1,261 Best audio (code) library for C?

by TextAdventurer

1,263 nsis vs inno setup

by bhanuponguru

1,264 Quorum Studio 2.0 - Accessible Scene Editing

by stefika ( Pages 1 2 3 )

1,269 learning bgt with open source games

by blindLightning ( Pages 1 2 )

1,271 Making a case for Autoit

by kjsisco

1,273 music for games

by Diego

1,275 Visual studio and NVDA

by vojvoda

1,277 am I learning in the wrong way?

by Sage_Lancaster

1,280 ADRIFT 5.0 Is Now Open Source

by zenothrax

1,282 deleted

by matt1211

1,285 IOS Development

by TJ.Breitenfeldt

1,287 how to convert c++ to pyd

by bhanuponguru

1,289 why do most people choose python?

by Sage_Lancaster ( Pages 1 2 )