2015-10-03 03:49:32

Doing a final project for my course, programming from http://www.upskilled.edu.au.
Do not have a credit card, so most of the good html 5 text to speech engine sdks, and good human sounding voices, cost money.
So any good free text to speech engine sdks, html 5 for a web based accessible space invaders game I am developing.
Any ideas,suggestions.
Ps: also any good tutorials, code examples how to learn.
Using windows 10.
And got visual studio community edition 2015.

2015-10-03 09:08:57

You may wish to have a look at:


That's what the creator of:
uses for C? Y? M? A? N, on the Chrome platform, for generating speech.

2015-10-03 10:11:02

hi. thanks for that, and also might join your universe.
okay, maybe this is what i have been looking for.

2015-10-03 10:52:21

Sadly, that ain't my universe.
But must I say, that's the closest so frar to a star trek computer that you're gonna find, anywhere!

2015-10-03 12:14:25

Your other option is to just use the web speech API. This will use whatever voices someone has on their operating system. There's also javascript ports of espeak, which won't sound natural but are very small and will work everywhere. You could also use an aria live region if you're targeting specifically screen readers.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2015-10-03 21:56:34

Ivona has a free speech cloud as well. But you send a post request and it returns chunks of audio data and you can play those chunks.