2017-07-19 22:59:07

Hi guys. I just wanted to let you know that Radegast has a new home on the web and that the newest release is dated July 17. The viewer has had several releases since my original post here in the forums about it and each release brings lots of improvements.

You can find it here:

2017-07-20 01:40:07

wow great. will download now.

2017-07-20 03:07:29


2017-07-21 23:16:56

where do i go to start to  play From another topic and said something about an avatar can somebody give me the link to help

“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” —

2017-07-22 00:28:56

Can anyone give me a link to accessible locations?
Is the black pearl Wonderland amusement park accessible?
The problem with the objects view in Radegast is that it lists everything, not necessarily in order that you'd want to explore. I don't know the best way to explore a location. For example, I found the teacups, but when you sit on one of the seats, you get a notification telling you to stop the ride before boarding. I was the only one on it and I didn't know how to start it.
Another thing is, how do you view embedded notecards? For example, the Virtual Ability group comes out with notices every day with the days events. A notable one of happening recently is Radegast chat. However, in the group notice notecard, which I can open, there are individual notecards themselves embedded in the main notecard. How does one open these with Radegast so one can read them?

2017-07-22 06:08:45

Hey there, its Andy here. Yes I know that I've not been too much into SL these last years, given to my multiple ocupations as a preacher and at work.
However, its good to know that someone is continuing Latif's work, that's great to hear. I might not be an active SL person, but ya know that I support these things a lot

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?