I don't want to spend 500 hours doing the same thing on the same few maps just so I can have enough points to survive somewhere cool. 50 hours, maybe.

*I don't know how many people are still regularly playing Swamp now; probably a lot. Obviously they don't have a problem with the current system, so why are all these people whining?
It is my right as an American citizen to whine and complain until my demands are met! wink But seriously though, my own personal feels are that I really don't want to play Swamp at all until I see Aprone come out with some sort of new thing with armor, whether it's that the breaking point goes down, or that skillpoints get rearranged as he spoke about much earlier in the thread. I've been waiting for that ever since I saw him planning it bac in early summer. I love Swamp. It's a fun game and a great community. I'm just really disappointed with this new change.

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

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2014-09-03 20:39:16

I'm in that same boat as well. I just haven't been motivated to play because i'd rather not gamble on losing everything because the game has a not quite balanced armor system. Sure, people will moan and cry about the game needs to always be challenging and i would mostly conclude with that point of view, but i don't want to play to only have to grind for 3 or 4 hours and then lose my equipment in 2 minutes, just because i went on a mission, and i get vital armor broken, and thus lose my much needed protection. And no, i shouldn't have too by 5 sets of pricy gear because the game decides to break it. I'm not spending rep to die, rather to survive, and that's supposed to be the point of the game after all, right? I mean, when you hit q in game it says simply, "survive." Not die and have fun doing it. Get my point? Sorry for the rant.

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2014-09-03 21:41:38

There's anything wrong with the game, seriously. A few bug fixes here and there and perhaps lower the break point to 50% of health.
The thing is we are all "Hamsters spinning in a weel." big_smile  Well I don't know, but I feel the game wont have new stuff enough to keep the veterans busy anymore and it is becoming prety hard to newcomers to beat. Or if the new players can handle the game as it is, they will want more and more and more stuff. Honestly, we are playing the game for about 3 or 4 years and that is the result of what we've been asking.
I personally love the game, it was the first zombie related audiogame I ever played. And it is the most daring game for the blind and visually impaired, since we learned to use the mouse in our gaming experience along with orientation skills and spacial logic. I still play the game this days, and will probably do for the next years, but not as often as before.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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2014-09-04 01:23:59

well woof there, time to throw in my personal doggie pallet. hmm, chicken flavor? any how. here goes. getting armor tweecked just right is the main chalange on the table it seems. so lowering the odds that armor mite begin, to brake seems what i would suggest as well. fifty percent? perhaps. but in all fareness. once its fixed. sixty percent or 55 percent should help. reason  for me saying this is as follows. consider this. you do not want to be caught in a swarm and armor only brakes after 50 percent health because?  if u then lose 3 or 4 pieces, u will not have chance to heel much before u get zombie chow.
so? there fore if armor does brake there still needs to be time for you to heel.
this is what you guys must consider. so there fore. my suggestion of say 55 or 60 percent, seems dooable. uff corse. 50 percent is fine by me, but i am only pointing out a future obstical you guys will run in to.
if you set it at 50 percent. why do i say this? simply because.
u gonna take more damage. if a piece of armor brakes. and that mite trip you up in future.
the other reason why i suggested 50 percent is because of the following. sure you happily hopping along and swarm comes. and hits you.
suddenly u at seventy  percent health.
ooo not a good place to be, but at least now. u no u can take a few more hits, uh, wink, maybe 1? before u got to heel. your death is not as close. as if you was on fifty percent when your armor should have started to brake, and thus kissing your heeling chance by by.
a bit late her in the early hours so i mite not be making sence.

and with that? i am ending my humble fluffy contributions.
feel free to ring my furry neck later if i forgot to mension something. smile

There's a place for me in this universe.

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2014-09-04 08:15:39

i couldn't agree more with your last post aprone. without things breaking, / having to find ammo to replace the thousand you blew away in 30 seconds, or many other problems, the game would be boring. i haven't played swamp for a little while now, but  i'll sure come back to it, as i always do. and to have everything, and never run out, while sounding fun short term, long term, no thanks.

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2014-09-04 15:11:12

You're making the assumption that just because we don't want our things to break at 75 percent, we're demanding to keep our stuff eternally. That's far from the case. Dying is a part of the game. Losing stuff is half the thrill. But the gamer has to be given a fighting chance, and we aren't all at the same skill level here. We handle swarms differently. We have different fighting styles. And as another poster pointed out, melee is apparently dangerous, and that's my main MO for getting out of Swarms. I'm not saying Swamp is a terrible game, far from it. But something is very, very wrong with armor balance right now.

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

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2014-09-04 15:29:30

Oh I believe I'm a fairly skilled player, but as pointed out there are different playing styles and ways of handling things.

@Aprone, you answered my first argument but you forgot the other arguments I pointed out.
And there's a big difference between running for 2 minutes to get from map 1 to map 5 (that's more than 2 minutes heheh), but there's a part of this whole argument called how fucking much you gotta grind.

As I was going to say, there's a big difference between having enough rep to buy your ammo, running for a few minutes to cover maps, compared to running through piles of piles of useless loot with ammo you just as easily can buy from the sz, hoping you'll pick up a few ceramic armor along the way.
Thankfully there are some very nice players in swamp, and I traded some of my 40 fuel I picked up very easily.
Fuel is everywhere, armor is rare and armor breaks too easily.

Speaking of fuel, I encountered a very strange bug yesterday.
I was leading a wearhouse mission from the sz, and I accidentily hit enter two or three times on the mission menu item, then I tried to launch the mission but it just disappeared and I had to lead one again. It also took three fuel from me (which isn't a big deal). I'd say that the menu should be cancelled before the prize (fuel etc) is paid so you don't accidentily do more things like this.

Sorry for the messy post, I'm in a hurry.

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2014-09-04 19:07:34

Cinnamon wrote:

You're making the assumption that just because we don't want our things to break at 75 percent, we're demanding to keep our stuff eternally. That's far from the case.

Actually Cinnamon, that is exactly what TheTruegamer Is asking for.  He wants the entire idea of items breaking to be removed from the game, with death being the only exception that can destroy any of your items.  That is what he was saying in Swamp chat before he came here to post his above message.

TheTruegamer, actually I thought I did cover your other 2 argument, though they weren't really argument so I can't be entirely sure.  The first stated that you need armor to fight stronger zombies, but armor is easily broken, and the second mentions how losing a desired weapon can make your battle much harder.  Both of those statements are pretty ambiguous so I can only try to guess what your actual argument was on each.  I assumed you meant armor and items shouldn't be breaking, though you could have just as easily been trying to say that zombies shouldn't get stronger or that you should be able to buy replacement weapons from inside missions.

thetruegamer wrote:

there's a big difference between having enough rep to buy your ammo, running for a few minutes to cover maps, compared to running through piles of piles of useless loot with ammo you just as easily can buy from the sz, hoping you'll pick up a few ceramic armor along the way.

I'd like to find out if you're complaining because it took you a long time, not to find armor or weapons in general, but to find a specific item among all of the items in the game.  If you have told yourself that Ceramic armor and a Vulcan are the only way to go, and you loot the map until you find those 2 items, then yes the game is going to seem more grindy than it should.  The game has many different types of armor and many different types of weapons.  If the game hands you 10 armor pieces and 10 weapons that you are choosing not to use, then that becomes your problem and not the game.

If people decide that the break odds need to be reduced then that's fine, but your proposal to have it completely removed is just not going to happen.  The next update is addressing the armor system and drop rates for various items, just in case some response is going to try to justify why "only ceramics will work", or something else to that regard.

To those who stated that they don't play because they don't want to risk losing their acquired items, was that meant as a joke, or serious?  That is on par with people telling TheTruegamer that he shouldn't wear his armor if he doesn't want it to break.  Not playing is even worse than playing and possibly losing the equipment.  Even if you only got to fire some fancy new weapon one time into a zombie, that is infinitely better than knowing it is locked away on an unplayed character forever.  Using it gives you a guarantee that you'll get at least some (and probably a lot more) enjoyment out of it, while never using it guarantees that you'll get none.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2014-09-04 19:35:04

To be clear on my stance. I only wanted to point out that i feel the break odds need to be lowered a bit, and of course, dying is a part of the game. My only real complaint is sure, like i said, it's a pain to spend rep or run around for a couple of hours to get your gear if you only intend on playing for chunks at a time, instead of putting a day in to your character by grinding. I guess my feeling is that i wish there were options for solo minded players to get respectable chunks of rep if they don't want to go around with groups or lute all day. And i'm not talking about 250 rep here and there, more like 2000 for completing certain tasks, or similar. Of course, i wouldn't want that rep easily handed to me, but have a fun mission type that could be done by one person.

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