2014-07-25 07:04:53

Chris wrote:

Hey, is www.zombiepodcast.net down? WHen I try to load it in safari it says failed to open page.
I even tried it in Google Chrome and got the same result.

That's because you're going to the wrong page... If you try http://www.zombiepodcast.com/ you might have better luck big_smile

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2014-07-25 08:14:48 (edited by Chris 2014-07-25 08:16:20)


nope, the link doesn't work with Safari or Google Chrome on the mac side.
It used to work which makes this even stranger.
On another note, I was able to access the website with Internet Explorer 8 on my Windows XP virtual machine running in Fusion.
This is weird.
I probably should buy the episode, but I honestly don't feel like it.
Besides, I kind of want to wait, just to increase the suspense even more.


Well, I was wrong. I tried going to the website again after posting this and Safari loaded the page perfectly.
This is very odd.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2014-07-30 09:02:55

okay the finali was just... well what can I say accept eppic.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2014-07-30 09:32:11

Epic yes, though I do feel they could've done more as I said in my previous post on the subject. For me the finale did it's job, ticked the boxes, but wasn't quite the awsome ending I really wanted especially where Ink and Randy were concerned. Not bad, but not really the high point it should've been as compared to previous finales, particularly season 1.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-07-30 21:53:20

Here's a link for the live Q&A show from last night...or morning in my case...
http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/6 … 728599.mp3
Quality was way better when they streamed it, but yeah... This might just be the low quality version of the file, not sure if there's a better one somewhere, but it Works...

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2014-07-31 06:51:32

ok, here are my thoughts on the final episode.
I loved the scratch resolution. It was good not to see here outright killed, but rather to rot away in a concrete coffen of birt's own making.
I was a little disappointed that Saul had to die, but he went down in glory.
As to ink, while I somewhat agree that there should have been more on the resolution, at the same time I kind of like the fact that we have unanswered questions, because it leaves listeners to speculate without knowing what the real answers to the questions are. And also, there are mentions on the website of KC working on another podcast along the story line of we're alive, so maybe we'll get a lot more of our questions answered in that podcast.
Overall, I'm very pleased with how the series ended. I am a little sad that there's no more waiting for we're alive episodes, though. No more Monday waits. I am probably going to download and listen to the whole series again. I find that when I listen to things again, I tend to catch stuff that I missed the first time through.

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2014-07-31 18:58:34

@Briant with Ink I wasn't  disappointed with the lack of answers, though i think  they could've provided a better way of answering questions than just having michael say basically "well Tanya thought this and that" after the fact.

With Ink however my main complaint  is it was all over to quickly. I   knew someone would be going to where cody was, and it being saul made sense but was annoying, i also liked Saul and the katana  however to go streight from that to Saul setting off the bomb was just too quick. I would've had Michael and victor go down for Saul, or maybe  find  that the bomb needed some components which only they had, then have Saul's sacrifice on the way out after a big underground battle with  ink and whatever the big creation mentioned in the previous story was,  heck it would've been nice to see one of Ink's labs actually in production rather than the abandoned ones we've seen thus far. I also think Randy deserved more of a sendoff than he got, just being nutted by Victor  at a correct moment.

In general as I said I fully agree about the scratch resolution,  Bert's "she's not a killer, ---- but I am!" speaking of  Riley was very nice and quite unexpected, however it felt rather Scratch got the Lion's share of the  time.

Really i'd have  preferd less epilogue and more Ink, or maybe have the finale be  two separate  parts, one dealing with ink, one with scratch,  heck, if they thought the extended epilogue was necessary maybe  two parts and an epilogue.

Indeed, rather than being longer than previous chapters as other finales have been (remember the four part season 1 finale),  chapter 50 was actually a  minuute or two less than standard length, just in one part rather than three, (given that the average length of a part is around 23 minutes and chapter 50 was 70).

As I said, the finale wasn't bad, and I'm happy with what  information was revealed, I just wish there had been more time left to wrap plots up and give Ink and the maor zombies as much of a conclusive sendoff as Scratch got.

Btw, I would like to buy the thing on cd, does anyone know if they're bringing out a remastered season 4? or even better, how about a complete box set of   everything!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-07-31 20:36:11

@Dark: I suggest you go and listen to the Q&A I linked to in my previous post, a lot of your questions are answered in there. For the remastered CD version of S4 it sounds like they aim for the end of this year. The complete box set will probably take longer, more than a year, since they want to release it with more than just the four seasons and make something really nice out of it rather than something rushed...
As for Randy's last scene... Remember that the only one he actually meant something to was Michael, to Victor it was just another biter. The first time I listened to it I felt we were missing something too, but after the third or fourth time... Well, I can't really see what else they should have done? Jumping from roof to roof seems a bit too Hollywoodish, besides Angel, Riley and Datu already did that in season 1. smile
But yeah, as I said, go and listen to the Q&A, lots of good stuff in there. big_smile

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2014-08-29 01:35:39

So... Back in June they uploaded the protection mark to their FaceBook account. It's just drawn, Black on White. You can see the Picture here.
Now we've learned that it's a petroglyph from New Mexico. Kc has confirmed that it's 100 percent based on a real petroglyph, but he hasn't released his source for it since he wasn't sure whether or not it would add to the magic and mystery surrounding it or take away from it.
Since we were introduced to it on January 27th this year (yes, I've checked the date tongue) I, and quite a lot of others, have tried to find it. Some people took the Picture from FB and had Google search for Pictures that matched, but no luck.
Remember the description given by Puck back in chapter 42? Well, here it is:
"Three lines on top, arched like a rainbow. And then underneath, five lines spread out like a fan coming to a point."
All this is drawn inside a circle as far as I remember... At least on the Picture posted on FaceBook, which made some people joke about it being a wifi symbol for zombies. I had no idea what a wifi symbol looked like, so I asked some friends in a chat.
One of the Words that was used to descripe it was 'concentric', which turned out to be the Word I needed to find the actual petroglyph.
In the second to last episode from The We're Alive Fancast they have another Q&A with Kc where he reveals that the five fingers represent a hand. I'm still a bit lost there, since I thought the symbol's meaning was unknown, but well. Cause that's the thing... In the real World it has no known meaning, it's just a carving in a rock... But yeah, Kc gave it a meaning and a purpose in his story.
I decided to Google 'petroglyph three concentric arcs' just to see what I would find. As the second hit I found this page with a Picture from 2006.
The description of the Picture is:
"This fascinating symbol consists of a hand under three concentric arcs."
Sounds familiar? That's what I thought. I've had more than five sighted people to compare the two symbols, and all of them agreed. Half of them hadn't even listened to the show, so it wouldn't just be some sort of fangasm from their side that lead them to think it was that petroglyph.
Maybe I shall add that this Picture is from Three Rivers, which apparently is an area with a huge amount, read 21000 or more, petroglyphs. Guess where it's located? Yup! New Mexico!
The two Pictures aren't exactly identical though, on the real one the three arcs seem to go all the way Down on each side of the five ones spread out underneath. Another thing is that on the WA symbol the five lines have different lengths in such a way that it doesn't really look like an actual hand. In the other Picture they're so long that they reach out and touch the bottom arc of the Rainbow.
At least that's what I've been told.
But yeah... It is still five lines spread out like a fan coming to a point with three lines arched like a Rainbow above them, carved into a rock that is found in New Mexico.
Kc has not confirmed this yet, but I have posted it on the WA forum too about a day ago right after I found it. I thought I'd just let you Guys here know as well in case you don't go to their forum.
...Wow... This is way longer than I thought it would be, but well... Lots of stuff to write... And this is just about yesterday's research tongue I have tons of websides in my favorites about petroglyphs and rock art, I might even have a few about Three Rivers but not sure... I am certain that I haven't found this one before though, at least not with a description of it. See, that's another funny thing... I find it sort of amusing that the guy WHO ends up finding a Picture of the real petroglyph is 100 percent blind... big_smile
Now we just need to find the fish on fire, although that one's not really that important... That one is a petroglyph as well, according to Kc in the latest interview from We're Alive Fancast.
So yeah... Enjoy! I think I'll give the series a relisten very soon.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2014-08-29 18:11:20

Interesting stuff, I had it in mind myself that the gliff would be five equal lines touching the bottom of the three arcse and coming down like half a circle cut into five equal slices (think half of a ten slice pizza), so while I do see the hand thing it didn't emmediately occur to me.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-10-28 17:25:10

Hi guys. I've got a question on chapter 33 part 1. Whose that girl with Sargent Michael and Puck? Why is it that she was not included in the list of characters in we're alive? Her rank is private.

2017-11-02 03:32:02

Hello, do all these episodes free to listen?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-11-02 03:56:40


2017-11-02 04:49:51

Thanks. I will have a look. I heard many people in this forum addicting to it. Who knows, maybe me too.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-11-02 05:44:33

The greatest chapters for me were 3 I think, what ever one they found burt, 6, because of that mission sall lizzy and burt go on where they meet the mallers, and burt has some great quotes, plus chapter 12, that war is pretty epic.
I honestly think sall's death was a bit too drawn out but that's just me, he was a pretty major character. Watching burt lose his finger... Oh god....

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2017-11-02 06:04:56

I've always been curious about Ink's ability to understand speech and say a few words. If someone took the time, I wonder if they could have figured out just what he wanted and why he and the other zombies were trying to turn/kill everyone.

2017-11-02 15:24:39

I'd recommend this series to anyone, I particularly appreciated how goodthe characterisation was and how nobody was quite just the one shot way they appeared on the surface, for example in the first episode you think Angel is going to be the authoritarian arse in charge then he turns out to be anything but.
Apart from Pippin's rather atrocious attempt at sounding English, the series audio production is also exceptional, and I like the fact not all questions are answered, though for anyone who has it, the spinoff lockdown does answer some questions, although I think that is paid only while all the main series episodes are free.

As to spoilers

I rather like the way Ink worked, though as I said previously in this topic the huuuuuge! guilt thing about @it's all our fault@  going rather too far, I do need to listen to the series again though and put the clues in when I can hear all the episodes rather than having to wait as I did previously.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-09-23 11:50:31

This topic is...ahem, still alive?

I'm reviving it only because others have before me, and I figure this is a well-established thread already. Why make another? Its last post was almost three years back, but jumps of a year or two have happened before. Either way, don't blame me. Maybe one some zombie or other got its teeth into it. Or maybe I'm a zombie.

Anyway, I just binge-watched the whole main series, and I have this to say.

For anyone still reading, definite

Still here? Okay, gonna let rip.

I mostly liked this series. Audio production was good (not great). I noticed a lot of stock sounds, and a lot of inconsistencies (especially in the earlier seasons). A couple of the voice actors got on my very last nerve (Scratch when she yells, Lizzy, Angel and Michael with the way they sometimes phrase things). Some of the narrated bits are just straight-up clunky. Oh and also? The past tense of "drag" is "dragged", not "drug". They made this mistake three or four times.

As far as characters? My favourites were the soldiers (by which I mean Puck, Muldoon, Robins, Karl), CJ (though she grew on me, I disliked her at first), Pegs and Riley. Pegs started out weak and got a lot stronger. Riley started out strong and got a lot weaker. Both of the voice actors for those characters did a good job. I also found myself liking Bricks, even though he was on the wrong side of the mess. Most of the rest were either uneventful, whiny or otherwise not all that interesting to me. And ye gods, Pippin's accent.

Now, to some plot points I especially liked and especially disliked:
First, for something I liked. Not so much a plot point, but I do appreciate how Lizzy and Bricks became fairly friendly. I thought that was a nice touch; humanized Bricks a bit and made it so the mallers weren't just faceless killers with no depth.
Next, something I intensely disliked, and it has to do with Lizzy. She is probably my least favourite character overall. She's useful as hell early on, then peters out, falls asleep at her post, gets booted, gets captured, then we spend most of season 2 wondering how they'll free her. Then Saul has to basically lie to CJ, who really just wants to be left alone, to get Lizzy back. And what does Lizzy do? She accuses Saul of not confessing everything to her involving CJ, then plays the hypocrite card and gets pissed when Saul calls her out about Bricks. Apparently it's okay for her not to specifically mention things, but not okay for him. Enormous double standard, and I think I'd have chucked her out a window to be dev--well, no, that's cruel, she was pregnant after all. But that seriously nailed her coffin shut. It was sad that she died the way that she did, but to my way of seeing it, Lizzy was dead weight after saving the tower, character-wise.
Next thing I liked: Kalani's arc. Yeah, I know the dude was a rat from the first, and made some really ugly choices. But it's got to suck to know that your daughter is in the hands of criminals, and it must've gutted him when the mallers shot her at the fake exchange. No wonder he went out in a blaze of glory. I think this was pretty well-played.
Okay, next thing I dislike: Ink, and more clearly, this whole obsession with staying put. The whole "we can't run" angle. When the big attack at the Colony happened, it was December. They only hit mass shortages in April. If they knew Ink was hanging around - and they did - and if they knew (as they should have) that fuel was going to run out, and water was going to be a problem, why the hell wouldn't they have made a point to scavenge fuel for the helicopter, and maybe even another helicopter or even a plane, to fly everyone out? It doesn't make sense that they'd stay holed up where they were, it feels too convenient. And then what burns me even more? Those missions to Radon Labs and to the jail. That jail thing just seems pointless. I mean seriously. You know you're dealing with a zombie, not something that can come chasing you. That argument of "we went a thousand miles to Boulder and he still followed" is bullshit, because there was panic involved and nobody tracked the biter that grabbed onto the chopper. As Tanya points out near the end, the only reason it's so bad in Los Angeles is that Ink and the humans are fighting for space and for survival. There would have been no shame in establishing a new base nearer to a much bigger supply of fresh water. They could have and should have done this. As such, a lot of the Ink-related stuff later just feels drawn out, and I find myself not caring as much what happened. I was just hoping to get to the end. Hell, even that long trek where Datu finally turned just felt like padding, though I confess the flashback where Michael lets Randy turn was a nice gut-punch.
Last thing I particularly liked: Burt losing his finger. God, that hurt to hear. Scott Marvin (Burt's voice actor) overdoes it a bit sometimes (as do many of them, really), but he did really well here. I have trouble watching that without flinching. Also, the scene in the helicopter where Lizzy dies...Saul's voice actor did an excellent job there. He was one of the more consistent voice actors in the series, IMO.
And one last thing I disliked fairly strongly. I get the sense that when Pegs and co. leave for Boulder, and she and Michael have a talk, we, the listeners, are supposed to root for Michael here, but I really, really don't. Michael knows that Pegs hates guns and will only use them if she absolutely must. When she says she wants to go to Boulder, says she doesn't want to become a soldier like Michael if it means losing her freedom, Michael says something like, "Well you have to stay here". Most of my respect for him vanished at this point, and it came back only slowly; I'm not the biggest Michael fan (except for "hit him again!", that was fucking awesome), but this was a low moment for him. I really hope there was a lot of good conversation off-screen between January and April, because if I were Pegs, I would have run far away and not looked back. People sorta shit on Pegs because she's sorta the quintessential peace-loving hippie type, but I think she was right here, and I'm not big on the slant I felt when listening to that episode. I'm with her; if given a choice to flee to someplace safe, or to become a soldier just so I can stay with my partner during an apocalypse, I'm pretty sure I'd flee. Staying alive trumps staying attached. Of course, as it turned out, it was all moot, but still.

Honourable mentions: Skittles for really overdoing the quick breaths meant to somehow indicate nervousness, Datu for having another unrealistic accent, Scratch for not knowing how to project her voice properly, Tardust for being a really slimy but believable villain, and Glen for literally sounding like he's reading his lines off cue-cards.

This was fun, but I don't think I'll be re-watching anytime soon.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-23 20:22:24

I newly discovered we're alive series and am now at the beginnings of season 4.
For my first experience listening to a book turned audio theater, I really like it.
I doubt I'm the first, but let me tell you about some huge sound design mistakes that I found to be fun.
1. the seen when james and another guy went to find another helicopter, when he radios in to report, the music sound as well as the carr interior sound are, Stereo! come on! This is a one channel and one microphone radio. not a fancy sound streaming device. hay! angel! the byters are coming, quick! shut that stereo width.
2. saim seen, when he tells the other guy to turn down the volume, Sorry  can not connect their voices to their names, a lot of sounds would come after this statement, but I'm sure that there is a volume knob turning sound, without any low cut filter. let's put away those facts the the volume knob wouldn't be heard at the best of circumstances, Definitely not when there is loud music and a radio wouldn't pick up those noises.
3. after they tagged the zombies with trackers, daatu tells james the good news of their success. he brings him the beeping tracker device with this sentence. let me turn up the volume! what? is not that the tracking device? As in, dots on a screen with possible coordinates which has nothing to do with the beep sound volume at all? as a reminder, we, are listening to audio podcast, you have access to visuals.
despite all this, I find myself easily communicating with story and it's actors, In so far that I hate scratch and imagined 8 complete ways of horribly killing hir. big_smile.