2015-10-06 02:31:53

Spelling Eloquence wrong! I feel sad for Eloquence.

2015-10-06 21:53:51

lol. But then again, Eloquence says all these the same:
eliquence elliquence elloquence elaquence ellaquence elequence ellequence...
lols. loloquence

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-10-06 22:05:51

‵vf○100 ‵vs0 Eloquence! e! l! o! q! u! e! n! c! e!
‵vf○ or whatever you want to call me, I don't care, anyway.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-10-07 10:14:15

Ho, good job guys!

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-10-11 03:47:26

Put this all in a notepad file, or something that doesn't care about line breaks. All of the music is pretty long, and I didn't take the time to make it work on the forums, mostly because this was all originally in a txt file which I didn't really plan on posting here, but... whatever. I'll put a dropbox link at the end, for convenience's sake:

‵vf₀ ‵vb67 ‵vs70 this ‵vb65 was ‵vb61 a ‵vb62 tri ‵vb66 umf . ‵vb50 I'm ‵vb67 make ‵vb65 ‵vs90 ing. ‵vs65 ‵vb61 a. ‵vs70 ‵vs80 ‵vb61 note, ‵vs65 ‵vb65 here, ‵vb58 huge ‵vs90 ‵vb62 sucs ‵vb46 ‵vs50 ses . ‵vs60 ‵vb50 it's ‵vb62 hard ‵vb65 to ‵vb67 o ‵vb62 ver ‵vb56 state ‵vb58 my ‵vb61 sa ‵vs80 ‵vb40 tiss ‵vs60 fac ‵vb66 shin
‵vf₀ ‵vs70 ‵vb67 ap ‵vb65 itch ‵vb61 er. sci ‵vb65 ince . ‵vs65 ‵vb48 we ‵vs70 ‵vb67 do ‵vs80 ‵vb66 what ‵vb61 ‵vs70 we. ‵vs60 must ‵vb65 be ‵vb56 cuz ‵vb62 we ‵vb45 can . ‵vs50 ‵vb61 for. ‵vb65 ‵vs70 the ‵vs40 ‵vb67 good ‵vs50 ‵vb61 of ‵vb54 ‵vs70 ‵vs50 all ‵vb56 ‵vs70 of ‵vb60 us . ‵vb48 ‵vs80 ic ‵vb55 cept ‵vb59 ‵vs75 the ‵vb61 ‵vs70 ones ‵vb59 who ‵vb55 are ‵vb51 ‵vs60 dead
‵vf₀ ‵vs60 ‵vb62 but ‵vb64 there's ‵vb67 no ‵vb75 sense ‵vb74 cry ‵vb70 ing. o ‵vb66 ver ‵vb70 ehh ‵vb66 vre. ‵vs80 mih . ‵vs60 stake. ‵vb62 . you ‵vb64 just ‵vb66 keep ‵vb74 on ‵vb78 try ‵vb75 ing ‵vb74 til ‵vb71 you. run ‵vb74 out. ‵vb75 of . cake
‵vf₀ ‵vs60 ‵vb66 and. ‵vb70 the. ‵vb72 sci. ince ‵vb70 gets ‵vb66 done . ‵vb62 and ‵vb66 you ‵vb70 make. a. ‵vb67 neat ‵vb63 gun. ‵vb58 for. ‵vb54 the. ‵vb58 pee ‵vb63 puhl. who ‵vb61 are . ‵vs50 still ‵vb65 ‵vs70 a ‵vs60 live

‵vy50 ‵vs0 change of plans...

‵vf₀ ‵vy100 ‵vs0 prepare to die, foolish mortals. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha

‵vf₀ ‵vy50 ‵vs20 ‵vb61 hmm. hmm. hmm. ‵vb52 hmm. ‵vs90 ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb61 ‵vs10 hmm. ‵vs40 ‵vb52 hmm ‵vs80 ‵vb66 hmm ‵vs10 ‵vb61 hmm . ‵vs20 ‵vb72 hmm. hmm. hmm ‵vb73 ‵vs50 hmm ‵vs80 ‵vb67 hmm ‵vb56 ‵vs10 hmm ‵vs20 ‵vb50 hmm ‵vb65 ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb59 ‵vs10 hmm

‵vf₀ ‵vb30 ‵vs20 I am a robot. ‵vb50 ‵vs30 we are all robots. ‵vb40 and we can sing. ‵vb55 la ‵vb57 la ‵vb59 la ‵vb61 la ‵vb63 la
‵vf₀ ‵vs40 ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb48 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb48 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb65 hmm ‵vs40 ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb55 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb65 hmm ‵vb55 hmm ‵vb65 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb72 hmm ‵vb69 ‵vs40 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb69 ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb69 hmm ‵vb74 hmm ‵vs80 ‵vb72 hmm juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas ‵vs50 hmm. ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb69 hmm ‵vb65 hmm ‵vb63 hmm ‵vs40 ‵vb60 hmm ‵vs40 ‵vb48 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb48 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb65 hmm ‵vb66 ‵vs40 hmm ‵vb55 hmm ‵vb66 ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb55 hmm ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb72 hmm ‵vb69 hmm ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb69 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb65 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb54 hmm ‵vb64 hmm ‵vb60 ‵vs40 hmm ‵vb48 hmm ‵vb60 ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb48 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb64 hmm ‵vb66 ‵vs40 hmm ‵vb55 hmm ‵vb66 ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb55 hmm ‵vb66 hmm ‵vb72 hmm ‵vb69 ‵vs40 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb69 hmm ‵vb60 hmm ‵vb69 hmm ‵vb74 hmm ‵vb72 ‵vs20 hmm ‵vs90 ‵vb74 hmm ‵vb72 hmm ‵vb69 ‵vb68 ‵vs100 hmm ‵vb65 ‵vs90 hmm ‵vb63 hmm ‵vb60 ‵vs0 hmm
‵vf₀ ‵vb0 ‵vs0 ro juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas or

‵vf₀ ‵vg1 ‵vy100 ‵vb100 ‵vs0 a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas a

‵vf₀‵vs3000 at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. dun. dun. dun. dun. dun. dun. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar . ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. ar. a juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas ar . at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. oh. dun. dun. dun. dun. dun. dun. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ong. ‵vb100 zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. ‵vb0 zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing. zing
‵vf₀‵vs3000jar. jar. jar. jar. jar. jar. jar. jar . aoe. aoe. oae. oae. aooe. aoe. aoe. aoe ehh. ehh. ehh. ehh. ing. in. ing. in. ing. in . pli. i. i. i. i. i. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. u. u. u. u. u . u. u. u. u. u. u . u. u. u. u. . u. u. u. u. wa. a. a. a. a. a. a. u. u. u. u. u . wa. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at. at.
‵vf₀‵vs3000 ev'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'z'z'v'z'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v ev'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'z'z'v'z'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v ev'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'z'z'v'z'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v ev'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'z'z'v'z'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v ev'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'z'z'v'z'v'v'v'v'v'v'z'v'z'v'z'v'z'v ev'zvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvzvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhve'vzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvhvzvhvhvhvzhvhvhzvzvvzvzvzvzvzvvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvvzvzvhvhvz

About the link:
Uh, I guess no link, dropbox is erroring when I try to
copy it. "Couldn't share: Something went wrong. We're working to fix it." Might be the Unicode encoding on the txt file, but I don't see how that would affect anything. I'll try it again later, and if it works, I'll edit the post with the link.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2015-10-14 01:34:27

\spd=70\ \pit=422\ \xpfl=100\ aa juarasjuarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas \pit=40\ e's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's't's.

2015-10-16 19:10:09

soulkeeper, okay holy crap that was impressive, was that a compilation? or did you write that all out
only problem I have is you seem to have switched keys in still alive, lol like the first part is in another key, then it goes to the one the original song is in

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-10-16 22:01:20

Yeah I wrote it all out. And yeah, sorry, I do most of this stuff by ear, and I have two versions of that song running around in my head, so it's sometimes hard to keep them straight. Glad you liked it! smile

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2016-03-24 04:48:12

buh juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas ump
double bump
that is all! tongue
wee juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas crack

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-03-24 09:27:33

Some of the posts have "juaras" and "juas" in them. What does that mean? I just stumbled on this topic and was fascinated; I never knew you could do any of those backquote and v characters.

2016-03-24 17:19:28

look in my last post for juarasjuas, that's what it does

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-03-24 23:31:26

it stretches vowels in certain circumstances... for instance... hah juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas arhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrdlhlhlhlhly working... or we juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas splat.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2016-03-25 00:12:37

How many "juas" phrases do you use?

2016-03-25 00:15:27

I just tried it in Microsoft Word and it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?

2016-03-25 00:17:21

In an earlier post, someone mentioned the Speak Window software. I downloaded it with the wish that I could get Eloquence to record itself saying things which it would export to .wav format. I tried to customise the rate of the voice, but when it reads the text back, it still uses the default parameters. Can someone who has experience here please tell me how to get Eloquence to adjust to the new settings?

2016-03-25 06:59:21

please don't forget, there is an edit post button here

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2016-03-25 07:10:22

I use the "edit post" button when I feel it is appropriate; I have used it several times before.

2016-03-25 18:52:45

J, U, A, R, A, S is the word, and once you do that, you can keep it up or switch to J, U, A, S which is shorter, do it at least 6 times or it won't work. Speak Window, AKA, Elocutor it uses the eloquence taga, so for speed it would be, OK this is your grave accent key, which on U.S. keyboards is one left of number 1 on the main row, don't ask me on other keyboards as I have no clue. hit that, then you have so parameters you can put near it.

They all start with v, vs is speed vf in inflection vb is pitch vy is breathiness

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2016-03-25 19:04:50

J, U, A, R, A, S is the word, and once you do that, you can keep it up or switch to J, U, A, S which is shorter, do it at least 6 times or it won't work. Speak Window, AKA, Elocutor it uses the eloquence tags, so for speed it would be, OK this is your grave accent key, which on U.S. keyboards is one left of number 1 on the main row, don't ask me on other keyboards as I have no clue. hit that, then you have some parameters you can put near it.

They all start with v, vs is speed vf is inflection vb is pitch vy is breathiness, vh is head size, and vr is roughness. Each of these then needs an accompanying number next to it, no spaces

here are some examples, you string these together then start typing out your text, one tag, space, then another tag until you're done, space then text, you can insert tags in the text too by just adding a space, put a tag, another space and keep going.
`vs90 `vb75 `vf0 `vy80 `vr40 That guy isn't as good as `4 I am, he's cra juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas `vb95 ap.

hit F5 to have it read out, that's all there is to it. The grave accent and a number from 1 to 4 is a way of marking out emphasis, you just have to experiment with which one works best and where, there is some kind of linguistic / speech bull dink that tells you which to use and where but I don't know none of that junk.

You can also use H as a special character because it messes with the speech in interesting ways, stretching concinents here are examples:
harhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr harhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr harhrhrhrhr harhrhrhr harhrhrhr harhhrhrhr
lhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlisun up, stop fhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfarhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrtinhnhnhnhnhnhng all the time, its ghghghghghghghghghgrowss.

Look over the spellings, I had to deliberately misspell words to get this to work right, just comes with practice.

so juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas ow juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas ah juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas o juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas long!

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2016-03-26 04:42:52

In the documentation mentioned above, there is all this information about using backslashes. I copied the example text into the program, and Eloquence just read it as normal.

If you are supposed to change parameters by using the v characters, wy do they bother giving you an options dialog?

2016-03-26 10:12:44

hello juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas hello juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuaaaa

2016-03-26 11:09:26

That last post of yours crashed Eloquence.

2016-03-26 11:35:44 (edited by TJT1234 2016-03-28 01:01:44)

Though a lot of the contributions here are very good, I found this song on YouTube. I can't imagine how many hundreds of hours would have gone into this. Take a listen.


2016-03-26 21:43:50

It would be fun if éloquence sounds as a furby talking! tongue

pika-san, a pokemon fan! skype: luigimax127
Discord: luigimax127#5490
Pokemon show down username: pika127

2016-03-27 07:11:26 (edited by Slender 2016-03-27 07:12:22)

Oh, here's one, that uses eloquence's less known tags.. Today ‵00 is a ‵4 spectacular ‵00 day! Also, this. ‵af I am ‵af very ‵af sad ‵af today. Enjoy! And, as for the backslashes, those are actually SAPI4 tags.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!