2018-06-20 16:41:13

The error I'm having when running entombed is talking about Microsoft xn framework and it does not support files that are drm protected. So how can I get rid of this error?
Version:  1.02J
Jobs:  |
Message: Song playback failed. Please verify that the song is not DRM protected. DRM protected songs are not supported for creator games.
Source: Microsoft.Xna.Framework
TargetSite: Void Play(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song)
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
Stack:    konum: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play(Song song)
   konum: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.Play(Song song)
   konum: AudioGame1.GameMedia.Play(GameMusic music)
   konum: AudioGame1.Game1.Initialize()
   konum: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
   konum: AudioGame1.Program.Main(String[] args)
Ps: Konum means location, it is nothing important. I am using windows 10 64-bit.

2018-06-20 18:09:02

The way I read that error message is that the stuff about not supporting DRM protected music is just a suggestion of what caused the error and that the actual error is the rather vague "Song playback failed" message.

The first thing I'd do is figure out what song is being played, and verify that it is there and that it play through some other media device, assuming it's not in some proprietary format.

It's also possible that Entombed won't run on 64 bit or Windows 10 systems. Remember that it was written before Windows 10 existed, and hasn't been updated since.

If you want to try it, here is version 1.05b, be aware that it is a beta and was never actually released.



2018-06-20 19:26:35


Thanks for the link but I downloaded and installed the game and it just didn't do anything upon clicking the icon. It probably stopped working. I told the discussion group about the error in 1.02. Maybe they will find a solution to this.