2018-10-15 09:02:25

This just popped up onto my mind. I'm not sure if this is already available on this site or not because I was lazy to figure it out.

What if there's an option for us to receive update every time a new topic is created? I mean, we're being notified via email when someone replies to our post when we choose to subscribe to that topic. But how about being notified whenever a new topic is posted?

2018-10-15 13:00:04

I don't know about that. There used to be a list thing you could join called audiogames reflector which I think told you about new topics, but this is sort of an unofficial set up by a long standing community member as a sort of service, and the person is, luckily, still around and is awesome. I don't personally use the list, and unfortunately I don't remember how to access it, but it's an awesome thing to do for those who would like it.

2018-10-15 14:14:36

This is already available. You'll find a Subscribe link on the page with the list of topics in a forum, just as there's a Subscribe link in each topic itself for each post received on that topic. Be aware that you only ever get one email at a time for a given topic; you have to come back to the board if you're to receive more, which is a bloody stupid limitation and one of the chief motivations behind the creation of the reflector.

The audiogames-reflector list will send you every single post on every single topic in every single room, unconditionally. It delivers HTML email that's threaded by subject, so you can use your favourite email client to dice up the forum content without having to mess about with visiting each forum or handling the substandard email notifications that the forum software generates. It's high-traffic, so you're advised to filter the email into a dedicated folder. But if you need this level of email fandom, it's on offer. I have relatively few subscribers but those that have all seem to be sticking around, so I think it's fair to say they like it.

Just myself, as usual.

2018-10-16 02:26:19

Hi there. What is the List mail batched in a daily digest?

2018-10-16 02:38:15

A single message that contains the contents of every message received in the previous day. Some people like this format. You can receive it either as a plain text digest with links to the messages, or as a MIME digest which is basically where all the messages are attached to the single digest message.

Just myself, as usual.