2014-08-10 20:48:45

Hello Everyone.
I've been using nvda for a while now and was wondering how to turn the nvda cursor. I've been searching the manual but can't find exactly what I'm looking for. When I touch the mouse or try to move it around it just sends me to the context menu. Please help!

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2014-08-10 21:10:22

I wouldn't say this is about gaming, so could possibly be moved to the off topic room.

What I believe you're looking for is most likely under section 5 of the manual, more specifically the sub-section 5.6.3.  That whole section is probably worth a read, although I'll admit it had me rather confused until I finally got the hang of it.

Perhaps someone else can give a good detailed explanation for those who don't know where to begin, as I can't really think how to begin explaining it myself.

Hope that section advice does help though.

My TARDIS: time and relative dimension in space machine.  its bigger. on the inside.  infinitely bigger on the inside.

2014-08-10 21:43:53


The doctor is right, sinse this is not related to games it doesn't belong in this part of the forum, so I'll move the topic. Please remember for next time.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-08-10 21:59:00

Okay, let me try to explain.
NVDA does have a kurser but it's not like JAWS's one.
There's one mode called object navigation. If you've ever used voiceover on a mac and interacted with tables and other elements then you'll get the hang of this straight away. If not, don't worry. It's not that hard.
First the keys: NVDA pluss numb pad,  4 and 6 will move you left and right in a window, where as 2 and 8 will move you in and out of an object.
Oh and nvda plus numbpad enter will click on that object.
So if I press my nvda key and 4. I here. Write message text. so what that is doing is moving me left through the objects in the window I am focused on.
4 and 6 move you through the window that you're focused on But what if you here table or list or something like that and want to take a look, what do you do?
Well you zoom into the object or enter it, what ever term you prefer to use, by pressing your nvda key and 2. on the numb pad. This will go into that object and then when you press NVDA pluss 4 and or 6, that will show you the controls in that object.

I'm sorry if I've confused you even more. The best thing to do would be to try it out. Don't worry you can't brake NVDA.

I hope this helps.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-08-10 23:26:41

Thanks brad and doctor your posts really helped me a lot and sorry about posting in general game discussion dark I should know better by now lol.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order