2018-09-15 15:04:46


I installed the driver for DECtalk Express in a Windows 3.1 virtual machine, because I was interested in searching for the DECtalk Express firmware, because you could use the driver to upgrade the unit.
I got a file called out.flr. Some search on the internet showed me, that an flr file is some sorth of a decompiled flash rom file, that can be read as a text file. I also tried to open it in notepad, and the first line says: DECtalk Express Speech Synthesizer.
So it's readable.
And due to it was the largest file, and the only flr file, in the DECtalk Express driver, my conclution is, that I've now found the firmware for DECtalk Express.
Then, I'm wondering:
Can someone use this file for anything, or to make anything?
If the file is readable, and contains the firmware, then couldn't there be a possibelity so use it for making some SAPI DECtalk, or maybe a MAME rom or something like that, something that could enable people to use that DECtalk 4.2CD version for Windows as software?

Best regards:
Aksel Christoffersen