2013-01-08 03:45:42 (edited by MasterChief 2013-01-08 03:48:10)

Hey every one,
just listen to this, and I'm sure it will...
hmm, just enjoy, big_smile
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/27073932/payin … 0price.mp3
and by the way, this is from a littel campaign that I made

2013-01-08 03:58:08

Aprone, quick question: does "ally" need to be capitalized? I just noticed that, in the readme, it is capitalized in the add Ally command, but not in the others. Sorry to be pedantic, but it just struck me as odd that a command would have a capital letter so I thought I'd bring it up.

2013-01-08 04:02:39

Nope, it doesn't have to be capitalized.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2013-01-08 04:43:00

So, luring... I'm not sure it works. I generate a whole bunch of zombies, so there are plenty around when the game starts. Thirty seconds in, I lure them to [player.x],[player.y] and give a radius of 100. However, I only got one zombie to speed up, a canine. The rest just kept walking slowly as they do, seeming not at all interested in me.

2013-01-08 04:48:17

SCS Recipe: toggle god/mortal mode with chat messages

Below is some basic code to use /god and /mortal as commands to toggle the two game modes now available. I've tested it with SCS13 and it works as expected. Of course, you can set the chat events to whatever you want, I just found it made the most sense to use slash commands as Swampers are already used to them.

//chat events to change modes
block chat event=/god
god mode
say=God Mode enabled.
end event

block chat event=/mortal
mortal mode
say=Mortal Mode enabled.
end event

2013-01-08 05:01:52

Lol Mehgcap, I am now imagining you in god mode, walking around and taunting the zombies. Just a question, but can you shoot in god mode? And, can someone PM me the latest readme? Thanks!

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2013-01-08 05:07:04

Yes, you can shoot and kill zombies in god mode, but they never fight back. This is perfect for testing re-spawn code or zombie placement... Or just killing zombies with no fear of them attacking! smile

2013-01-08 05:09:26

Sorry for double posting, but mohammed, that is some serious killing. Lol just a little too much and I could only hear two seperate death sounds, the rest got drowned out. What is the objective of that campaign? Or is it a way for the creator to just enjoy the death around him / her big_smile

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2013-01-08 05:31:58

Honestly, just for testing the allies.
But in the mean time: this is what I hope for people that they picked up some Diesel fuel infrunt of me. lol

2013-01-08 06:03:43

Hey aprone, just wanted to say thanks for the lure fixing! I'm kind of glad it was the code and not me just going crazy lmfao. My code works perfectly now and i can continue on with rewriting it.
Meghcap's observcation about the zombies not walking faster is correct but it doesn't slow them down. They still walk fast just can't hear therefoot steps like you normally would all the time. Some times they are like whoa ima run over there and then they're like man, im full screw it let the other zombies eat that one. lol
anyway it works great now and I couldn't be happyer
also the ally thing is pretty sweet too.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2013-01-08 07:38:51

Hey Aprone, can you also work on hostile human AI. I eventually plan to make a campaign of we're alive, where people raid each other.

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2013-01-08 09:53:41

Wow, aprone. Nice update. You've done that again. Released a new update which a few seconds after I read it gave me so many ideas so I nearly forgot that I am at my job! smile
I've got so many new ideas for my campaign, but I hope it's okay to keep asking newbie questions on the forum, because understanding the logic can sometimes be a paine for me! smile I can't wait to get some more time to work on this...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-01-08 10:51:57

Anyone who can tell why the leveling and stuff all happen at once in this script:

set music=Music/DA/DireAttack.mp3
new var rv=0
say=You and your team mate have been sent out to explore one of the warehouses in the town, to find out if it's worth making a supply run. Unfortunately, your truck were attacked by a group of dires, and was only able to park before it died completely. Since there aren't many radios back at the base, you've only brought one with you. You hand it to your team mate and tell him to shout if he needs help, while you go to the roof to clear out the parking lot.

//chat events to change modes
block chat event=/god
god mode
say=God Mode enabled.
end event

block chat event=/mortal
mortal mode
say=Mortal Mode enabled.
end event

add random dire=5
add spot 51,75,54,72 dire=3

give item 1 Glock 19
give item 1 Small Silencer
give item 1 MP5
give item 1 Small Suppressor
give item 210 9mm ammo
give item 1 Field kit
give item 12 Med kit

start timer1
block time event m=0 s=10
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack1.wav
put sound 53,75 weapons/longbow/fire.wav
end event
block time event m=0 s=11
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack2.wav
put sound 53,75 player/hurt1.wav
put sound 53,75 weapons/longbow/fire.wav
end event
time event m=0 s=12
put sound 53,75 weapons/longbow/fire.wav
block time event m=0 s=13
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack1.wav
put sound 53,75 zombies/dire/howl2.wav
end event
block time event m=0 s=14
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack3.wav
put sound 53,75 player/hurt3.wav
put sound 53,75 weapons/longbow/fire.wav
end event
block time event m=0 s=15
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack1.wav
put sound 53,75 weapons/longbow/fire.wav
end event
block time event m=0 s=16
say=You hear a horrifying scream from inside, and you know that it can only be your team mate.  He definitely must be in great danger. Press Q to hear your current quest
quest=Check up on your team mate to see if he's in need of your help.
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack2.wav
put sound 53,75 player/hurt2.wav
end event
block time event m=0 s=17
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/howl3.wav
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack1.wav
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/attack3.wav
put sound 53,75 player/Death1.wav
end event
block time event m=0 s=18
put sound 53,75 zombies/Dire/howl1.wav
add item 1 53,75,53,75 Longbow
stop timer1
end event

block location event 26,100,39,89
add random tyrant=15
add random canine=15
end event

block pickup event Longbow
say=You quickly examine the remainings of your team mate, who's been torn apart by at least two dires. You grab his radio, longbow, and a handful  of arrows, then decide to leave. You've been given a new quest!
quest=Return to the roof and call your friends back at the base so they can come and rescue you.
set var rv=2
end event

+-1+block while rv=2 and zone1 event Roof
level up
add item 1 46,109,47,108 -Radio
say=You discover that the radio has been broken during the battle your friend had with the dires. You think for a few minutes, then decide to search the warehouse for a new one.
quest=Search the warehouse for a new radio so you can get some assistance.
end event

block pickup event -Radio
level up
say=Great job! Press Q to hear the next step.
quest=Great! Now that you have a radio, you can... Oh wait... You press a few buttons here and there, but nothing happens. You make sure it's turned on, but still nothing. The batteries must be dead. You shrug and put it in your pocket. If you just can make it to the truck, you should be able to get some new batteries from one of the crates in there.
add item 1 102,62,114,59 -Pack of batteries
end event

zone1 event Break room
add spot 102,62,114,59 dire=5

block pickup event -Pack of batteries
level up
say=You quickly switch the batteries and turn on the radio. Great, it's working! Now, get outside and call your friends!
quest=Get back to the roof and call your friends!
set var rv=4
end event

+-1+block while rv=4 and zone1 event Roof
level up
play sound player/success.wav
say=You quickly call your friends back at the base and tell them about the situation. They order you to stay where you are, and tell you that a group of five others will be comming soon.
say=Great job! You survived the mission. Unfortunately we lost a good soldier out there, but you won't miss your reward because of that!
give item 1 Riot Shield
give item 100 Arrows
start timer2
end event

block time2 event m=0 s=30
victory=Thank you helping to test this campaign, the rest will be worked on later.  To be continued.
stop timer2
end event

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2013-01-08 12:26:03

Hi Alex.
I'm not sure, but I think that happens because you don't have all your "level up" commands in a block event. You have a "while" which isn't an event, and therefore the script levels you up as soon as you launch it.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-01-08 12:58:39

If enough people are interested,and someone else hasn't created a swamp script folder yet,I may do so today. a place where we could store campaign files,as well as the tutorial's and such. I.E SCS Recipes[good idea by the way, mehgcap, the quick href by rob,and other things SCS related people come up with.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2013-01-08 13:30:06

SCS Quickref v6:
@Aprone, A huge thanks for npcs. This is superb!
I was wondering, is there a limit for allies?


Robjoy, AKA Erion
Visit my site for all the things I do and to contact me.
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2013-01-08 18:02:07

That's the only thing I can think of, the while statements. They seem to be unpredictable at the moment, so that could be your problem.

2013-01-08 18:05:01

maybe one of you guys can help me figure out why thi sthing isn't triggering
+-1+block kill event=dire
if dire3=4 then set var dire3=3
if dire3=3 then set var dire3=2
if dire3=2 then set var dire3=1
end event

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2013-01-08 18:14:52

@meghcap: interesting, while loops seem to work here. No problems since Aprone fixed them.
@Sneak: This should trigger. Could you post your full campaign please?


Robjoy, AKA Erion
Visit my site for all the things I do and to contact me.
You can also stop by for a slice of Pi

2013-01-08 18:18:15

Try capitalizing dire in the event. Also, you could shorten your code:
if dire3>3 then add dire3 by -1
Without knowing your overall goal with dire3 I can't add more, but that might do what you want instead of a bunch of if statements.

2013-01-08 18:21:27

well, that should trigger no matter what i don't want to post the code cause it's about 150 lines or so, and the existing code shouldn't affect this thing.
I've tried capitalizing it, but nothing.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2013-01-08 18:35:14

You're right, the guide says caps don't matter in kill events. What if you remove the if statements and just have the say command, to be sure things are working as they should?

2013-01-08 19:06:16

Sneak, you might want to use Meghcap's code suggestion simply because yours will always return 1 even if you started out with dire3 being equal to 3.  Notice that your first line would subtract the variable by 1, but that then makes it equal to the next line, so that one lowers it again.  That pattern continues until you're left with 1 no matter where you started from.  Your other option is to keep it as it is, but put those lines in reverse order so that each one doesn't set the variable to be changed by the next one.

I can't see anything wrong with your code that would stop it from triggering.  This is a long shot, but it might be worth a try.  Try moving this kill event up to the top of your project.  The code might actually  have an error somewhere up above this kill event, that is messing it up.  If moving the event code fixes the problem, then that must be what is happening.  Sometimes errors are spoken quickly and the campaign still loads, so I've had situations where I didn't even realize I had made a mistake and an error had popped up, until I used the brackets to check the messages.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2013-01-08 19:06:57

well, the say command should be executing no matter the if's there's no if statement infront of the say command.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2013-01-08 19:15:26

There is, you have several if statements before your say command. Aprone, good catch, I didn't even see that. I guess I'm so used to an else that I was thinking of the lines that way.