2014-08-20 16:18:19

I thought, since most people following DragonApps.org on Twitter and me on AudioBoo have already figured this out, to post this on here, as well.

Hi, I'm Ghorthalon, and I'm pretty much the quietest dragon you will probably find in the audiogames developer community. LOL

Basically I will keep this simple. TO start with, this is not a game, really. Mainly, it's a tech demo for an Engine I started working on. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes than in the actual game, as you might be able to figure out.

The purpose of this engine is to be as lightweight as possible. In doing this, however, I've started to run into some problems and sound glitches that I'm currently trying to work around, so bare this in mind.

I've built this engine in a way where I can easily expand upon it (E. G. add multiplayer support, more content, etc, etc), so I am considering taking this somewhere big, I'm just not sure quite where yet.

The controls are easy enough. W, A, S and D to move forward, backward, left and right. Mouse or arrow keys to turn, control or left click to shoot. Your goal? Well, shooting as many zombies as you can, picking up the one-hit-kill shotgun and pwning your way through the levels until there are simply too many zombies for you to handle.

That's it. There is not much more to this ... well ... tech demo. Oh. Except it has dynamic ambience. Which means that the ambience sounds aren't stationary, and created randomly on the fly.

To get it, just click here and have fun.

And yup, I have other projects in mind. And before you ask, no, I won't say much more than an Android side scroller and some more PC titles. I'll just have to see how time treats me.

I'm not dead. Yet. Don't forget about me! LOL

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2014-08-20 16:35:38

downloading it now.

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2014-08-20 16:51:48

downloading it now!

prowdly Ecuadorian.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-08-20 18:03:35 (edited by vlad25 2014-08-20 18:08:15)

hey ghorth do you have skype?
I ask you this because I have a problem with the RTR and I don't know how can I resolve this.
I have sent you my skype to a private message

2014-08-20 18:15:22

Cool, I like it!
Did you make the intro with the engine as well? yikes
The panning is very good and turning is super responsive on my end. It is like a faster version of Swamp!
Could you add in a pre-built keystroke to say what direction/s you are facing? Now I can really only tell based off the birds and it is really dizzying! (Well if one is wishing to port it to android, it may not be possible)...
What sound library did you use?
Do you think you will be releasing it? Possibly with python bindings?

2014-08-20 18:26:48

This is cool so far.

One thin I noticed is that it takes a very long time for the zombies to show up. Also when turning, the sound kind of jumps, as if your turning 50 degrees in one turn. Right now I don't really get a sense of how much I'm turning or direction, etc.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2014-08-20 19:03:41

hi, how much rham is needed to run this game? when I start it I get a dialog about not having enough system resorces to run the game, although I have 8gb of ram and nothing much had been used when I try to run the game.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-08-20 19:08:23

The reason why the sound jumps so fast is because it is so fast. He could slow it down, but I kind of like the speed. If you use the mouse you can aim just fine.

2014-08-20 19:10:04

I'm using a windows 7 64 bit with 8 gb of ram and it runs just fine. I'm not sure how to tell how much system resources it is using though.
I have NVDA as my screen reader.

2014-08-20 19:42:52

I'm using win 8 64 bit, with 8gb ram, and using NVDA as my screen reader too.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-08-20 20:11:00


Thanks a lot for the positive feedback!

vlad25: This is off-topic, but most of the problems is due to you not having a mouse connected. This is also a problem with the current game engine of ZST. I will fix this in a minute, however, if you do not have a mouse or laptop, press Left Alt, Left Shift and Numlock together and say yes to the prompt to activate the virtual Numpad mouse.
@frastlin: The intro is prerendered, however I do not see a single problem with dynamically creating the intro with the engine.
I'm not sure if I will be releasing the engine to the open, however, if I get anywhere to the point where I could see others using this engine I will let you know. It's still in very, very early development stages.
stewie: The zombies are placed at random. The AI is scripted extremely poorly, so all they do is run towards you once they're closer than 60 feet to you. The entire board is 100 by 100 squares.
@connor142: That's weird. It uses about 30 to 40 MB of RAM on my system. Maybe a problem with your display settings? It initializes a temporary graphics window because yes, I'm thinking about visuals in a way where blind could script simple block output with sprites to map entities.

There is a NVDA Add-On that tells you how much resources your entire Computer uses. I used Anvir to check the stats of the game independently.

I'm sure that the only thing keeping me from making this a multiplayer Co-op is the community rejection, as well as Aprone killing me once he found out. LOL

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2014-08-20 20:25:03

ROFL, don't worry about me Ghorthalon.  big_smile  If I didn't want other people creating first person shooters, I wouldn't have helped so many people with concepts, tips, and even code examples for making one.  The more the merrier, and if it forces me to make better stuff to stay on par, then that's fine too.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2014-08-20 21:36:46

Hi all. Haven't been here for a while, and may be won't be for a while. But as a fast comment: Nice job Gorthalon, I should definitely try it out when I have the time. Seems quite interesting from what I've read so far.

2014-08-20 23:30:23

Hi Ghorthalon.
Thanks for this game glad that your still working on cool stuff like this.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2014-08-21 00:15:43

Just to make sure, Is Anvir?
I am trying to figure out what processes take up the least amount of CPU now I'm on a SSD and don't get the fan blowing every time my computer uses more than 1/3 CPU LOL...
Have you been reading the development forum? We were just talking about how there is a major lackage of wysiwyg editors for the blind. How hard would it be to make this into a wysiwyg editor? Kind of like unity?
Use python for the scripting language though LOL!

2014-08-21 00:59:07


Originally, I didn't even think of a WYSIWYG type of scripting, if scripting at all for this engine, since I thought I was the only one who would use it and use it as a template. However, now that you mention it, maybe I would look into actually doing that.

I have a working LUA script interpretor setup from Dragonflame so I really don't know if I would look into Python since I'm soooo used to Lua...

Ideas, ideas... Meanwhile, just to figure out how easy it is, added 2 new zombie types, including a more human one, and a dog kind of thing. Maybe this is starting to look like a swamp rip-off. LOL

Oh. And H to check your health. Yes, I know it spells the numbers out. I can't be bothered! LOL

I don't check this forum very much anymore so I'm not entirely sure what's happening in the scene of audio games, but I keep seeing side scrollers and RPG's pop up and no one's even trying themselves at first-person games which is a little sad. I love that kind of genre.

Maybe by releasing this engine I could make it easier for people. But it's a mess at the moment. I'm currently cleaning it up and switching to a more game-suited audio engine. OpenAL. Maybe I can get environmental effects and easier HRTF out of it...

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2014-08-21 02:02:53

The reason why you don't see so many first person games is because they are so difficult to make.
I don't think you can do them in BGT and at the moment you can't do them in pygame without doing some fun math!
Where as side scrollers are just x and maybe some y coords and that is it.
Why python is so that you don't need to worry about screen reader support, networking, writing massive guides saying how things work and whatnot. It is pretty much all written for you.
My brother uses an engine that does this and he is able to make some pretty awesome games (Just not for blindies!)
I can't wait till libaudioverse comes out, it will be much nicer than OpenAl! (Although it is going to be payed for commercial use (Although you would need to talk to Camlen about it!)).
The hard stuff is:
collision detection and positioning audio objects. For me those are the two things that are a huge pain in python.
How does this engine handle those? Could you start with putting out a dll or something that we can import into our projects?

And hey, what is the one thing Swamp does not have? PK yikes how difficult would it be to add that? RTR almost got there, but there was really no point to it other than that...

2014-08-21 02:08:27

Hello folks. I can't seem to make the game work. It said something about I have not enough resources on my computer.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-08-21 02:35:42

So I am not sure how to read Anvir's graph here:

1 gb

CPU min 0 max = 14%
memory min = 124 max = 136 mb

disk min = 0 max = 512 kbp/s

512 mb


So is it saying that zst can take up to 14% of my CPU? and that it is running at 4mb a second?

2014-08-21 02:59:45


I'm not entirely sure. I'm sorry if you mentioned this before, but do you use NVDA? It seemed to, with object nav, read for me just fine.

They're not too terribly hard to make, really. Yes, I asked Aprone about the maths back then, but I've done some google research and logical thinking and came up with some ideas that made it even easier for me. Which means that yes, I can definitely put out a DLL that can do the math for you, or even a little sound engine that does the work for you.

I'm not interested in paying to get this project done. I'm not interested in making money off of it either. I'll just see what I can do - that aside, Camlorn is doing a pretty good job with his lib. At least, when I read up on it and heard the demo a while ago.

I've jus noticed a lot of unnecessary disk usage in the game and could minimize the amount it has to continuusly load from the hard drive.

Hmmm... So many things to consider... If you want, I can throw together a quick DLL with just a few easy calls to get your basic 2-3D sound positioning values. Or, I could just throw you the basic maths. It's really not all that complicated, at least, if you keep it in 2D, which is mostly enough for an audio FPS game. Most of them are.

Yeah RTR never really came a long way. But then again, it was my very first FPS project, and I didn't know a whole lot about it at the time, which has changed since then. It probably would not even take me long to develop a simple server to run the game on. But before I do that, I'd rather come up with a more suffisticated way of creating a map. Like...An actual map. Not just a square with borders around it. LOL

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2014-08-21 04:01:37

This is under the applications tab, I go over zst, tab to the field list, arrow over to performance and tab twice to get into the graph and use object nav. The info is exactly what that graph said.
I'm using NVDA with the latest version of Anvir.
I'm in the middle of creating an adventure game, so couldn't get to playing with the dll till later. I'm also not knowledgeable at all about how to use python with dlls, I just use the wrappers that have already been made...
It would be a good inspiration for me to get around to learning how to deal with C++ though!
Isn't adding walls and whatnot (that don't have any properties other than the hit sound) almost trivial? It is in python, but once you are cycling through three hundred or so objects every half-second, python starts to not love you anymore.

2014-08-21 10:33:45

This game does sounds really interesting. Looking forward to check it out soon.
I'm glad to see you're still working on things, Ghorthalon. Keep up the good work man.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2014-08-21 11:34:10

Does this game uses online system like swamp?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-08-21 13:49:08


No it's not online yet, but I'm seriously considering it.

The key is to check everything relative to the player. I, for example, totally dismiss the things that are out of hearing range to the sound engine. As soon as it realizes that it's out of range it stops bothering with it and moves on to something else until it could move back into hearing field. Another way you could put in walls is to make it another terrain type on your map and handle it like a footstep, except that you don't move anywhere and the donk sound instead of a step plays.

I have 1024 sound objects that I can easily set up from anywhere in the game and even if all are active, it doesn't seem to mind. At least my computer doesn't. LOL

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2014-08-21 14:52:18

wow. sound's cool.

Follow me on Mastodon.