2006-06-10 10:54:54

In Audio Quake, where can I find the consle?

2006-06-10 11:12:11

to bring up the console, press the right alt plus grave(the key before 1 on the top numberpad, above tab), or just press the grave key (the key before 1 on the top numberpad, above tab).

Robjoy, AKA Erion
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2006-06-13 04:07:36

Why does noone read the manuals first...?

Discord: clemchowder633

2006-06-14 18:55:05

Am I the only one left out of the whole Audio Quake loop? I know from the site that it doesn't work with operating systems that aren't WinXP or 2000 or something, so I'm pretty well screwed, and I believe my parents actually do have Quake so I could probably play it if the audio part would work on one of their machines. Well, it might actually work on my dad's but I'm not about to mess with his work machine.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!