2014-04-25 09:44:52

hello everyone,
I would like to read the target from david Baldacci. however it is a long time since I raed the inucent and the hit (the other books from will robi series) could someone give me a short synopsis or a site where I can find one so that I can read the target fully informed?

with kind regards, Mitchel

2014-04-25 21:44:25

I have not read any  david  baldaxy myself, I believe he's mostly a thriller and sort of military fiction writer which is less my thing however if I want to find book  synopses I usually look on  wikipedia, sinse there will nearly always be a plot summary in some degree of detail , as in fact  happened when I  read robin hobb's liveship traders and wanted to remind myself of the events of the original original farseer books.

Also, often in  the external links section there are links to  more complete synopses or fan sites for the books or authors, this is how I found  both the wheel of time encyclopedia and the sword of truth wiki, both of which have  very useful when I  want to check details of past books in long series.

So my first advice would be check wikipedia.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2014-04-26 23:43:49

Hi MsLion.
Ok well I'll give you what I remember.
Spoilers for will robie series.
In the first book you learn that robie is an assassin for the cia and his job is to get rid of threats to the united states. He is on a job when he realizes that he is about to kill the wrong target. As he is leaving he rescues a little girl who's parents were just killed by unknown men. Robie and the girl julie hide out until robie is asked by his boss to pose as an fbi agent to see what's going on with these murders. The main fbi agent nicole vance doesn't trust him from the first.
After many more murders and assassination attempts they discover that the whole thing was a plot to assassinate the president. Robie stops the assassination but kills his girlfriend who is the assassin. He is devistated over this and at the end of the book he has to rescue nicole and julie from the remaining conspirators.
In the hit robie is tasked with killing jessica reel who has killed a fellow cia agent. She commits a few more murders and robie learns that all of the dead people were planning to cause an appocalypse. Later robie and reel team up to stop a major assassination of many politicians. They stop it and at the end of the book robie and reel appear to be in a relationship. Robie also visits the girl julie who makes a few appearances in this book but is not a major character.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2014-04-27 10:20:45

hello guitarman,
thakyu very much! now I know where we are ate in the third book. the short story is available as audio I mean the one from the camelsclub