2007-10-08 01:43:33

I've got my website up, for those of you who know me.
I'm now running a bnt (blacknova traders) game.
The game is based in a space-like environment, with trade routs and etc.

I'm also debating on running a LOTGD game.
I think we have some up, but I like to make mine unique--if anyone is interested, please let me know
Anyway, check out BNT if you're interested, (bnt.tysdomain.com), and enjoy!

2007-10-08 02:36:04

Hey, I think I know you. Do you have MSN? I've got a question.

Co-Founder, RS Games

2007-10-08 21:02:23

For the lazy
smile I'll be giving it a look, partly because I'm bored but partly because I'm curious.

To live by honour and to honour life, these are our greatest strengths and our best hopes.