2014-08-01 23:24:02

Once you go into that system's place, you'll want to find a little slot in the wall a ways tothe left, it'll be on the north side, kind of like the wings of the ship. I don't remember much after this though, as I think it goes pretty quickly. They are easy to miss, but keep looking.
end spoilers

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2014-08-01 23:46:23 (edited by livrobo 2014-08-02 00:04:00)

As a response to the previous post.

Alt f4 works on my end, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you. Also, and this is something I can't understand. Why do people think the dragon strike scrolls are so hard to pull off? Granted, the biggest one I have unlocked at the moment is charge of fury and I know there are bigger ones by reading the forum. My point is that they are not hard to pull off at all once you know the pattern you need to follow, and even before then, not that hard. I'm usually able to cast perfectly about 95 percent of the time.
Trying to figure out why so many people are having difficulty with this. Right after the beep, you press the key. As previously said here, Jaws users may have some problems. Another potential problem I can see is that your sound hardware or setup may produce lag which would make it difficult to pull these off. Personally I'd be disappointed if the time required to respond was increased.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a calibration test if this is that big of an issue? I can only think of one other audio game where this was used, but I think it might work well here for those who are having problems. The game would produce beeps, and the player would press a key in time with those beeps to tell the game how to handle the timing of the dragon scrolls. I'm not a developer, so I have no idea on how much this would require and I'm just suggesting since so many people seem to be having a problem and I don't believe that it's an actual issue but rather latency or other factors on their end.

If a helicopter falls in the field and no one's around, it doesn't make a sound.

2014-08-01 23:47:44 (edited by livrobo 2014-08-01 23:55:56)

Thanks @Sneak. smile

After reading I found it the first time I looked. No idea how I didn't see it hidden there in the corner before.

Thanks again

If a helicopter falls in the field and no one's around, it doesn't make a sound.

2014-08-01 23:58:06

not to offent you, but saying that nobody can react so fast to cast the Dragon strike spells is simply not right. It hadn't took me so Long to figure it out, yes, you Need some practice, but if you get the hang of it, it's definately doable. I am blind from birth and had no knowledge about the games you mension with the comment on Navigation, but I don't have Problems navigating in the game. And I am sure, I'm not the only one here who is blind, has no Problems in playing it and likes it. I wouldn't say it's an Alpha or a beta Version, i saw a lot of such Versions and so I realy know how they work in some situations. The game is a full release in my opinion and realy worth the Price. Remember, each game even in it's full Releases can have bugs. This isn't meant to offent you, but I Feld like your post is generalizing Problems wich are no General Problems for everybody and so, it's difficult to say that the Problems you have are the games faults.

2014-08-02 00:16:52

Oh, there was someone faster than me. But if that harware Thing could be the Problem, such a calibration Setting would be good. But alt f4 works for me every time as well.

2014-08-02 00:18:51

you can get a lot of free sounds from www.sounds-resource.com (if that doesn't work, try .net instead). granted they are ripped from other video games, but that's what you were going for, right?

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2014-08-02 00:40:55

hi, I'm now stuck in the sanctuary. I'm on the third floor but there's nothing but this room with an organ inside. when I press enter on it, it's tellling me that it can't receive input or something like that. what should I do on this floor?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-08-02 00:41:00

Someone here talked about dreams in the game. May i ask what that in the game is? Are the dreams Kind of mini games or quests or such? And in wich situations they come? I ask because the only method to sleep in the game is if I go to bed and than i can save the game. But what's up with the dreams now?

2014-08-02 00:42:42

how do I fix sapi.dll problems?
I've tried re registroring but get this error. The module "sapi.dll" failed to load.

Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.

The specified module could not be found.

Is there anything I can do?
I've looked at things like win fruster, but I have to pay for it and honestly don't want to since I don't know if it's a good program or not.

Or should I just wait till windows nine and buy it and hope that I don't mess up the sapi again?

I have no idea what to do and if NVDA support would be added I'd by this game strait away. From what I've been heareing it's my kind of game.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-08-02 01:01:14

you have to go back to the beginning of the stage, to the west of that is an another passage, head that way before going into the organ room.
end spoiler
to the person who was asking about the dreams
the dreams happen after you go to sleep due to the storyline, not by actually going to sleep and saving your progress etc.
end spoiler.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2014-08-02 01:02:18 (edited by sneak 2014-08-02 01:04:30)

now for my own problem lol
I'm in the last tower, on the 4th floor, and I've found the person there that I needed to rescue, but I can't seem to find the door to the next level.
end spoiler
r o f l, sorry, this happens every time, I thought I was headed back to the beginnning of the stage, but turns out I was only a few seconds away from where I needed to go, so nvm.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2014-08-02 01:14:26

dude, I nearly died laughing due to tower 4's boss just for the dev's information.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2014-08-02 02:16:17

Hay TheOnlyPKMNmaster, I finished the demo, just kind of bumbed about how it ends, but oh well.
I did find this spelling error while exploring.

I hat starwalkers!
I'm never flying with them again!

Footstep sounds wound be great, but for the moment, it works fine just like it is.
I would like to ask, is their a way you can put in a choice for right alt for dragon strike combos?
I can do okay with left alt, but down is kind of slow for me
I'm right handed, that's why I'm asking.
I do have one minor problem.
In most RPGs, we can see the stats of all of our party members without switching to them.
Could you possibly; in the future; put in a status option in the menu so we can see how much health attack defence and inpact stats everyone has.
Money would be helpful to.
I was commpairing stats, and had to keep switching the active character to do so.
A missed chance I think is that when you switch charactors, you don't get there point of vies on things.
I switch to Kelly, and I still get ross' pov in a few key seens.
I think that's all, by!

2014-08-02 02:18:19

Finished the demo and enjoyed it for the most part.  I am starting to get the hang of the scroll timing but I still agree with what others have said.  You can always scrap the whole quick time event thing and go for traditional magic points.  Perhaps a spell can be done where you hear a sound rising in pitch and you have to press a key at a certain time, sort of like jim kitchens golf game.  The closer you are, the more damage you do.  Perhaps they can regenerate when you defend, slowly over time and/or with magic potions, j-rpgs have had many ways of working with magic points.  I understand where you are going with the system you have though.
I also agree that we need item use in battle since that seems to be the way things are done with a turn based battle system.  Characters should be able to heal etc.  I won't spoil it here but I remember a super nintendo game where you can cast a cure potion at an enemy and have it do tons of damage, obviously it was something the player had to figure out and not hinted at in the game etc.  I find it odd that your entire party isn't included in a battle but only the character you have selected in the non battle menu is.  Unless this is changed further in the game, traditionally all characters take their turn even if you are only facing one enemy.
I also get the no footsteps thing since all the games I can think of at least in the 8 and 16 bit era didn't have them.  If I remember right, final fantasy 8 was one of the first.  I stopped playing console rpgs after final fantasy 10.
Responding to the poster who mentioned the turning in console rpgs.  I've thought of the arrows as compass directions from the beginning, so I've always imagined my character facing those directions as I move.  That is also how I imagined console rpgs.  I have been blind since birth but in playing with friends, I've always imagined me looking down at the character from above so therefore they moved in the traditional 4 directions.  I hope I am making sense here.
Will probably be buying soon.  Mainly because I love that we finally have a game where we can wander around a dungeon and grind!  I know I probably sound crazy here because I remember how annoying it was in final fantasy 2!  Ended up using game genie codes eventually but that's another story for another day!  Off to grind I go!

2014-08-02 02:26:49 (edited by Trajectory 2014-08-02 02:31:24)

brad wrote:

how do I fix sapi.dll problems?
I've tried re registroring but get this error. The module "sapi.dll" failed to load.

Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.

The specified module could not be found.

Is there anything I can do?
I've looked at things like win fruster, but I have to pay for it and honestly don't want to since I don't know if it's a good program or not.

Or should I just wait till windows nine and buy it and hope that I don't mess up the sapi again?

I have no idea what to do and if NVDA support would be added I'd by this game strait away. From what I've been heareing it's my kind of game.

I suggest googling the error you posted here and try following the instructions you receive. If you want you could PM me and I can try to help further but I don't guarantee success.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2014-08-02 04:31:15


Hmm, you could try reinstalling the operating system if worst came to wrost.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2014-08-02 05:00:46

I've never had to reinstall sapi, but I'm sure it can be done. It might even be just the voice that's the issue. I'd try installing espeak or something.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2014-08-02 05:10:27

Alpha or early beta?. what you're talking about?. What do you expect, a ps4 or Xbox one quality title?. first of all, get the debs millions of dollars, a huge group of programers, profesional voice actors, and of course, buy or record all the sounds needed for the game.
this is a full title, not alpha or beta, the game is great as it is, it can be improbed with some minor additions, like screen readers, but overall, this is one of the best games i've ever played. and, if you're wondering, i also played mainstream games, even the last of us.
i can cast perfect spells about 99% of the times, i'm saying it only because of the coment stating that nobody is capable of casting well.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2014-08-02 05:21:08


I really don't get what some people have against the magic system. I did struggle a bit with it at first, but now I'm able to cast perfectly most of the times. Honestly, just because something is more difficult than normal, it doesn't have to be changed right away. Pressing a button when a tone reaches a certain pitch would be way to easy, and boring too. RPGs like Final Fantasy have these quicktime events all the time, and sighted players don't get it right every time either. That doesn't mean it should be taken out of the game though.

2014-08-02 06:02:06

Noone is saying they should be taken out of the game. But even in console rpgs, gamers will gripe about QTE events if they require the split second timing that this game does. Every QTE I've ever had to perform gives you at least a few hundred miliseconds, the longest one I've seen is probably the Ryu Ga Gotoku games where you have almost half a second to press the button, but the next one arrives right after so you can't just wait for it. What I'm personally that the timing seems to be so precise that if sometimes your brain wonders and before you can even register the beep it's over and you missed the tiny input window. Personally, I say make a compromise... have the same system and timing, but make the beep about a time and a half as long or twice as long.

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-08-02 08:01:03

shrug I honestly don't really see a problem with the timing myself, I'm able to pick it up after a bit of practice. I think I'm among those that would feel disappointed if the timing was altered too much. Either way its a fun game.

2014-08-02 08:39:34

so, I'm at the part after simon joins your group, but I didn't catch where I was suppose to go next, something about a gruff hide out? is that the drug dealer place in the bar, if not what is it?
end spoiler

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2014-08-02 09:51:18

hello, as for the magic system as it is now, I'd hate for the reaction time to be raised. even if it's only 20 ms, you're gonna feel the difference. as I said before, it's not about reaction time, it's about rythm. just like in games like captain dynamite, where you need to press keys in a given rythm, you need to do it in the magic system of pots too.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-08-02 11:25:29 (edited by Sean-Terry01 2014-08-02 11:27:41)

I'm trying to find this girl that this person is looking for an one of the wings. He says she's near the casino. But I can't seem to find her anywhere! Can anyone help? Thanks!
By the way, I went ahead and purchase the game! I really love it! I would as well like the addition of footsteps. But, since this is the developers work. We should give the developer the time they need to do whatever is necessary for the game!

2014-08-02 11:56:16

Guys what should I do after rescuing this boy called Gabriel?