2018-09-28 15:24:27

I have a question about  Airik the Cleric. I´ve just purchased the full game, but I don´t know how to proceed. What do I do now? Do I go to Another page? Or download the full version of the game? I have already the demo version on my computer. Thanks in advance!

2018-09-28 16:39:09

You should receive a link in your Email that lets you download the full version, should being the operative word here. Why they don't have the full version and the demo be one and the same and then you just unlock it with a code is beyond me, but unfortunately I'm not Breakerbox.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2018-09-28 16:53:06

Also good luck if you lose your installers and have to redownload them later. It took over a month for me to get a response when I asked for them. Utterly ridiculous.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2018-09-29 00:53:32

Thanks for the info! I haven´t received a download link yet in my email, but I suspect that´s because it´s holiday time. How long  does it take to get an e-mail with a download link? That sounds ridiculous regarding the installers. You shouldn´t be forced to wait that long to get a response.

2018-10-06 21:32:34

I haven´t  got a e-mail with a download link. I bought the full version of the game last week and I haven´t Heard anyting from them since. I tried sending an e-mail to them, but as of right now, I haven´t gotten a reply.