2018-12-22 11:06:28

Grinding on this game is soul sucking and I think that getting a fun reward for all that hard work is reasonable.
But never got far enough to get the water master my self, so maybe normal really was too low of a difficulty to get it on.

2018-12-22 20:23:18

I have given up the game. I can't kill the biocontrol no matter how I try. I am at level 105, with 3020 health, and over 450 in attack and defense. Ah well.

2018-12-22 23:17:16

Try using water plain launcher

2018-12-22 23:17:35

I killed this bio control sistem with this thing with no problems

2018-12-23 02:18:36

I've been using the triple yoyo and cat spear. He teleports and shoots out that damn electricity.

2018-12-23 07:44:05

Righto, so here's the deal with the bio-control system.

If he starts the fight far away from you, find out where he is, and move steadily in that direction. The electricity pulses are alternating. If you get hit, wait a split second, then jump, then wait, then jump, and then dash like mad toward the BCS and hammer it with the spear. The power drink item can help here, as it'll vastly improve your damage. You may get hit, but every time you do, immediately gulp a big piece of light or whatever. I hope you have stun recovery in case you get stunned. If you're quick, it's doable. The good news is, it's hard on normal mode, it really is, but on exciting and up, it's sort of a cakewalk, or appears to be, as you'll have better stats and potentially better weapons.
Also, if you have a few energy balls, if you can get close to the BCS, let 'em loose and hope it doesn't teleport away. You can really hammer it hard in a very short amount of time if you're just a bit fortunate. It took me several tries, but I got it eventually.

Now, as to the water master?
I'd love to play with it, and I'm not sure it needs to be quite as high as it is right now, but I can totally see why taking it out of normal is a good idea. It's way, way too powerful if it just allows you to destroy everything. There is such a thing as totally neutering a game. I mean, the cats already do this, and they're easy to summon. The Cat Spear is arguably pretty strong, and it's not locked behind a difficulty barrier. So I'm mixed. I'd like to see it available when you beat hard or very hard, but that's just me. Liam's playthrough proved just how utterly ruinously broken that item is on lower difficulties.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-12-23 12:14:53

I am the kind who likes to destroy enemies easily I guess. I don't see the point in making things that difficult. I am guess if the bio thing is a pain, the final bosses are even worse.

2018-12-23 12:51:30

The final bosses are easier in my opinion.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2018-12-23 17:47:51

I've heard that using the kicker shoes to kick a crystal at the system can do a ton of damage to it.

2018-12-23 21:40:10

I thought you couldn't get kicker shoes until you beat normal. Is that not true?

2018-12-23 22:35:22

No, you can't get kicker shoes until you beat Legend of Aion mode. The crystals you kick with them do over 2 billion damage, hence the high medal requirement.

2018-12-23 23:16:35

LOL then I guess I am screwed and stuck in normal mode forever. Unless, of course, someone else wants to beat it for me!

2018-12-23 23:41:42

Or unless you find a strategy that works. Trust me. I've been where you are, and it's very doable, especially with the cat spear, which I didn't have, btw. But yeah, the kicker shoes can't be gotten till you've beaten the hardest difficulty.

The issue with neutering the game is that although you personally don't have a problem with it, if you allowed it (as a developer, I mean) then most people will abuse it and the game loses much of its difficulty. As I said, cats already do this to some extent. You have to be quick and accurate in tougher boss fights, but it's quite doable.

And yeah, I concur. The final bosses in 25.5, if you are patient and a bit careful and maybe a bit lucky, are child's play. Even more so if you have the megaton hammer and don't stay on the ground. I only die under two sets of circumstances in that level. first, if I get teleported by Massacred Souls or whatever, and land on the ground near enough to the Life Burner or bloody Extinguisher that I get destroyed. And second, if I get greedy and try hanging out around height 6 or so when both Life Burner and Bloody Extinguisher are close. I believe it's possible to be hit at that height from specific attacks they have. Oh also, the battery; that thing is probably your biggest actual threat if you stay up top.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-12-24 00:12:48

Shields are your friend. I did it with the triple yoyo. It was tricky but by no means impossible.


2018-12-24 00:41:52

Which shild is good for dificulty hard the missile in stage 22 doing like 50000 damage and my defend master was blow up in one hit

2018-12-24 02:19:17

It's funny, the biocontrol system is much harder the first playthrough compared to the 25.5 bosses.  However, for a good long while until something really high leveled, the 25.5 bosses are more difficult as it's difficult to cheese 5 bosses compared to one with stuff like the snake chain, omega shooter (the upper stuff in 25.5 have high bullet defense) and etc.

     But yeah, my advice is to keep moving so you have a headstart if stuff like the stun lightning storm heads your way, and to close into the boss faster to get to damaging.  Energy balls are nice when the boss stays in range for it, and most of the times if you're quick and close, you can jump past the boss right as the sound is made where it is about to attack.  You'll be at the other side and it'll be firing something the wrong way...unless it's the electric whip thing that goes both directions.  On normal that attack is pretty survivable if you get hit once, so block the next hit at your floor, attack fast, jump or block, and etc.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2018-12-24 11:19:43

LOL I still think allowoing people to choose how difficult they want a game to be is a good idea. I mean, who cares if they abuse it or not. Wouldn't that be on the person abusing it, not the developer? I sure wish cats could kill biocontrol. That is one boss where they simply don't have any affect. YOu can hear them clawing at it, but it still stays at 100%. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional.

2018-12-25 01:05:45

I wonder if I sent someone a copy of my save file they could try and beat the stupid bio thing and see if they can with what I have. Maybe I am just doing something wrong. There is absolutely nothing going for me in that level.

2018-12-25 02:00:15

Dropbox it. I bet I could do it. I can't record myself doing it though.

And I bet the cat thing is intentional, too.

As far as making the game too easy/too hard/whatever? Okay, by your logic, a person should have a folder of cheats which could, say, give you 1 million health, or make it so cameras are blind, or make it spo the player can move at 10x speed for as long as they want. By your logic, we should be able to make the game as easy as we want to in the interest of the pursuit of fun.
Virtually no games, mainstream otherwise, offer a legitimate way to do this outside of cheating. Some will give you easter eggs that make the game easier (this is where, say, the cat spear or triple yoyo come in) but there is still some difficulty there.
I don't know if you've watched Liam's playthrough, but the water master literally allowed him to spray the BCS and kill it in about three seconds flat, as I recall. He killed each of the final bosses in approximately the same time. That weapon is very, very, very powerful. To make it available around stage 18 of normal is a truly game-wrecking balance decision. There is no challenge left. You just hold space bar and annihilate whatever gets too close. I can't really see how that's fun.
What's more, on much higher difficulties, over-reliance on a given weapon may in fact lead to disadvantages that make you redo your whole strategy. Trust me. I've done this. I tried using the triple yo-yo on the BCS and it took for. freaking. ever. Then I switched to the hammer and really wailed on it. I think what I actually went with was the acrobat pistol (non-upgraded), and that was a lot more hits at a lot less damage. Cat spear would've made that fight much easier. Point is, if you get too reliant on the "win button", and then it stops working, you'll get upset all over again because the game suddenly got too hard. Again, I know how that feels because I've been there. Almost never use triple yoyo anymore for precisely that reason. So this was a bit of a ramble, the point of which was to say that there are very good reasons not to have the water master available in normal mode. Me, I'd put it in very hard or so (as in, you have to beat very hard, and then you can use it). I feel like the dev may have overcorrected just a bit.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-12-25 02:42:18

If you Dropbox it, I can make a recording.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2018-12-25 03:03:07

OK Blind Ninja, let's do that. Can I email you the public link? As to Jade, yes, I think that is my logic, and I like that logic a lot. To me, beating things up and winning is much more fun than struggling to do it. In Manamon, for instance, I often like to go to the Amica Woods, which have level 4 or so encounters, and beat them when I'm at say level 50. It's just fricken fun.

2018-12-25 03:41:31

I mean whatever works, lol I personally would've just posted it here, but sure, email would work.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2018-12-25 03:58:37

OK, emailed it to you. Thank you kind sir!

2018-12-25 04:26:07

zuckuss wrote:

OK, emailed it to you. Thank you kind sir!

you remind me of  hades .the boss of the gate
okay.about the game easier or not
I don’t see the Bayeau control system very hard to defeat .
use a speed drink and use the triple yoyo
I see it the best way to beat the game

2018-12-25 04:26:40

Yeah...no. Just no. I won't fight in a level 4 area with level 50s. That's just a waste of time. You don't even get train points from that, I don't think. I will definitely slum (fight stuff weaker than me) but I at least want some benefit out of it. Taking an electric type to the outside of Tangeria Tower, for instance...they just wreck there because most manamon are electric weak in that zone.

I'm still going to have to figure out how in the heck to record myself doing playthroughs. I'd like to do that one day.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1