2014-07-21 18:02:30 (edited by Riad 2014-07-21 18:03:47)

Aren't you in the BTSync folder? The sounds are there. All the sounds of AAC are extracted. I don't know if this is legal or not, but I know that Aaron bought some of them.

2014-07-22 11:53:47

Where are they stored in the BT sync folder? I'm in there as Admin-PC, and the size of the folder is 2.57 GB... Did i miss anything?

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-22 12:35:21

They're in the AAC folder, in a sub-folder called sounds.

2014-07-22 13:35:29 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2014-07-22 14:00:17)

You mean it is in sync\games\aac\sounds? I really don't have it. In the Adventure at C: folder, there is a stages folder, AAC.exe and readme.txt. Hmm...
Ah crap, i opened BT sync and now it said that i only sync 1GB but when i check the sync folder it's 3 GB? What! Is! Happening?! Now there's nothing but an empty folder called stages in the AAC directory! Anyone please help me! Well hopefully that's not cause by BT sync stop responding mid-sync...

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-22 13:57:29

Go to the folder called .sync archive (here is stored what people delete from the folder. From there open the games folder, open the folder Adventure at C: and you should find the folder called sounds.

2014-07-22 14:02:17

OK then Roro, but can you please reread post 29 in this topic? I'm having a strange problem here...

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-22 16:15:46

I reread it. The problem is not only yours. It seems someone is distroying this folder, I mean the games central. Too strange.

2014-07-23 08:48:15 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2014-07-23 08:59:04)

Hmm, maybe asking them through requests.txt is a good idea? Also the games are now in the .sync archive folder... Hopefully they didn't destroy that as well... I want those sounds and if they destroy that folder i wouldn't get them!
Also, why'd BT sync say i'm uploading files, but in reality i'm not? It said a few Kb/S up and a few KB/S down (a few = digits)
EDIT: Uhm Roro, is the sounds folder supposed to be in the .SyncArchive folder/aac/sounds? Because in my case, it is in sync\games\adventure at C\sounds (though it's still empty now cause the sounds haven't been synced, yet)

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-23 10:13:39

Yup, it is. And I wrote something in the requests, and here's the message:
Roro: Someone is distroying the folder. What a problem! It seems there's a spam deleting things. If this problem persists, I'll have to remove it from my sinc because it's getting too annoying.
And all people there said the same thing.

2014-07-23 10:40:47 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2014-07-23 11:04:14)

OK, did someone remove the sounds for AAC or something? It doesn't seem to want to sync to my computer... BT sync said i synced 1.9 GB in 1488 files... If you still have the sounds, can you upload to dropbox please?
Uhm also, how to update/add files to the sync folder? Like requests.txt or something?

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-23 11:04:02

I'll upload.

2014-07-23 12:53:47 (edited by Riad 2014-07-26 12:02:00)

Here we go:
After you download it, tell me and I'll delete it instantly.

2014-07-23 15:17:34

Hey Roro,
I might need to download tomorrow, my internet connection is too slow and its too late at night right now. I'll tell you when download completes. Thanks!

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-23 16:32:26

Mine is too slow also. Imagin that it took me more than 90 minutes to upload it. I'll keep it for you till you download it.

2014-07-24 09:52:51

OK, download complete! By the way a few questions:
1. In the music folder of the sounds, there's a post-boss music, what's that and when is it supposed to play?
2. Did the "elec.ogg" sound be used in the game? I didn't know it did, the zap sound is definitely used, but what about elec.ogg?
3. What are vanishing platforms? There is a seen in the sounds folder where Rusty said about it and there is a sound for the platform disappearing, but i don't think I encountered any (as far as in game and not post-game because i hadn't beaten the game yet)
Thank you!

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-24 10:12:31

Yeah, they're postgame. In the arina there's a vanishing platform that will take you to Rusty. And I never noticed the elec.ogg sound, but some of the sounds are only postgame like the boss music. Because you'll have to fight Rusty again.

2014-07-25 09:19:49

What? No way! LOL.
By the way, (off-topic), what post-game level have what boss? I meant Rusty Software, Program files X86, the arena and possibly other post-game stuff?
(Wo, this is originally a topic to ask about sounds in .dat, but changed to a topic of AAC sounds...)

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-25 11:22:14

I won't spoil it, you'll know it someday. You'll have to fight Rusty 3 or 4 more times after windows. What I'm thinking of is creating a new save file and starting from the beginning. And to let you know, the areena has all the gardiens you fighted before.

2014-07-25 11:23:15

Sorry but this topic is now about AAC, I hope the moderators will move it to general games discussion.

2014-07-25 11:28:40

Oh well, what should i change this topic's name to? Sounds in .dat format and some questions about AAC?
3 or 4? That's crazy! I know you'll have to fight him in the arena, but that much! I hope he didn't use his second form...

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2014-07-25 13:26:49

Roro, the Dropbox link in post 37 no longer works. I tried to download the AAC sounds, but the link is broken. Can you please fix it and post a new link?

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2014-07-25 13:29:44

Hi Tom. I deleted the link to save space on my dropbox. But if you want it, I can re-upload for a short time. It took me 90 minutes to upload. But I can reupload if you want.

2014-07-26 09:23:48

Hi Roro,
I also want them too. if you could upload it. I'm really appreciated.

2014-07-26 11:02:24

Yes, will do it right now.

2014-07-26 12:01:27

Get it within 3 days. The link is:
I'll remove it 3 days later.