2014-08-10 23:05:19

Hey all,
This might be a long post, so I apologize.
A couple of weeks ago, I was looking at dual booting Linux with Mac. I tried, 4 or so times to install the latest Vinux version, but every time I do, at the second half of the installer, at approximately 60 percent, the setup crashes. Then, I just gave up. But now, I am wanting to dual boot Vinux alongside my 8.1 machine. Is this doable? What sort of hurdles would I run in, tasks would I need to perform, etc? I already have a bootable USB drive created. Thanks for all of your help.

2014-08-11 04:54:23

Macs use EFI; perhaps that was the cause of the problem? Vinux does seem to be a bit behind on things. The same problem may well befall your Windows 8 machine, although at least in theory it should be better supported.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-08-11 05:03:54

Ahh, hmm, I wonder if I were to use, say, Ubuntu, I would get better results?

2014-08-11 05:06:23

After all, Ubuntu did work with the Mac so... Hmm...

2014-08-11 05:23:18

Quite likely, yes. Be sure you have backups, and then give it a try. Of course, usual caveat applies concerning Ubuntu. Fedora is also known to handle EFI Macs correctly.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-08-11 05:29:56

How accessible is Fedora?

2014-08-11 05:54:51

I would recommend ubuntu as it has been the most popular I've seen, at least from an a11y standpoint. I'm using it alongside my windows 7.

2014-08-11 05:57:11

Should I go the Wubi route? Or, jack, how did you do it.

2014-08-11 20:07:41

I would stay away from WUBI. Also, you might try sonar linux at http://sonargnulinux.com which is based on ubuntu. Sonar is pretty much an updated version of vinux, and is available with different desktops such as LXDE and gnome.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2014-08-11 20:31:47

Sonar is now based on arch, or Manjaro linux to be spasific. It's arch with a working desktop environment. The installer is a bear to get working though, at least on my end, so good luck. Probably should just stick with ubuntu 14.4 LTS for a while.

2014-08-12 12:20:53

Fedora is not for the easily distressed.

Just myself, as usual.

2014-08-14 18:41:05

I would give Vinux a shot, except it seems like it hasn't been updated in years, and I'm not sure of any alternatives that come up speaking, or if there are easy ways to make general-purpose Linux distros, i.e. Ubuntu, to be easily configured that way.

2014-08-14 23:08:52

all regular distros except a certain few include some form of speech. for ubuntu, all isos have orca, or as it is now called, screen reader,  with control s. with the cli installer of debian it's s and enter to start speech with speakup. any gui installs iether need sighted assistance or use of the terminal for debian and fidora. for any brand of suse linux such as open suse, novel desktop 9, and etc require that you launch speech manually with alt+f2, orca depending on the gui used. stay away from pair os and any os not based on anything previously mentioned.
