2014-07-02 16:39:11

Swamp has a TT channel
Addres to connect is
TCp= 10333
Udp 10333

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2014-07-02 19:02:48


For those who just missed it: the main server is back online. Kai day is over, so we can all hope kai rests in peace (at list swampy kai)...

<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

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2014-07-02 19:13:30

Glad you're power is back.  Hope no other damage happened besides those files. As in to your house and such.

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2014-07-02 19:13:35


The main Swamp server just went back up everyone, and it looks like everyone's char's are thankfully back to how they were before the records were corrupted.

Thank you very much for fixing it Aprone, Kai Day was fun too and everyone enjoyed it.

Happy to hear that you've got your power back now, hope that no food went too bad, or that anyone tripped and hurt them selves in the dark or that you and your family got too hot with no AC or fans or anything like that since it's summer, though it is a colder state you live in if I remember.., so at least it wasn't winter when this happened.

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2014-07-02 19:33:39

yeah, kai day very fun,                thanks aprone,              I'm glad,         server online

Thumbs up +1

2014-07-03 12:16:03

Component 'MSCOMM32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid文本只读
If I use XP system how should I do?
who can tell me? thanks.

Thumbs up

2014-07-03 12:19:28

Lvj, run the program named checkup.exe in your Swamp folder.  That should register the file for you.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2014-07-05 00:31:43 (edited by criticview 2014-07-05 00:34:56)


I just came up with a nice idea for a next special event. "Mission with fuel". You get the number of crates, equal to the number of fuel you have gathered (fuel in your inventory). You receive the crates either instantly, or after a while, this I leave in the middle. This would reward the people who work very hard, and makes them less dependant on other people to do them a favour. I'd personally take as many as I could find with me, and maybe ask a small entry fea. I also would throw out titles since they already have what they want (wich may be considered rude, but from the other side they would do the same with lower levels, so ...)
Just my random brain rambeling .....

<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

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2014-07-05 01:01:20

Sorry for the month-long downtime on the Swamp Twitter account. I switched computers, but didn't have the password to the account until just now. I'm back, though.

Thumbs up +1

2014-07-05 02:46:51

I'm not sure if you are aware of this bug, but I wanted to post it just in case. When you switch to the archery weapons, you first here the long bow equipping, but if you press the key to equip the long bow again, it will say that you do not have any archery weapons. I do not have a short bow, so I don't know if it'll do it if a short bow is present. I haven't noticed this bug before, or I simply haven't been paying close atention.


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2014-07-05 03:15:40 (edited by carlosM 2014-07-05 03:24:40)

Something else I've been thinking about: is it possibal to add a way to here the last three or four items picked up? for example, if your looting on a map such as sub3 that has a lot of zombies and they are all behind you and you pick up a weapon. you know it sounded like an asault rifle, but you don't know what weapon it was because you turned or did something else that interupts speech. My idea is to maybe assign a key that if you press it, say 3 times quickly you will here the third to last item picked up, two times for the second to last item, etc. This can also apply to broken items also. say this scenario: if you are on a mission and you get hit real bad, but when you were getting hit you heard something break. Usually, when you get hit that bad the first thing you want to do is check your health and heal ASAP, but in my case, I also want to know what broke. I could scroll back and check what broke, but doing that is diffacult because you are running around, stearing, and trying to scroll back thrue messages all at the same time. I was thinking of the same idea for hearing the last few items picked up to hear the last items that broke.

And the grenade launchers and throwers on every map is awsum. thanks for the event.


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2014-07-05 03:18:13

The left and right bracket keys already do this. I've long said that the messages they log should exclude certain things, like terrain announcements or zone names, but they do already track the sort of thing you are talking about. There's also a bug where you are always stuck way back in the list instead of being moved to the top like you are with radio messages. So, it isn't perfect, but what you are suggesting does already exist.

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2014-07-05 05:38:37

mehgcap wrote:

The left and right bracket keys already do this. I've long said that the messages they log should exclude certain things, like terrain announcements or zone names, but they do already track the sort of thing you are talking about. There's also a bug where you are always stuck way back in the list instead of being moved to the top like you are with radio messages. So, it isn't perfect, but what you are suggesting does already exist.

This might not be ententional, but it does include zone data in that history list. It also includes other stuff like what weapon was equipped, hp, and just about everything else minus the chat. I would not post about this if a few more things were excluded.


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2014-07-05 14:00:38

The brackets track speech history, which is why extraneous data is logged. Basically, if speech says it, it gets saved. As you said, weapon arming and other details should be excluded to make this a much more useful feature. Sometimes the data is important, though, so what about this:

The current speech history list is moved to a new list, perhaps shift-brackets. Nothing would change, though if the bug that prevents you from being moved to the top of the list could be fixed, that would be great.

The bracket keys would then move through the categories the user sets in a setting somewhere. These categories might be zone history, weapon armed announcements, found item announcements, menu prompts and items, status messages… That kind of thing. You could turn each one on or off to customize what you hear. Some people might need to hear zone information a lot, while others don't care.

Thumbs up +1

2014-07-05 17:09:09

Mehgcap, I really like that idea.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2014-07-05 20:07:30

mehgcap wrote:

The brackets track speech history, which is why extraneous data is logged. Basically, if speech says it, it gets saved. As you said, weapon arming and other details should be excluded to make this a much more useful feature. Sometimes the data is important, though, so what about this:

The current speech history list is moved to a new list, perhaps shift-brackets. Nothing would change, though if the bug that prevents you from being moved to the top of the list could be fixed, that would be great.

The bracket keys would then move through the categories the user sets in a setting somewhere. These categories might be zone history, weapon armed announcements, found item announcements, menu prompts and items, status messages… That kind of thing. You could turn each one on or off to customize what you hear. Some people might need to hear zone information a lot, while others don't care.

I like your idea much better. I see other ways this can be used other than just armor breaking and finding items.


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2014-07-06 19:32:14

Hello! I want to clarify one moment.
Most of you write that I cheat, play unfair and that soon Aprone block me.
1. Where is the evidence of my foul play?
2. If I cheated, it would have long since been banned because SwampNet blocks players automatically.
3. Anybody not going to prove that I'm not a cheater!
4. If I cheat on your words, then why are you asking me for help?
5. More will not help anyone.
You just pathetic envious. Do not know how to play, and on the other slander any nonsense.

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2014-07-06 20:07:29

I don't think swamp bands people automatically tongue aprone looks to every details before banning someone.

Thumbs up +1

2014-07-06 22:03:40

I had to laugh that that was his first ever post to this forum.

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2014-07-06 23:03:09

Hi all swampy fellows

If I could create a sub-topic, I would have done so... But since I can't, a regular poast will have to do.
I want to introduce ......... "the wall of lame". First, let's open chatlog.txt and extract a few lines from there:

Friend whispering Private Wolfe says.  By the way. I don't help with missions more  21:01:06
darknights is leading an HC-warehouse mission.  21:30:19
Kiri has joined your mission.  21:30:37
Whispering darknights says.  sorry,  he not wants  21:31:30
The mission leader has kicked Akilor from the mission.  This player had 0 kills and 0 crates.  21:31:43

To clarify:
- Private wolfe and Kiri are one and the same
- Darknights and revan are one and the same

The reason why, wich is actually the main reason for "the wall of lame": since revan is farily high levelled, he is able to help Private Wolfe to level, in return Kiri helps darknights to level even though he basically said Kiri will help no one anymore.

Have a nice evening everyone

<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

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2014-07-06 23:50:59

Ah, so players are leveling their own alternative characters by running multiple instances of the game. I believe Aprone has said this is illegal, but I could be wrong.

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2014-07-07 00:01:27

mehgcap wrote:

Ah, so players are leveling their own alternative characters by running multiple instances of the game. I believe Aprone has said this is illegal, but I could be wrong.

Nope, they are making agreements among eachother: i'll help your hc if you help my title. When I help your hc, throw all other hc players out of your missions because I don't want them to gain anything by helping you because you will help my title to level .....
You can't actually run multiple instances because only one player per account can be logged in.

<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

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2014-07-07 00:18:49

criticview wrote:

Hi all swampy fellows

If I could create a sub-topic, I would have done so... But since I can't, a regular poast will have to do.
I want to introduce ......... "the wall of lame". First, let's open chatlog.txt and extract a few lines from there:

Friend whispering Private Wolfe says.  By the way. I don't help with missions more  21:01:06
darknights is leading an HC-warehouse mission.  21:30:19
Kiri has joined your mission.  21:30:37
Whispering darknights says.  sorry,  he not wants  21:31:30
The mission leader has kicked Akilor from the mission.  This player had 0 kills and 0 crates.  21:31:43

To clarify:
- Private wolfe and Kiri are one and the same
- Darknights and revan are one and the same

The reason why, wich is actually the main reason for "the wall of lame": since revan is farily high levelled, he is able to help Private Wolfe to level, in return Kiri helps darknights to level even though he basically said Kiri will help no one anymore.

Have a nice evening everyone

If I say that will not help anyone, it does not mean that I will always do the mission alone.
You would at least silent. Only yourself and that you can sit in the truck, and my friends are finding crates.
Also you're do not like that we are do not want to take you on the missions. You're like a drone, doing nothing, and indignant.
Revan helps me and I help him, but it does not concern you!

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2014-07-07 02:14:42

Hey, can we please not argue here? If you want to do this, please take this into a private situation! Thanks a lot in advance.

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2014-07-07 06:11:39

Yes please, take into consideration that there are lots of people that are not involved in the case, and even if we were, it is not a justificative for we to simply forget about courtesy.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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